• Looking for some property in JBOSS similar to Weblogic (-Dweblogic.alternateTypesDirectory)

    Hi,   We are migrating from Weblogic to JBoss and there are some java standalone programs which are executed by passing some values to java.         java cp test.java -Dweblogic.alterna...
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    last modified by sridhar.rao.muslay
  • External JNDI Lookup Exception in EAP 6.4

    See following details: The code snippet below results in exception "Failed to define class com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapURL in Module "org.jboss.genericjms.provider"   I checked and found this sun-jndi-ldap.jar within...
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    last modified by tp4746
  • Where is class javax.security.auth.Subject?

    Hi there, We migrated an application from WAS to JBOSS. when running the application within jboss-eap-6.4, it displays the following exception:   java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/security/auth/Subject  ...
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    last modified by ttian
  • JBoss EJB to WebSphere EJB

    I'm on a WebSphere to JBoss migration project. Does anyone have any experience connecting to an EJB running in another server (like WebSphere) from a JBoss EJB? I need to know what should be in the InitialContext and ...
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    last modified by iampowers
  • EJB References in Web App and Won't Deploy Unless EJB References Are Available

    I am on a WebSphere to JBoss migration project. We have a web application (call it WEB_A) that has EJB references to another EAR (call it EJB_B) deployed in the same server. WEB_A needs to be deployed before EJB_B to ...
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    last modified by iampowers
  • How to programatically create a JMS Queue in a Clustered Environment

    Currently we are working on moving our application from a standalone configuration to a domain / clustered configuration.   Our client app is Swing based, and talks to various EJBs in JBoss..   At the poin...
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    last modified by seniorteaboy
  • JBoss cluster SaslException (works fine using ManagementRealm, but clustering fails using ApplicationRealm)

    I'm trying to get our application working under a JBoss EAP 6.4 domain / clustered config..   We have a standalone client, communicating with EJBs running on two separate JBoss nodes, which are configured as par...
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    last modified by seniorteaboy
  • quartz 2.2.1+jboss EAP 6.4 ClassNotFoundException oracle.sql.BLOB

    I'm trying to build a quartz scheduler ejb app and have it deployed on JBOSS EAP 6.4. Additionally, I'm trying to do so using quartz JDBC jobstore using an Oracle 11g database. Now, the problem is that whenever I try ...
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    last modified by amr.abd-el-ghaffar
  • Issue with JMS in clustering servers

    Recently we have upgraded our application from Jboss 6.1 to 6.4. But we are getting JMS exception while starting the server.   10:00:10,526 INFO  [stdout] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 111) PCEServer.JMSMon...
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    last modified by manmayeesenapati
  • Can't start jboss EAP 6.3 as a service, failed to startup in the time allotted error

    Hello,   I have configured jboss EAP 6.3 as a service but can't start jboss. Getting the below error.   The below is run from /etc/init.d directory ./jboss-as-standalone.sh start jboss-as failed to start...
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    last modified by ashis12ka4
  • Strange behaviour of the facility value by using syslog/tcp

    Hi, I want to send all my JBoss log information to a sylog-ng server, by using tcp.   I found the following redhat solution: https://access.redhat.com/solutions/1119893   So I implement that in a simple ...
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    last modified by volker_zeihs
  • WAR Model Deployment

    because one war module can dependence another war module. My project has 10 war package, there is a dependency between them. This way of packing, whether to recommend?
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    last modified by slieer
  • jboss-as-maven-plugin changing deployment folder

    I'm using jboss-as-maven-plugin to deploy an application to my local JBoss EAP 6.1+ server using the following code: <plugin> <groupId>org.jboss.as.plugins</groupId> <artifactId>jboss-as-ma...
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    last modified by carcaret
  • Swagger integration with CXF Jax-rs services for EAP 6.4.5

    Hi, I have developed jax-rs services using Out of the Box cxf jars (2.7.17 ported with EAP 6.4.5 installation). Now I am trying to generate documentation of my services. I am trying for swagger integration. However I...
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    last modified by kotak25krishna
  • EAP 6 dependency from a WAR to an adjacent EJB module

    I am migrating some old dirty project to EAP6, and I'm struggling with classpath issues.   My situation is quite classical, as I have the following EAR structure: app.ear /lib *.jar my.ejb1.jar my.ejb2.jar my.w...
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    last modified by roinou
  • Mission Control setup in EAP 6.4 creates log manager error

    I'm brand new to JBoss EAP. Just installed 6.4 and it comes up fine in standalone mode. I want to monitor remotely using Mission Control, which means adding the following java options:   -Dcom.sun.management.jm...
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    last modified by raye
  • JCache annotations not working on constructors annotated with @Inject

    Hello all,   when we tried to switch from a hand writtten caching layer to JSR 107 compliant annotation-driven caching we encountered a serious problem: We started at the quickstart provided here: infinispan-qu...
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    created by tsukasa
  • When does JBoss destroy stateless ejb instances?

    Hi, if i'am right, in my case the instances of stateless ejb's are created during phases of high load, until reaching max-pool-size. It seems that these instances stay in bean pool forerver, even if they are not use...
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    last modified by henrikdeluxe
  • SSL Certificate Import and configuration for JBoss

    Hello,   I am fairly new to the JBoss configuration and I have been asked to import a certificate into the JBoss App server. Based on what I have read around on the forums I think I did what was necessary but we...
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    last modified by bhagat.ali
  • Deploy war with multiple @webservice annotated classes

    I would like to deploy a war file that contains multiple @webservice annotated classes, but to only activate one webservice endpoint (per war).   Is it possible to disable the automatic annotation scanning and u...
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    last modified by mike.smith37