• EAP 7 : Error during deployment

    Hi dear developer,   I have an error when i deploy my application with Jenkins  using the following command :   jboss-cli-client.jar --connect --controller=***.***.***.***:9990 --user=******* --passwo...
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    last modified by aacy
  • Missing dependencies

    Hi! I have started learning JavaEE but I have problems when i try to use CDI. I have tried doing examples from video tutorials and even downloading examples (in which i have changed only libraries i.e. jre1.75 to 1.8...
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    last modified by jonsh
  • JNDI reference to JMS queue not working

    Running JBoss eap 7.  Have a queue setup as follows below.  I am trying to get the @reference to be the same under jboss and WLS.   in standalone-full.xml:         &...
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    last modified by lamikam2
  • How to get LDAP error code on Login error

    I'm developing a new application on Jboss EAP 7. In order to perform the login it needs to connet to LDAP. I configured in my standalone.xml the login module "LdapExtended" and in the application web.xml the form aut...
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    last modified by giugallo
  • Configuring JBOSS6.4.13 for HTTP1.0

    Hi   I am trying to configure my JBOSS6.4.13 for HTTP1.0. As we migrated from WAS to JBOSS, one of our consumer are expecting response from our webservice in HTTP1.0. I tried following:   1.Editied standal...
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    last modified by asthatulsi
  • MIgrate AS 6 to EAP 7 - Deploying an EAR

    HI   I am having difficulty referencing an ear file after I have deployed it in EAP 7.  I have no deployment errors but when I try to access the the ear /beans through the URL I get a 404 error.  In th...
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    last modified by andyrus
  • JBoss-provided module exclusion

    Hi, I am having trouble loading specific version of some jar when deploying my WAR in JBoss EAP 6.4 I'm trying to force jboss to use my jackson jar version adding jboss-deployment-structure.xml in order to prevent...
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    last modified by sgr57
  • JBOSS EAP 7.0 does not recognize the jdbc driver "postgresql-9.4.1212.jar"

    JBOSS EAP 7.0 does not recognize the jdbc driver "postgresql-9.4.1212.jar" which is in the following path: "C: \ JBOSS \ EAP-7.0.0 \ modules \ system \ layers \ base \ org \ postgresql \ main" , I'm accessing PostgreS...
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    last modified by marcosps
  • Problem with load balancing in JBOSS EAP 7.0

    I have a jboss 7 eap u4 in domain mode configuration on  linux environment. I try to configure two server (name: REST-server-1 , REST-server-2) in cluster in load balancing with a server (name:bl-server) like fro...
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    last modified by aldair
  • Jboss 4.3 Vulnerability Issues

    Hi,     Our Application is deployed in Jboss 4.3. Recently we are getting the below Security Issues. We will not be able to upgrade the version of Jboss. Can you please suggest a possible fix for these iden...
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    last modified by mohanavraghavan1
  • LDAPS error

    I have been porting a working app over from WebSphere 7 to JBoss EAP 7.  I have the most of the thing working now after facing and overcoming many challenges.  Now, as I promote this app up in our environmen...
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    last modified by swarsa
  • Dynamic Configuration of jboss-ejb-client.xml for cluster usage

    Hello,   We build a Java EE application which is distributed to our customers. Depending the desired deployment environment it is possible that our application is deployed on a cluster with 2, 4, 7 ... nodes. O...
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    last modified by jan.swaelens
  • problem loading dependent jars in jboss7

    We are having a problem with jars that depend on other jars. This error is showing up in the log:   Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/io/IOUtils     at org.apache.commo...
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    last modified by arch9745
  • AMQ222106: Replacing incomplete LargeMessage

    Running an app on EAP 7. We have an MDB that persists messaged to a db table.  See standalone-full config attachment.  When I run a load test with jmeter, and set# threads to 3 or more, I quickly get this er...
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    created by lamikam2
  • BASIC web authentication in domain configuration for JBoss EAP7

    Hi,   I am trying to configure BASIC authentication for access to an application deployed in JBoss EAP7 in domain mode. I have made the following configurations:   1. Added the following lines in <appli...
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    last modified by asif8782
  • WorkManagers in EAP 6.4

    I have defined several work managers in JBOSS 6.4 through the Admin Console.  I keep getting a naming exception when I try to Enable the application.  I cant find any reason for this to be the case as I foll...
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    last modified by peternikolatos
  • ERROR ConnectionPool.initConnectionCache: Io exception: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection

    hi,   I have a jboss 3.2.7 running for a very old legacy application and recently we had to upgrade the DB to 12c. I have pointed the JDBC to new listener after the server restart i am seeing below exception in ...
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    last modified by ramya2017
  • Error initializing endpoint: java.net.BindException: Address already in use

    Hi there,   I'm exploring how to migrate a product from Jboss 5 to Jboss 7 (and ultimately on to the latest vision of Wildfly)   After my migration I'm getting ERROR [org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol]...
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    last modified by transferim
  • JBWEB000069: description JBWEB000124: The requested resource is not available

    I deployed a war file on jboss eap 6.3.0 (The war file has been deployed successfully without errors). When i try to access the application i get the below error.   JBWEB000309: type JBWEB000067: Status report ...
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    last modified by bhagat
  • EAP 6.4 - way to see the date/time an application was deployed via the web console?

    Running EAP 6.4 in standalone mode, using the web console to deploy applications instead of the deployment folder.  Is there a way to see the last date/time an application was deployed, or at least the date/time ...
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    last modified by rayh