• Jboss EAP Remote EJB invoke transaction

    Hi all , in my company we are using Wildfly 8 , 10 and we are migrating to EAP7 using technologies EJB, JPA, WS, Activemq etc.   In this moment we are developing a couple of apps, but i have a particular problem...
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    last modified by erwin.etchart
  • License and support cost for Jboss eap version 5.0/6.x/7.x

    Hi All,   Plz help me in getting the information on the above.
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    last modified by kalyanmiddleware
  • Looking for some property in JBOSS similar to Weblogic (-Dweblogic.alternateTypesDirectory)

    Hi,   We are migrating from Weblogic to JBoss and there are some java standalone programs which are executed by passing some values to java.         java cp test.java -Dweblogic.alterna...
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    last modified by sridhar.rao.muslay
  • Swagger integration with CXF Jax-rs services for EAP 6.4.5

    Hi, I have developed jax-rs services using Out of the Box cxf jars (2.7.17 ported with EAP 6.4.5 installation). Now I am trying to generate documentation of my services. I am trying for swagger integration. However I...
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    last modified by kotak25krishna
  • SaltStack-based JBoss Cluster Mgmt via Pillar-driven Orchestration of Standalone Servers

    GITHUB REPO  GitHub - kucerarichard/SaltedJBoss: SaltStack-based JBoss Cluster Mgmt via Pillar-driven Orchestration of Standalone Ser…   GOAL  The goal of SaltedJBoss is to create an ergonomica...
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  • How to enable JMX console for JBOSS EAP 6.4.0 ???

    I need to collect the thread dumps for my application since it is running slow . need help for enabling JMX console  for JBOSS EAP 6.4.0      Thanks
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    last modified by princeanurag2011
  • war module dependence

    JBoss_Enterprise_Application_Platform/6.4/html/Development_Guide 3.2. Add an Explicit Module Dependency to a Deployment   According to the above, A JAR module can depend on a war module?   For example, a ...
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    last modified by slieer
  • JBoss.org history query

    Hi All,   I got encounter with an data-source error in JBoss EAP 6.2 recently in new set-up, i had the same issue earlier(one year ago) which been resolved with the help of this community/folks. i was trying to ...
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    last modified by sreekanth.munarai
  • Intermittent connection error - Connection timed out - mysql

    Hi,      We are using mysql(5.1.73), jBoss EAP 6.2 and Java. Application works fine in Development without error, but in production, we get below error. Say around 5-10% of connections are failing...
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    last modified by harsha.g
  • JBoss messaging client with jndi is failing after initial ssl handshake

    Hello Colleagues,   I created standalone jms client to connect to JBoss eap 6.4 with tlsv1.2. The connection with java 7 and 8 is successful. Now i imported the code in our application for development purposes i...
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    last modified by tihomir91
  • JBoss eap 6.4 how to enable sslv2/3

    Hello Colleagues,   I am using JBoss eap 6.4 and my standalone jms client is sending sslv2 hello message and it is rejected by the server. I am able to run the client with higher java, but it is requirement for ...
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    last modified by tihomir91
  • Rotating the console.log file within JBoss EAP 6

    Hello   Environment: JBoss EAP 6.0.1.GA Red Hat 6.5 Standalone and domain installations   Issue: I can not rotate the file console.log without restarting JBoss.   Detail: I am using JBoss EAP 6.0.1.G...
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    last modified by s2budd
  • Unable to run SpringMVC REST web services on JBOSS EAP 6.3.0 without any web xml?

    I tried running the following SPRING MVC webservices on TOMCAT 7 and it was working fine !!! When I tried running it on JBOSS , there is no response I'm getting 404 Error..   How to resolve this????   H...
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    created by princeanurag2011
  • how to resolve JBOSS EAP 6.3.0 Performance Issue??

    We are running the JBOSS EAP 6.3.0 GA server in our local system ,when we hit the url , pages are loading very slow. Our Webpages have 5-10 ajax requests for querying the back-end data in Tables.. If i open our app...
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    last modified by princeanurag2011
  • how to resolve JBOSS EAP 6.3.3 oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CConnection cannot be cast to oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection ???

    oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CConnection cannot be cast to oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection   at oracle.sql.ArrayDescriptor.createDescriptor(ArrayDescriptor.java:105) [ojdbc6.jar:]   at oracle.sql.ArrayDescr...
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    last modified by princeanurag2011
  • Unable to access KIE-WB after successful deployment

    I am using Red Hat JBoss EAP 6.2.4.GA. Succesfully deployed 'kie-drools-wb-distribution-wars-6.1.0.Final-jboss-as7.0.war' file. Verified the log,which says Succesfully deployed. 03:55:32,546 INFO  [org.jboss.as...
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    last modified by shiv.narayan
  • JTA transaction timeout

    What is the purpose of JTA transaction timeout in JBOSS EAP ? How we can configure this in EAP sever ?
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    last modified by naga_b
  • how to set the transaction timeout at JBOSS level

    We are using a Jboss-eap-6.2. Our requirement is to set the timeout at the JBOSS level.   From UI we are calling a SOAP service which is deployed on jboss eap, That SOAP service logic internally calls multiple...
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    last modified by naga_b
  • What BOMs to use when developing applications for EAP 6.3.0

    I'm attempting to migrate a J2EE application to EAP 6.3.0 and use as much of the native EAP stack as possible, including Hibernate, JMS, JBossWS, the servlet API, and also using most of the Spring framework. I want to...
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    last modified by nathan.clark
  • jboss 6.4 eap not supporting jsf 2.1.28

    please help....................
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    last modified by sourav.sahoo