• Email alerts upon exceptions in JBOSS server log file

    Hi there,   We want to setup email alerts in JBOSS upon exception in the JBOSS server log file. Is there any way of doing this in the new EAP 7.0? Our environment is Windows Server 2008/2012.   Thanks, ...
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  • How we can configure multiple HTTP ports in Jboss standalone ?

    Hi All,   I have a small requirement, I am looking to run & access my applications with different port in standalone environment. Is it possible ?   Let say :   I have configured Jboss EAP 6.4 in...
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    last modified by nurubhas
  • What's the point? :)

    Hi all,   Following on from my earlier message, regarding inconsistencies with JBoss 6 and MQ 8, using Resource Adapter 7.0. I'm wondering if there is anyone out there technically able and friendly enough to ans...
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    last modified by speedco
  • Unexpected behaviour with JBoss 6.3 and WebSphere MQ 8.0 Adapter

    Good morning, can anyone help me?   I'm working for a client that has JBoss EAP 6.3 implemented, communicating with MQ 8.0 using the MQ Resource Adapter. MDB's are configured:   @ResourceAdapter("wmq.jmsra....
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    last modified by speedco
  • host controller was not able to connect Domain controller After install the SSL in Management console.

    Hi All,   I have faced small issue in my Jboss EAP environment, After configuring SSL for Management console.   I have two VM'S (RHE Linux 6.4).names as   1) Server1.example.com 2) Server2.example.c...
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    last modified by nurubhas
  • JBOSS and LDAP.

    I am trying to configure JBOSS to authenticate against (use) an external LDAP Server. Can anyone point me to some proper instructions and example standalone.xml?   Thanks in advance,   Peter.
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    last modified by pechand
  • Loading Spring Module in JBoss EAP through Apache CXF module

    I have a question regardind behavior JBoss EAP has when loading static modules.   In particular, my question is that what happens when I need Apache CXF to use in my webapp and integrate it with Spring, and I ha...
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    last modified by sergiopolog
  • JBoss eap 5.0 disable SSL2/3

    Hello   I am using JBoss eap 5.0 and using jdk 1.6 I can't upgrade of all now. Is it possible disable to SSL2 and 3 ? already  server.xml configuration setting done. but it doesn't work. how can I do? &...
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    last modified by skylah
  • Problem loading XML namespace from CXF module and custom Spring module

    Hi,   I'm trying to deploy a webapp to JBoss EAP 6.4 that uses Apache CXF to create a client to consume a WebService, and Spring 3.2.18   Webapp is packaged in a war file, and then in a ear file, following...
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    last modified by sergiopolog
  • JBAS014771: Services with missing/unavailable dependencies" => ["jboss.deployment.unit.\"gtm-ws-0.0.2-SNAPSHOT.war\".component.JmsAvailableJobsExecutor.CREATE is missing [jboss.ra.hornetq-ra]"],

    Hi,      I am migrating my application from Websphere to jboss eap 6.4. I was able to configure the datasource and connection factories. Am getting this error while trying to deploy the applicatio...
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    last modified by jeslinedias
  • IJ020060 - Unable to deploy resource archive - Migrating from Jboss 4.2 to 7.0

    Unable to deploy Resource Archive (kodo-jdo.rar) file. Kodo is persistence framework used by our application.   StackTrace: [org.jboss.msc.service.fail] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 5) MSC000001: Failed to sta...
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    last modified by samk12
  • JBoss EAP 7 undertow front end dynamic load balancing to backend - Issue

    I have been facing the following issue setting up undertow dynamic load balancing on my virtual box using centos 7.3 and using redhat eap 7.   Host1=eap-lb.com(It uses host-slave.xml using domain.xml as startup)...
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    last modified by helper1000
  • jboss eap 7 load balancing and infinispan

    Hi all and thanks in advance for any help.   I have the problem with session persistent on two instances with profile full-ha in load balancing and udp configuration with mod_cluster, the instances started on tw...
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    last modified by perob_99
  • Jboss EAP 7 rewrite pattern

    Hi I am trying to use below rewrite pattern -   <virtual-server name="default-host" enable-welcome-root="false">                ...
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  • JNDI reference to JMS queue not working

    Running JBoss eap 7.  Have a queue setup as follows below.  I am trying to get the @reference to be the same under jboss and WLS.   in standalone-full.xml:         &...
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    last modified by lamikam2
  • Configuring JBOSS6.4.13 for HTTP1.0

    Hi   I am trying to configure my JBOSS6.4.13 for HTTP1.0. As we migrated from WAS to JBOSS, one of our consumer are expecting response from our webservice in HTTP1.0. I tried following:   1.Editied standal...
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    last modified by asthatulsi
  • JBOSS EAP 7.0 does not recognize the jdbc driver "postgresql-9.4.1212.jar"

    JBOSS EAP 7.0 does not recognize the jdbc driver "postgresql-9.4.1212.jar" which is in the following path: "C: \ JBOSS \ EAP-7.0.0 \ modules \ system \ layers \ base \ org \ postgresql \ main" , I'm accessing PostgreS...
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    last modified by marcosps
  • Dynamic Configuration of jboss-ejb-client.xml for cluster usage

    Hello,   We build a Java EE application which is distributed to our customers. Depending the desired deployment environment it is possible that our application is deployed on a cluster with 2, 4, 7 ... nodes. O...
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    last modified by jan.swaelens
  • AMQ222106: Replacing incomplete LargeMessage

    Running an app on EAP 7. We have an MDB that persists messaged to a db table.  See standalone-full config attachment.  When I run a load test with jmeter, and set# threads to 3 or more, I quickly get this er...
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    created by lamikam2
  • BASIC web authentication in domain configuration for JBoss EAP7

    Hi,   I am trying to configure BASIC authentication for access to an application deployed in JBoss EAP7 in domain mode. I have made the following configurations:   1. Added the following lines in <appli...
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    last modified by asif8782