• getUsername() of UsernamePasswordLoginModule returns null

    Hi All,   We are migrating/upgrading from Jboss EAP 4.2.0 GA to Jboss EAP 6.3  & facing an issue in the custom login module...   My Login Module extends UsernamePasswordLoginModule & we are tr...
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    last modified by palanivel_nmtg
  • Optional autocommit available?

    Hi,     I have an application which is currently running in glassfish server  with autocommit as true. In some areas my application is explicitly calling connection.commit() and few places no connectio...
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    created by bharath.polanki
  • RESTEasy version in EAP 6.4?

    Hello,   Wondering why the version in EAP 6.4.0 of RESTEasy is 2.3.X and not the more recent 3.0.X?  Secondly, as an enterprise customer, why does your support agreement state:   "Only the RESTEasy v...
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    last modified by themikedshaffer
  • JBoss Certification details

    Hi All,   I want to take JBoss Application Server Administration certification. Can any one please provide link/docs related to dumps and can advice how can i proceed with the exam. Please shed some light on ho...
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    last modified by sreekanth.munarai
  • property files used in runtime

    We are upgrading our application using EAP 6.4.0.  We would like to know where should we place all the property files which are used in runtime.  As in JBoss 7.1, we put all the property files in the NX-runt...
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    last modified by lilylove2shop
  • Connection string for Sql to connect using windows autentication

    Hi team, I want a connection url to connect to sql db using the windows service account that is to connect using windows authentication through AD.Please help in the same . Currently we are able to connect using sql...
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    created by devashish008
  • Starting jboss-as: chown: missing operand after `/var/run/jboss-as' Try `chown --help' for more information.[  OK  ] [deva21@rhel6 init.d]$

    HI team , I am starting jboss as service i am getting this error now i have given full permission to directory but till getting t his error.As well as the jboss is not starting up.Please help me get this isssue fixes...
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    last modified by devashish008
  • Remote EJB call from EAR to EAR using database login module

    Hello, we are upgrading some of our systems from JBoss EAP 5.2 to EAP 6.4. We have two different EAR applications deployed on different servers. One of the applications (EAR A) does remote EJB calls to the other (EAR ...
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    last modified by christian-sandborg
  • MBean dependencies while migrating from JBoss AS5 to JBoss EAP6.4

    Hi All,   We have a few MBeans in our application which need to be migrated to JBoss EAP6.4 from JBoss AS5.   I have moved the classes into a module, added it as dependency in the service archive jboss-dep...
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    last modified by adam_ar
  • java.lang.LinkageError:org/hibernate/validator/ValidationMessages

    Hello, I am migration my application to the below technology,I am getting the error message while accessing my application in the browser. I have attached the error message log also. Really I am struck with this pr...
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    last modified by sivaprasad9394
  • Sending Messages from Standalone JMS Client Program To JBOSS EAP6.1 AS

    Hi,   I am getting below exception while trying to send messages from Standalone JMS Client Program To JBOSS EAP6.1 AS.   Can you please help me to resolve this issue.       javax.naming.Co...
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    last modified by aruntmca
  • Logging Issue

    Hi All,   Been trying to change logging directory from inside Standalone folder to out of the JBoss directory. I have changed the path in standalone.xml file for the server.log to the new path. But encounterin...
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    last modified by sreekanth.munarai
  • EAP 5.2.0 can't start up with the binding offset option

    Discription: I intend to upgrade to EAP 5.2.0,but I tested in local envirement, EAP 5.2.0 couldn't start up when using binding offset,for examle -Djboss.service.binding.set=ports-01. Start command:run.bat -Djboss.se...
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    last modified by zhouqikun
  • Need the JBOSS EAP-6.3.3 and as-7.4

    Hi All,   I am new to this discussion forum, Actually I am looking for the jboss EAP-6.3.3 and JBOSS AS-7.4. As per the current downloads page it says only Jboss EAP-6.3 GA is available.   Can somebody ple...
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    last modified by sriram474
  • Transaction handling between two remote jboss eap 6.2 servers

    All,   I need to know whether starting a transaction on node1 and then doing work on node 2 with remote ejb calls from node 1 wrapped under a UserTransaction is possible or not. As of now What Im seeing is below...
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    last modified by abajwa
  • Where can i get the source code for jboss-client.jar for jboss eap 6.2

    I am working on an applications where i'm having some issue with transactions where I get the message for Illegal State exception. I wanted to actually have a look at the source code for the jboss-client.jar
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    last modified by abajwa
  • How to upgrade one ejb inside an ear

    hi, i have an ear with many ejbs inside it. These should never be stopped because client applications can't stop working. If I have to upgrade only on ejb (maybe adding some remote method), it is possibile to upgrade...
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    last modified by superalex
  • Jboss migration from EAP 6.2 to 6.3

    Hello,   The last few days i try to solve a strange problem. I have created a war file and i have deployed it on EAP 6.2 without any problem. I have tested for a while and all are working correctly. Then i tri...
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    created by geopapa
  • Resource scoping in JBoss EAP

    Hi Experts,   I need your help in understanding how to define resource scoping in JBoss EAP. For example, in WebSphere when we define Queue Connection Factory we can select the scope at which it will be availabl...
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    last modified by srikanthm
  • Jboss EAP 6.3 and multiThreading

    Hello Everybody,   We are migrating one of our multi thread web application which us running in other application server to the Jboss EAP 6.3.x .   Below are some question which we need some suggestions fo...
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    last modified by arvindakula