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Thread Wildfly/JBoss Dev Studio/Drools pom.properties not found
Wildfly/JBoss Dev Studio/Drools pom.properties not foundHi, Using Wildfly 8.1 plus JBoss DeveloperStudio 7.1.1 I'm trying to deploy a Drools based application from Eclipse. 2014-08-12 11:21:41,939 ERROR [org.drools.compiler.kie.builder.impl.ClasspathKieProj...
Quickstart fails with jboss-eap-6.2I am trying to run cluster-ha-singleton. followed the steps to start two instances of jboss (jboss-eap-6.2), I have also pasted the settings.xml in .m2 directory and when I run following command I get these errors. ...
Thread JBoss BPM Suite 6 and JBoss Developer Studio repository git
JBoss BPM Suite 6 and JBoss Developer Studio repository gitHello! Sorry for my english. HELP!!! I have a server, JBOSS BPM SUITE installed in a server with Windows 2012, I am now around trying to replicate the repository "jposs bpmsuite" my "jboss developer s...
Thread JBoss Developer does not seem to transition across JDK versions 7--8
JBoss Developer does not seem to transition across JDK versions 7--8Well this might be fixed ... But I just had an Old version of JBoss Developer on my Ubuntu Linux that I was working with in Java JDK 7, and I upgraded my Java to JDK 8u11 and the whole JBoss Developer installation j...
jbpm6 work theorywho can tell me the jbpm work theory? i want to know it very much, now i only write some simple demo to access this process. but i don't know it is how to run, what is work theory, when a application start, what do it...
Error while deployingHi, i am trying to deploy a project, but i receive the following error: [INFO] BUILD FAILURE [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Total time: 12.890s [INFO]...
NTLM in TeiidHi I want to use NTLM based authentication using jdbc connector in teiid. I'm using JBDS 7 with Teiid Designer 8.4. i have downloaded Microsoft JDBC Driver 4.0 for SQL Server" fromhttp://www.microsoft.com/en-us...
Thread Permission denied Error after deploying to Openshift using JBoss
Permission denied Error after deploying to Openshift using JBossWe have an application that needs to communicate with some governmental web services using a SSL connection. When running on develop environment (locally) it works perfectly, but when we deploy to OpenShift ant try t...
Thread External Jar File and OpenShift with Developer Studio
External Jar File and OpenShift with Developer StudioI am attempting to bring a java application that I had previously created into JBoss Developer Studio and OpenShift. I know how to add external jar files into Eclipse, but I am not sure on the steps tha...
Thread JPA Entities from Table with error generating entities
JPA Entities from Table with error generating entitiesI am using JBoss Development Studio Version: 8.0.0.Beta1 that comes with Dali Java Persistence Tools - JPA Support 3.4.0.v201401221940-7V7dEpFC7sReAYthMgWBL39c7 When I try to generate entities from tables I ge...
deploying ejb2.1 beans in wildfly8.1.0when a session bean(2.1) is to be deployed , i had given in jboss-ejb3.xml <?xml version="1.1" encoding="UTF-8"?> <jboss:ejb-jar xmlns:jboss="http://www.jboss.com/xml/ns/javaee" ...
Thread jboss developer studio / switchyard with maven-tycho
jboss developer studio / switchyard with maven-tychoI am trying to run the switchyard camel-jpa quickstart with maven tycho… with limited success until now... I allready did the following steps: converting the maven-project (switchyard-quickstart-camel-jpa-b...
Thread Error 404 on Java Servlet Project. Open-Shift
Error 404 on Java Servlet Project. Open-ShiftHey Comunity, I have written a little Serverlet. At the moment its pretty much empty. But i want to test the rouge code. And simple sites. But even this empty project got a problem. Everytime i try to start i...
Change password in existing data sourceHi there, I need to change a password in an existing data source. This data source is used to connect to an MySQL Database. Unfortunatly, the password has been encrypted in the xml-file and I do not know how t...
NTLM in TeiidI want to use NTLM based authentication using jdbc connector in Teiid. I have tried to create a connecton to Database using: 1. Create Teiid Model Project-> Source ->Import->JDBC Connection 2. I see a feature...
Composite key joins in hibernateI am using hibernate to persist two tables,`Project` and `Department`. `Department` table has a composite primary key `DeptCompID`. @Embeddable ...
Thread Infinispan example code for entry based locking
Infinispan example code for entry based lockingHi, I am new to infinispan. I am trying to use infinispan database with multiple writers and readers. I need help on the following: 1. Sample code that shows how to acquire locks on records in distributed mode. Also...
jBOSS Developer Studio Installation IssuesHi, The first steps say : Procedure 3.1. Install with the Universal Installer Log into the Customer Portal at https://access.redhat.com. From the menu bar click Downloads. Under Red Hat JBoss Middleware, cl...
example codeHi, I started using JBoss Developer Studio (bpm 6), i have to develop a small process using service tasks, sub task, getways, business rules user task and one timer ..., and i'm looking for some e...