• Data Virtualization failure preview data

    Hi   I run Ubuntu 14.04 and I would like to try JBoss Data Virtualization.   I download the JBoss Data Virtualization 6.1.0.GA (http://www.jboss.org/download-manager/file/jboss-dv-installer-6.1.0.redhat-3....
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    last modified by dbadba
  • Re: Client Server Jboss Datavirt with Teiid : no connexion to Teiid instance from Eclipse

    I am getting same issue, can any of you create a step by step guide, starting from create a defult server?     <interfaces>         <interface name="management"&...
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    last modified by allenyu6
  • Data preview from Teradata: Unable to get managed connection for java

    While viewing the data from the teradata table. I am getting the below error.   select * from "TD_Generic_JDBC"."BDC_BUS_ORG_BILLG_MTHLY"   org.teiid.runtime.client.TeiidClientException: java.lang.RuntimeE...
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    last modified by firojpanda
  • sysdate does not work

    Hi,   im doing query from teiid connection that has sysdate function, but it resend error   Remote org.teiid.api.exception.query.QueryResolverException: TEIID31118 Element "sysdate" is not defined by any r...
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    last modified by mohd.adli.azaddin.samat
  • issues intalling data visualizer

    i am trying to install data visualizer getting below error.  i have a case open but wondering if anyone else had issue   "outcome" => "failed", "failure-description" => "JBAS014749: Operation handl...
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    last modified by eiserae
  • How to uninstall Jboss data virtualization right?

    I am a new learner about the Jboss data virtualization.   when I tried to install the  Jboss data virtualization, I want to do the install after a uninstall . By searching solutions from the Internet ,I...
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    last modified by suifengzhewxb
  • password recovery

    I forgot my password to log in JDV. How to recovery my password.
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    last modified by andreramospinto
  • What is the CI/CD model for this capability

    We are trying to understand with respect to Teiid and Data  Virtualization the best approach that will provide us with closest approximation of Continuous Improvement and Continuous Deployment for our Virtual Dat...
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    last modified by cb11
  • Whats benefits from using teiid?

    Hi. What benefits will I get from using teiid compared with a simple application with JNDI? Sorry if I ask what the obvious
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    last modified by d.orlov
  • Client Server Jboss Datavirt with Teiid : no connexion to Teiid instance from Eclipse

    Hi, Having experience on data processing and warehousing as well as *nix environments, I'm quite new on Jboss Datavirt. I deployed a Jboss ecosystem on a Centos Server. Running in standalone. Almost fine except tei...
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    last modified by vince_fr
  • Lineage Feature for enterprise VDB.

    Can Teiid DV provide End to End Lineage throughout multi-level VDB solution?  It has been proposed that we can modularize our Enterprise VDB by referencing other VDBs and would like to know if the Teiid have capa...
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    last modified by cb11
  • IndexMetadataRepository instead of IndexMetadataFactory

    To obtain runtime metadata from vdb while writing test cases, we have a translation utility in our project. We use VDBMetadataFactory class with teiid-metadata-7.4.1.jar. It has class IndexMetadataFactory class, which...
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    last modified by sanjay_chaturvedi
  • Integrate Jboss data virtualization layer with RDB2RDF tools and Apache JENA

    Can we integrate any of the RDB2RDF tools with VDBs generated with Teiid designer. We are using data sources such as DB2, Teradata etc and objective is to create a symbolic layer on top of abstarct layer. while resear...
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    last modified by smohapatra1984
  • What's the difference between JBoss DV and Teiid

    I am using Teiid Runtime 8.8 to build a Teiid Runtime Server, when I want to change to use JBoss DV, it seems like these is only a jar installer and its installing way is by graphical interface. this jar installer wil...
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    last modified by lxjsj
  • RedHat version of DV - Issue

    I am trying to move Model Project from Community Edition of JBoss Platform to RedHat distribution. I used jboss-dv-installer 6.0. When I tried to use the designer to Preview or Execute - Both failed. Here is the log I...
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    last modified by pramod_bs
  • SQL script doesn't get pushed down to Aster Teradata data source

    ENV'NT Aster Teradata cluster (ATC)  <-->  JBoss DV with Dev Studio & Teiid (JDV)   <--> dbVisualizer (dbVis) All of the above, anmely ATC, JDV and dbVis reside on different serve...
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    last modified by stavroskalamat
  • Error importing Rest Web Service Source

    Hello all - I am trying to import Rest Web Service data source. This Rest web service sends a simple JSON response. After I create REST Web Service source, I get error message:   "Parse Error: The markup in the...
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    last modified by jjaideep2000
  • Teiid version on Jboss server not same as installed runtime

    I'm testing out Teiid runtime 8.9.1 and am wondering why the JBoss server management overview is showing the Teiid version as "+ Teiid 8.7"?  I can deploy vdb's without issue but am seeing an error "This VDB was ...
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    last modified by lmann99
  • Teiid: cannot create materialized view for table

    Hi. everybody!   I'm using Teiid 8.8.1 and trying to enable caching for DB table via Teiid materialized view feature. I've got table t_currency (list of available currencies) in PostgreSQL DB and I want to put i...
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    last modified by tomcat77
  • Using jBoss Data Virtualization platform

    Hi,   I am fairly new to the entire jBoss middleware suite.   I am working on an application in which I am looking to connect to disparate data sources. To save time, I am looking to implement some data vi...
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    last modified by prabodh1987