• Connection string for Sql to connect using windows autentication

    Hi team, I want a connection url to connect to sql db using the windows service account that is to connect using windows authentication through AD.Please help in the same . Currently we are able to connect using sql...
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    created by devashish008
  • Listen on multiple addresses (but not all)

    Hi   Is it possible to make JBoss (EAP 6.3.3) listen some services on multiple address? My server has many interfaces: backend, management, service, backup and storage. I have configured JBoss to make all traffi...
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    last modified by okelet
  • deploy custom jee module to management interface in EAP 6.x

    Hi all, I am trying to find some documentation but after a lot of RTFM'ing I decided to post this question here hoping in the community support.   As of the subject I am trying to deploy a module to the managem...
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    last modified by giuseppe.galli
  • Caused by: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: trusted certificate entries are not password-protected

    Hello to all !   I use JBoss EAP 6.4.0 and I have successfully setup LDAP-connection to MS Active Directory (port 389) for both http-management and jboss-cli.sh.  LDAP-authentication works fine.  But...
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    last modified by tkulibaev
  • Need Help: Jboss EAP 6.4 AD Authentication for the management console and other things....

    Hi All,   I am having an awful time wrapping my head around how to configure Jboss EAP 6.4 to authenticate to AD for access to the management console. I've found the examples and etc in the forums and in the doc...
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    last modified by fgallagher
  • How to give refernce of external files in a web application in JBoss?

    Hi there   I am developing a web application using Jboss and there are a lot of Images that I have saved in a external Web Server.   I want to configure that external resources with some pseudo folder in m...
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    created by rogersands
  • Clustering in JBoss 6.2 EAP

    Hi All,   Can any one provide me link/documentation re JBoss clustering in windows server. I have Apache as an web server in front of JBoss. How can i balance load and avoid fail-over. Please advice.   T...
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    last modified by sreekanth.munarai
  • Sending Messages from Standalone JMS Client Program To JBOSS EAP6.1 AS

    Hi,   I am getting below exception while trying to send messages from Standalone JMS Client Program To JBOSS EAP6.1 AS.   Can you please help me to resolve this issue.       javax.naming.Co...
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    last modified by aruntmca
  • Bug in JBoss Base64Encoder?

    Hi, I am developing a web application with authentication based in JAAS.  I have used used JBoss EAP for deployment and testing. The following is the security domain configuration <security-domain name="myr...
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    created by mnvasanth
  • Red Hat JBoss Vulnerability - Clarification

    Hello eveyone, We have a customer who is using JBOSS 5.1.0 GA for the app server. We have received news on Application Vulnerability known as Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform Bugs Let Remote Users Obtain...
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    last modified by rks_86

    Dear All,   Can you please help me on below error   When I restart the server application is working fine , but after a day its throwing an error message as below.   EAP 6.2 OS- RHEL 5.7 JDK 1.7&#...
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    last modified by kushtcs
  • Liferay jboss : Handle 500 exception

    Enviorment: liferay 6.2 App server: jboss     I am trying to display the custom error message whenever the 500 exception i.e internal server error occurs. Below are setting available in web.xml   &...
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    created by maheshnarke
  • Yubico OTP and JBoss EAP 6 or Wildfly 8

    Yubico key (https://www.yubico.com/) is a really smart key to get a strong authentication to login into your e-account (e-bank, web mail, etc...). Even if an hacker can intercept password, he can't re use it to login ...
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    last modified by gautric
  • Two Factor Authen. (2FA) w/ Yubico OTP and JBoss EAP 6 or Wildfly 8

    Yubico key (https://www.yubico.com/) is a really smart key to get a strong authentication to login into your e-account (e-bank, web mail, etc...). Several e-companies includes/are including this features to login. &...
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    last modified by gautric
  • web subsystem configuration using JBoss cli

    Hi All,   I'm working on configuring the web subsystem on JBoss EAP 6.3. Here, I'm supposed to configure "Webconnector Maximum Threads", "Webconnector accept count" and "Webconnector connection timeout". I'm abl...
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    last modified by srikanthm
  • How to connect JBoss eap server with a Ldap server

    Hi, I am trying to secure a web appli using JAVA EE with LDAP. I am a begginer and I have done that :   The ldap server is running as a windows service with ApacheDS here is his ldif :   I connect to thi...
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    last modified by mnems
  • Jboss EAP 6.3 data source password encryption - vault mechanism

    I have created vault and trying to start the server but getting error. Why this error comes and how can i resolve this? If there is any reference please let me know. Thanks in advance   My requirement is to encr...
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    last modified by josephsekar
  • SSLException Received Fatal Alert

    I am attempting to integrate as a HTTPS Web Service client running on JBOSS EAP 6.1, Apache CXF 3, JDK 1.7 and I keep getting this error. I've created my keystore and truststore. It doesn't appear I have things config...
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    created by dmattrm
  • Obtain certificate from secured remote JMX connection

    Hi Guys,   English isn’t my first language, so please excuse any mistakes.   I work as a Application administrator where my applications use JBoss AS7, EAP 6.X, etc . I try to better understand JBoss...
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    created by petob
  • Can we use static node discovery protocol with udp multicast in jgroups clustering?

    Hi, We have to setup JBoss EAP 6.1.0.Alpha in a clustered environment in our production. On testing we found that if we use udp multicast protocol in jgroups communication, the default node discovery protocol used is...
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    last modified by pallavi.kushwaha