• Exception code: 0xc0000005 ntdll.dll stopping wildfly service

    Hi All,   I'm getting the following error in the Windows Application Log when stopping wildfly as service. This is happening on Windows 7 and on 2012R2   Faulting application name: wildfly-service.exe, ver...
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  • JBoss slow with NAKACK warning

    Recently our JBoss servers slowed down and were not responding to requests.  We checked the logs and found the a number of the following warning:     The workaround we did was to restart the affected...
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    last modified by sistic
  • start and stop of jboss in standalone mode using non root user ask for user name  and password.Authenticating against security realm: ManagementRealm

    I am trying to implement  sudo access to the host and give them access to stop and start the jboss script using cli in Solaris environment. .. but i can do it using jboss id . Matching Defaults entries for xxxx&...
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    last modified by jamal_arif
  • JMX issue when deploying application

    I have followed all recommendations, guidelines etc. but when I place my .dodeploy files in the Deployments folder, nothing occurs.   Log files contain no updates or references when I post the updated files. ...
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    last modified by medical_1234
  • how to apply patch jboss eap 6.2  ?

    I'm not able to apply the jboss-eap-6.2.2.zip patch in jboss eap 6.2, is giving the following errors:   [root@jbosseap bin]# ./jboss-cli.sh -c --controller= [domain@ /] patch --h...
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    last modified by efcunha
  • Failed to create JDBC connection for jboss EAP 7

    configured the non-xa datasources for Oracle RAC 12c Connection URL: jdbc:oracle:thin:@MCPHOST01-scan.sccb.local:1545:SITTEST.sccb.local   module.xml file: <?xml version="1.0" ?> <module xmlns="ur...
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    last modified by hemaananthi
  • After patching EAP 6.4.9 to 6.4.13 we have a class loading issue

    We patched our JBoss EAP 6.4.9 to 6.4.13. Our application (.ear) uses the OSLC4J library which is Apache Wink based. Therefore we excluded javaee.api via jboss-deployment-structure.xml:   <?xml version="1.0" ...
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    last modified by peter_schmid
  • What is the duration of InUseCount??

    Hello everybody,                    I'm using Jboss Eap 6.4, and I would like to know:         ...
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    last modified by nandows
  • getting error when started jboss service.

    19:44:51,935 ERROR [org.jboss.as.server] (Controller Boot Thread) JBAS015956: Caught exception during boot: org.jboss.as.controller.persistence.ConfigurationPersistenceException: JBAS014676: Failed to parse configurat...
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    last modified by rohanpatil
  • How we can provide EAP Console Monitoring access to application team for Monitor the EAP Domain

    Hi All,   I have a requirement, I am running EAP instances in 4 Boxes as horizantal cluster setup & I have hosted Multiple applications on 4 Host instances.   Currently... I am looking to give the EAP ...
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    created by nurubhas
  • How to use "corbaloc" to lookup cluster server and failover in EAP 7

    Hi,   I can use EAP 7 and lookup by "corbaloc" with cluster URL to get EJB bean, however, it always lookup first server.  Also, if I shutdown first server, client cannot lookup second one and throw connecti...
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    last modified by francong2000
  • Deploying application properties in a JBoss EAP 6 domain environment?

    I'm not a JBoss application engineer and not a Java programmer, either. I'm dealing with JBoss and Tomcat Middleware from a System Engineering perspective.   We are operating large JBoss Domain environments for ...
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  • How to sent client id for Hornetq server to display in jconsole

    I have an hornetQ server with queues, multiple clients are connecting to server, when i observed the connections in jconsole, cient connection names are with some random UUId, instead i want to put the client name. &#...
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    created by dukechandu
  • JAX-RS Support in EJB Jar Project

    Hi All!  I know this may be a silly question however I am adding functionality to an existing project so I was trying to leave things as simple and similar as possible, e.g. it's a EJB Module project with EAR and...
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    last modified by jasonglass
  • JBoss EAP7 skips servlet filters in web.xml

    We are migrating an old application. We had to use Jdeveloper and Jboss server. We have build the application on JDeveloper 12c and then created a war file by creating a profile. Later we deployed this war file in JBo...
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  • Messaging subsystem connectionfactory not available when an application starts

    Dear All, I have an switchyard application which connects to hornetQ using camel JMS component.   When i restart the server the applications connecting to hornetQ fails to start.But when i redeploy the applicat...
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    last modified by ravi21588
  • JBoss - How to set and get war/ear file version and date of build details from Jboss server using CLI?

    Hi there,   I have been looking options, to get the version number of the .war or .ear file deployed on jboss server. Also date of build and any other essential information.   At present the CLI only retur...
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    last modified by helper1000
  • Problem between JBoss and Tapestry during migration

    Hello!   Following this thread :  https://developer.jboss.org/thread/274884 where I got great help by ehugonnet to help me deploy my applications on JBoss EAP7 which were previously working on tomEE. I cur...
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    last modified by getgolfedkid
  • EJB Configuration in JBoss 6.4

    1. What is the max value for EJB bean pool in JBoos 6.4? By default its 20. How can i set max value and Tread pool value? We are migrating our application from Weblogic to JBoos. In weblogic we observed Max Bean pool ...
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    last modified by mail2karthik2
  • Deploy maven with jboss

    Hi,   i have a maven web project developed with Hibernate 4.3.5.Final and Spring 4.3.7.RELEASE. i want to run this project with Jboss EAP-6.4.0 i added the datasource in the file standalone.xml    &...
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    last modified by akanzari