• maven jboss as plugin deploy app - JBAS012144 - Conn Timed out

    I am working on a fairly simple maven deploy task and running into an issue.  Below is the xml for the deploy.  Would appreciate help!   Error: java.net.ConnectException: JBAS012144: Could not connect...
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    last modified by vincesam30
  • [ERROR Connection] ava.sql.SQLException: Connection is not associated with a managed connection.org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.jdk6.WrappedConnectionJDK6

    Hi people,   I have this problem when get my pool connection of the JBoss EAP 6. My Pool already configure with parameters Min: 5 and Max:20  but error continue. Has anyone experienced this problem?  ...
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    last modified by jonascavalcantineto
  • java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/jboss/as/protocol/ProtocolTimeoutHandler

    I am trying to deploy a war from jenkins to JBOSS EAP 7 via wildfly deployer plugin. I added all jboss-as-cli jars to /Jenkins/WEB-INF/lib folder. But I am getting following error. FATAL: org/jboss/as/protocol/Protoc...
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    last modified by sampath.kovuri
  • How to get default work Manager in JBOSS EAP 6.4,  Not able to locate through MBeanServerLocator

    Hi,   We are migrating from JBOSS 4.2.3 eap to JBOSS 6.4 eap and we facing issue to geting Default WorkManager of JBOSS while creating beans.   Please find below related details,   We are getting wor...
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    last modified by cpillai
  • Jython cli connect failure

    Hi,   Has anyone successfully used jython to connect to CLI? The cli.connect() fails no matter which overloaded method i use ! The simplest, no arg method also doesn't work for me, i get below...   >>...
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    last modified by gnik9
  • HornetQ live and backup on the same server.

    I am trying to setup a 2 live/backup configuration.       So on VM1, I have 1 JBoss that is supposed to run a HornetQ Live server and a Backup server serving a Live server on another JBoss(another VM...
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    last modified by ijunaidsubhani
  • HornetQ :: Timed out waiting to receive initial broadcast from cluster

    I have 2 VMs, each having its own JBoss running.   I am trying to send a notification message to the nodes individually but am getting the follown ERROR back. 2016-07-18 18:25:45.248 [ ERROR ] [ com.ericsson.c...
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    last modified by ijunaidsubhani
  • Migrating to JBOSS 6.4.8 EAP - JMS - IBM MQ 7.5 - MDP deployment issue

    I am trying to migrate my MDP from JBoss 5.0.0 to Jboss EAP 6.4.8. My application uses Spring JMS 3.1.1 and IBM MQ. Below is my resource adapter configuration     <resource-adapter id="wmq.jmsra.rar">...
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    last modified by cmani08
  • Picketlink - Propagate security context to ejb layer

    Hi, I am using Picketlink on EAP 6.4.0 for my app which consists of web apps and ejbs. I am able to successfully log using sso and my principle (security context) is set in the web tier (servlet). My servlet calls a...
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    created by imef2k-1
  • Jboss 6.4 addConnectionEventListener

    Hi I am trying to commit transaction (if auto commit is off) before closing connection and I wonder if it is possible using addConnectionEventListener (close event) from java code .. This is because application doe...
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    last modified by svenkat4
  • RestEasy Skeleton Key - Propagating Principal amongst tiers broken?

    Hi I am using RestEasy Skeleton Key on EAP 6.4.0 platform for Authentication/SSO  In my application which consists of servlets and EJB's.   I notice that after logging in via  web app the Principal is ...
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    created by imef2k-1
  • Jboss EAP 4.3 RHEL Issue (Log attached) -

    Hi,   Here is my Jboss Log, Please help me to find the exact issue. Thank You. ============================================================================================================================= at j...
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    last modified by kepe
  • NoSuchmethod error EAP 6.4.0 - RestEasy Skeleton Key

    Hi, I get the following error when running my application on EAP 6.4.0 unpdated with RestEasy 3.0.0Final in order to use the RestEasy Skeleton key library for REST api Token provisioning/authentication.  Can any...
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    last modified by imef2k-1
  • JBAS011446: Failed to add persistence unit service for applicataionPersistenceUnit

    Hi,      When I try to start my application, I get below error. I don't have any persistence.xml in my application. I'm not sure from where Jboss is reading persistence.xml . Could you please help...
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    last modified by esakki.sundar
  • Issues with freezing when opening multiple javascript files (Macbook Pro)

    I was wondering if anyone has run into issues when editing multiple javascript files within JBoss. My JBoss cpu usage jumps to 650% when editing more than 3 js files.
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    last modified by joshdecosta
  • Could not deploy web application with jbpm to Jboss EAP 6.1.0

    Hi,     I'm trying to deploy a web application which has JBPM built in. This war file when deployed to Tomcat works fine. However when I try to deploy to Jboss EAP 6.1.0, I get below error. I am attach...
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    last modified by esakki.sundar
  • Code migration from EAP 5 to EAP 7

    I am migrating application code from JBoss EAP 5 to EAP 7. I have an issue while deploying my EAR, complaining about JAXB loading   Caused by: com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.IllegalAnnotationsException: 189 counts ...
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    last modified by prabahard
  • Domain mode - CLI hangs during deploy operation on multiple servers

    Hi , I am working on Wildfly10.0.0.CR4 on HP/UX . When I deploy a war file , CLI hangs and deployment is not completed on all servers(4 in my case) On further analysis, method retrievePreparedOperation() in Concurre...
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    last modified by priya_asthana15
  • Jboss EAP Remote EJB invoke transaction

    Hi all , in my company we are using Wildfly 8 , 10 and we are migrating to EAP7 using technologies EJB, JPA, WS, Activemq etc.   In this moment we are developing a couple of apps, but i have a particular problem...
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    last modified by erwin.etchart
  • Eclipse remote server connection not working but jboss-cli.sh does

    Hi All   I'm having a issue where I can't connect to a remote JBoss EAP server via Eclipse.   The jboss cli client works with my configuration and I can also access the management console which proves the ...
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    last modified by ianwatson