• How to configure Infinispan for PicketLink?

    Hi,   We are trying to implement SSO with using picketlink in JBoss EAP 7.0.3.GA . We have configured following security-domain: <security-domain name="idp">   <authentication>   <log...
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    last modified by simotuokko
  • Remote access to cache memory of JBoss EAP 6.2

    Hello community, I need your help, I have a JBoss EAP 6.2 server and I need to enter its cache memory remotely from another JBoss EAP 6.2 server, can you guide me how can I do it?
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    last modified by linderlpl
  • Leaking XNIO WorkerThreads when JMX RemotingConnector.connect fails

    We have an application that uses JMX to monitor JBoss application servers. If the user misconfigures the JMX service URL or the JBoss server is down then we see two XNIO WorkThreads get created and left running after ...
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    last modified by brittlevy
  • JBAS018733: Failed to process phase PARSE of deployment - Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException

    Hello Everyone,   I am getting "JBAS018733: Failed to process phase PARSE of deployment - Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException" error while deploying ear file. Could anyone please us to resolve this issue?&...
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    last modified by bgundubi
  • nofile (max no. of open Files) configuration for JBoss in Linux

    Hi,   I am new to linux, facing some issues with no of open file channels in an enterprise application running in jboss eap 6.2 . Currently to increase the maximum limit, nofile configuration is set in limits.c...
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    last modified by pbiswas_jboss_linux
  • EJBCLIENT000025: No EJB receiver available for handling XXX combination for invocation context

    I recently switched from JBoss EAP 6.4.0 to 7.0.0. The server starts up fine, but when I run the client, I'm stuck with this error message: java.lang.IllegalStateException: EJBCLIENT000025: No EJB receiver available ...
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    last modified by bugme
  • Thin I found a bug in the windows installer, where would I report this issue

    Yesterday I downloaded EAP 7 for winodws. when I ran the installer it checks for required component and then locks down. It detects my virtual box, which is 5.1.14 the underneath the fieldset it says: " Red Hat Conta...
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    last modified by ctmattice
  • Cannot access added as module jdbc postgres jar - WildFly 10.1

    I have postgres jdbc driver configured as module in Wildfly 10.1. What I am trying to do, is to use that driver as dependency in application that will be deployed on the server. In application, I mark this dependency ...
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    last modified by drzeyan
  • Failed to boot JBoss in jboss-conf-5.1.0.GA

    Hi all,   I am having an issue while trying to start my java application(OPE1_0).It stucks in initializing state and never be running.. I have downloaded jboss-conf-5.1.0.GA.zip and deployed to the server. I ha...
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    last modified by enginyakar
  • weld.weldClassIntrospector is missing

    I am migrating a WLS app to EAP 7.0.  I have looked at the quick-starts, other similar posts, but still cannot resolve.  I am deploying an EAR file with several support jars, and an EJB project. I am getti...
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    last modified by lamikam2
  • JBoss EAP 6.4.5 and Saxparser 1.0

    Hi   Is there anyway to ensure JBoss uses Saxparser 1.0 for my deployed war and not give following exception?   I have provided all the classpath jars in modules and set dependency to module in jboss-depl...
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    last modified by hementhacker
  • Jboss 5.1 to Jboss 7.2.0 migration

    Dear Jboss gurus!   We are in the midst of a migration from Jboss 5.1 EJB 2.x to Jboss 7.2.0 EJB 3.x. Having a tough time migrating 2.x ejbs to 3.x ejbs, dealing with remote jndi names and config xmls etc.. ...
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    last modified by dominijoseph
  • Bean Managed transaction, commit issue is getting delayed

    Hello All,   We are using Jboss 6.1.0 final on Suse 12 with Sybase 15.5 (On some sites) and 16 (On some sites) as the database. Also, we are using JConnect 16 with sybase.   By default, we are switching...
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    last modified by manu29585
  • JBoss Monitoring in Nagios

    Hi,   I have looking around for a viable plugin to monitor JBoss in Nagios (with or without NRPE). So far I have not found any viable solutions and wondering if anyone has recommendations?   Thank you
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    last modified by jrose84
  • ISPN000188: Error while processing a commit in a two-phase transaction in JBoss EAP 6.4.6

    Hello,   I have enabled session replication in my web application. But replication of session is not happening, giving the below error in the logs. Could anyone please help what I am missing?   ERROR [org...
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    last modified by sreela.gopi
  • Jboss eap5.0 not generating heap dump

    Hi Everyone,   I am new to the jboss. We are using jboss  eap5 on Linux OS  and in logs we are getting "An exception or error occurred in the container during the request processing java.lang.OutOfMemo...
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    last modified by mayurdhande007
  • JBoss-EAP 6.4 fails to start due to weld issue

    I have a CDI project which works with weld-core-1.1.10.Final.jar. I have integrated a test project with my project and the test project works with weld-core-2.2.9.Final.jar My build.gradle file is having below weld d...
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    last modified by jaydey
  • TLSv1.1/1.2 not working with JDK7

    Hello,   I have JBoss 3 with jdk1.7.0_85 trying soap call to a third party vendor application where they have enabled all TLS1/1.1/1.2 which they are going to shutdown TLSv1. I have enabled the following in my ...
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    last modified by praneshinjboss
  • Unexplainable missing transactions

    Hello Forum,   I am currently facing a very strange problem regarding transactions respectively a missing Transaction.   My project is a REST service using deltaspike data + jpa for database access.  ...
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    last modified by me-40
  • JMSXAConnectionFactory, JMSXAConnection and JMSSession not being closed after PeriodicRecovery.run completion

    Cheers guys,   We're using Jboss EAP 6.4, with a chain to handle jms messages scenario of:   Jboss EAP 6.4.U12 jbossjts 4.17.38 as transaction manager ironjacamar 1.0.37 as java connector com.stc.jmsjca...
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    last modified by francescodippoliti