• Connection pooling in Fuse ESB

    Fuse ESB Enterprise 7.1.0 PostgreSQL 9.2   I use tomcat jdbc pool with spring JdbcTemplate in my fuse esb applications for work with postgresql database. I publish connection pool as datasource service in osgi ...
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    last modified by paul.h
  • Camel doesn't recognize faults as exceptions

    I've encountered a very strange problem with Fuse ESB 7.1.0: when a cxf endpoint produces a fault, then this fault doesn't look like an exception, so I can't process it using doCatch construction. The cxf endpoint is...
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    last modified by alexander.durnev
  • fabric container not being deleted

    Hi   I seem to be having a problem when deleting a fabric container. After executing the container-delete command the container is no longer listed within container-list as expected. However trying to recreate...
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    last modified by mcox
  • Provisioning agent's repository searching order causing delay

    I'm using Fuse Fabric ESB Enterprise to create child containers and deploy application on these containers. I have modified   org.fusesource.fabric.agent/org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.repositories properties with my...
  • fuse-esb-full 7.1 and Pax-Exam

    Hi,   I am working off Fuse Enterprise 7.1.0.fuse-047. I had been using paxexam-karaf for integration testing till 7.0* versions of Fuse Enterprise. Now I am not able to test with 7.1 version as I use the fuse-...
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    last modified by arun.parihar
  • Fabric profiles/containers and specifying local repository

    Hi   I am unable to get fabric container install features from a non-default local repository, I have tried modifying with following three different PIDs but none has been of any help   fabric:profile-edit...
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    last modified by arun.parihar
  • Does FuseESB has Governance Registry (service registry)?

    Hi,   I would like to use the "service registry" concept (example: UDDI) for discovery at run time the endpoint of the service. I would like that Camel makes a query to the registry to get the physical endpoint...
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    last modified by rcarotenuto
  • What can you do with Fuse Fabric?

    Can someone give me a no-nonsense explanation of what you can actually do with Fuse Fabric? What is it's purpose/power? I cannot find any real-life usecases that qualify Fabric. So far I am missing the point and don't...
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    last modified by rachel_o
  • jpa-hibernate and JPA2?

    Hi,   Now that FUSE is owned by RedHat would it be possible to have the jpa-hibernate feature updated to a more recent version of Hibernate - i.e. a JPA 2 implementation?   It seems strange for a RedHat pr...
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    last modified by jasonnh
  • Catching org.apache.cxf.interceptor.Fault: Connection refused

    Hi,   I am having trouble catching the following exception when calling a web service via CXF: org.apache.cxf.interceptor.Fault: Connection refused   Here is what I do: I have my route and from there I c...
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    last modified by osltops
  • Error when using camel-imaps endpoints.

    i want to read mail from one email account using imaps and i try it directly forward to another account using smtps endpoints. i attach here with my error.log file.       Edited by: mitesh.patel on Feb...
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  • Jetty InstanceAlreadyExistsException

    Fuse ESB 7.1.0   When I start several web services in karaf I always see in logs next warning:   WARN  | xtenderThread-13 | MBeanContainer          &#...
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    last modified by paul.h
  • how does camel error handling scope work

    Hi,   I am struggling to understand how error handlers work in camel and would appreciate any help.   As an example, below is a camel context with four endpoints (ioExceptionProcessor simply throws an IOEx...
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    last modified by jasonnh
  • direct-vm and CamelBlueprintTestSupport

    Hi,   I've just split a camel context in two and connected them using direct-vm like this:            Now my unit tests on blueprintContext fail randomly (sometimes they...
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    last modified by cheekychops_smithcolina
  • Using maven settings.xml files in child containers

    Is it possible to define each child container to use a maven settings file to resolve repository urls?  I'd like to use the maven password encryption feature of the settings.xml file to hide the password for the ...
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    last modified by wmcdonald
  • Fuse Fabric registry - handling variables/properties

    I understand that I can provide a name and Fuse Fabric registry will serve up an endpoint and that endpoint can change. Good. How can I handle other properties/variables?   For example - client A needs to invok...
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    created by rachel_o
  • Fabric maven proxy: problem with deploying artifacts

    Hi,   I am trying to deploy artifacts to Fabric maven Proxy and am following the doc for Fabric Maven Proxy: http://fuse.fusesource.org/fabric/docs/fabric-maven-proxy.html   I am not able to use maven dep...
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    last modified by arun.parihar
  • hawtio fabric plugin

    Hi,   I have got hawtio (version 1.0-20130212.033531-19) working with both fabric root container and child containers in FUSE 7.1.0.  It looks great.   However, does anybody know how to enable the fab...
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    last modified by jasonnh
  • Connection pooling for XADataSource

    Hi all   I'm accessing a SQLServer database from FuseESB. To better the performance I want to use a connection pool. I have found a connection pool that can handle XAConnection, the Tomcat jdbc pool (successor o...
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    last modified by daniel.zweifel
  • Has anyone performed automated testing of an ESB route?

    Hi all, I would like to perform some automated testing of my Fuse ESB routes, using some stubs. Likelihood is we will not properly integrate to back end systems until the last minute, but need to ensure the interface...
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    created by rachel_o