• Configure BPM Suite used MS SQL and set unicode for task

    I have two problem: 1.     I try config BPM Suite used SQL Server 2016 (jdbc: sqljdbc4-2.0.jar , hibernate.dialect, datasource), everything is OK, site no problem, but i look in server.log and hav...
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    last modified by huyrong
  • Configure BPM Suite 6.4 with postgreSQL

    I installed bpm suite v6.4 default with h2 successful. When i configure with postgreSQL(9.5), every thing is OK, so when i create project, form, business process, so i build and deploy, i have error: Caused by: org.p...
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    last modified by huyrong
  • Consuming a wsdl/web service in jbpm

    Hi everybody! I have been trying to get my hands on experience with jbpm and I have a necessity that I need to consume a webservice which takes multiple parameters and returns a double value. I have tried the followin...
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    last modified by ashwinner6
  • JBPM on Hive/Hbase

    Hi,      We have built a webapp on Java, Spring, Hibernate and Oracle. We have integrated JBPM as well. We are looking at making the application work on NoSql (Hive/Hbase). Please let me know if J...
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    created by esakki.sundar
  • Displaying ProcessInstance using BPMN2 Modeler

    Hi everyone, I have first to explain my goal. I'm currently working on an Eclipse RCP application where I've integrated BPMN2 Modeler and JBPM 6.5.0 in order to display and execute bpmn processes. At this point, the ...
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    last modified by mehdibrun
  • jbpm gateway loop problem

    java.lang.StackOverflowError at org.jbpm.workflow.instance.impl.NodeInstanceImpl.<init>(NodeInstanceImpl.java:60) at org.jbpm.workflow.instance.node.ActionNodeInstance.<init>(ActionNodeInstance.java:31...
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    created by chobk
  • Unable to fetch process instance diagram on KIE server

    I need to display the process instance image diagram in a custom UI. I am trying to fetch process instance image using the KIE server api as mentioned in the article below, Accelerate your business: jBPM UI extensi...
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    last modified by sandesh.jp
  • how to use "per process instance" runtime strategy with Jbpm 6.4 in spring framework

    Dear All,   I have a business process with multi instance human task subprocess. Basically, it is leave approval process where one or many person may be involve to approve an employee leave. Here employee apply...
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    created by lkpatel
  • Creating a repository of custom Java components in JBPM is not working correctly

    What I'm trying to do sounds simple: - Create a repository of java components that can be used in a workflow.   Creating the repository and loading the new components works nicely! here is the content of MyWork...
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    last modified by leonv-1
  • JBPM Rest API

    I am trying to get the responses in JSON instead of XML.   Even when  specify application/json in header the response is returned in XML !!!! What am I missing ? Does it mean we have to always convert...
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    last modified by achad
  • Accesing variables from parent process instance

    Is there a way to access (read and write) process variables from the parent process instance in a custom work item handler? I mean without declaring them as input / output data.
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    last modified by abullor
  • change bpms datasource connection

    Greetings, How do you change the jBPM data source connection from the BPMS schema owner to a user with only the minimal privileges necessary to perform CRUD (DML) database operations? Seems like if I create the datab...
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    last modified by awrigh08
  • How do you change user task form styles globally in jBPM 6.2?

    I'm unable to identify how to change the styles of jBPM user task forms other than by plugging in CSS styles for individual fields (labels or content). (Even then, the documentation does explain where the CSS definiti...
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    created by blbuteau
  • Customizing "Groups" property for "Human Task" workitem in jBPM Designer

    Hi all,   Is there any way to customize the "groups" property for human task workitem in jBPM Designer (6.2.0 Final)? I want to do it in order to convert that property into a Selectbox with some values retrieved...
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    last modified by jizuzqui
  • [BPMS] kie workbench does not work behind of nginx reverse proxy

    I successfully setup BPMS on EAP 6.4 and can access it via port 8086 (login, import 'Evaluation' demo, and start process instance, check status, etc.), which means it's functional working. then i tried to setup nginx...
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    last modified by pokpitch
  • BPMS Rest Call to get Running Process instances

    Hi all,   I am using BPMS SUITE 6.1     I am trying to create a process(process 1) which start looking at another process(process 2) status/state(1 or 2) using REST API just after staring the "proce...
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    last modified by biswajit.sarkar
  • Issue with Liferay portal while logged into JBPM Suite

    Hello,   I am having issues with my liferay portal instance to refresh to homepage when i sign out while i am logged into the JBPM Suite that i have located on one of my liferay portlets. When I log out of lifer...
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    last modified by michael.wilkins
  • set content to a task API JBPM 6.2

    I need to change the content of a task remotely, I have tried to do through the java API but haven't the necessary command. Someone knows any form without intervening database. I tried to do with InternalTaskService ...
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    created by retsuchan
  • GenericCommand..is not an accepted command!

    I'm trying to run a GenericCommand from a remote session via JMS and get the following error:   Servlet.service () for servlet javax.ws.rs.core.Application Threw exception: org.jboss.resteasy.spi.UnhandledExcept...
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    last modified by retsuchan
  • direct assignment

    Hi, I'm integrating a workflow with a private web application, and I need skip the "start task phase", ie directly assign the task owner and not a potential owner.   appreciate your help.
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    last modified by retsuchan