• content of the body is not transforming well in the routes and throwing exc

    We recently upgraded to FUSE ESB Enterprise Version from old version apache-servicemix-4.4.1-fuse-01-13 to a new version fuse-esb-7.1.0.fuse-047 in our UAT that causing the issue guessing with the changes below:  ...
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    last modified by amseshu
  • Deploy feature into fabric: feature's start-level attribute is ignored

    Hi,   Maybe a bug: I have set the start-level attribute in my feature to '80' and every time I deploy it into a fabric container all my bundles have a start-level value of '60'. If I deploy the same feature i...
  • Import of a fabric profile doesn't correctly register it's parent.

    Importing of a fabric profile doesn't register it's parent correcty unless an import is done on the root level in the fabric registry. The scenarios below are done in Fuse Fabric 7.1.0 running Windows7 with java 7. &#...
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    created by yngve2
  • "Removing/excluding" packages from the system bundle of a fabric container

    I wanted to share my findings on an issue we've been having with sending multipart/alternative MIME messages using a Camel Mail route deployed in a fabric container on Fuse ESB Enterprise 7.1.0.   The issue boil...
  • Question about Fabric containers' provisioning

    Hi, This may not be most right forum to put my question but this is something which blocks me from automated provisioning of Fuse Enterprise ESB, so would like to post in here.   I am using features-maven-plugi...
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    last modified by arun.parihar
  • Future of Fuse Fabric

    Hi   Will be Fuse Fabric stiil available as os project hosted on github after Fuse product will be fully rebranded/merged with Redhat JBoss? Will be still possible to install it on vanilla Karaf distribution? &#...
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    last modified by sobkowiak
  • Enable per-bundle logging across all containers in a Fabric?

    We've identified how to enable per-bundle logging from  this Fuse ESB documentation . However, it is stated there that this set of commands is for configuring logging "in a standalone container".   Is there...
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    last modified by komododave
  • jmxmp with FUSE

    Hi,   Is it possible to use JMXMP with FUSE?   I have not had any luck and this post: http://karaf.922171.n3.nabble.com/Using-the-jmxmp-jmx-remote-protocol-in-OSGi-td3298676.html   Suggests it is no...
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    created by jasonnh
  • How to configure jolokia with fabric

    Hi,   I am trying to connect to fabric containers via hawtio but do not know what the jolokia URL should be for each container.   The fabric-jolokia bundle is installed on the containers.  Does anybod...
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    last modified by jasonnh
  • Fabric and NMR

    Hi,   I am trying to understand more about using Fabric to expose and lookup NMR endpoints within the zk registry on Fuse ESB Enterprise 7.1.0.   Is there any further info other than the Fabric documentati...
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    last modified by jrawlings1980
  • When does aries transaction manager close jdbc connection?

    I'm not completely understand how aries transaction manager works in FUSE ESB 7.1.0. I would be glad if someone can explain the following situation.   I use an jdbc XADataSource (org.postgresql.xa.PGXADataSource...
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    created by alexander.durnev
  • Out of VM inter bundle communication options

    Hi,   I am trying to understand more about the various out of VM, inter bundle communication options available when using Fuse ESB Enterprise 7.1.0 and Fabric.   So far I can see that there are the follow...
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    created by jrawlings1980
  • fabric container dependency issues for FUSE 7.1.0

    Hi,   I have 3 profiles that are the same except for one bundle.  The bundles that differ have the same imports (they are small and very similar).   I then have a container for each profile.   W...
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    last modified by jasonnh
  • Fabric Loadbalancing - tries to access inactive container

    Hi,   I have configured load balancing using Fuse Fabric. Here is the list of containers and their description. I have attached blueprint files for client and server.   FuseESB:karaf@mtsha1> fabric:...
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    last modified by pratik_patel
  • Camel CXF Consumer endpoint for http

    Hi,     I am trying to configure a camel cxf consumer endpoint. I just have http URL. But, when i install it in ESB-7.1, I am getting an exception like this: Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Port 819...
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    last modified by jeevankumart
  • Error when start mavan bundle in karaf.

    i am trying to install using following command. osgi:install mvn:com.mil/spring-test/1.1.0-SNAPSHOT Bundle ID: 250 it install successfully. while executing the start it gives the errors. odgi:start 250   i ...
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    last modified by mitesh.patel
  • JAAS Authentication for ActiveMQ in Fabric

    Hi,   I have defined a JAAS Realm for ActiveMQ authentication as follows:     <jaas:config name="myRealm">         <jaas:module className="org.apache.activ...
  • Override jre.properties during the creation of a container in a fabric

    Is it possible to override the etc/jre.properties during the creation of a container, i.e. when you issue the fabric:container-create-child command?   Alternatively, is it possible to specify a etc/custom.proper...
  • why do blueprint beans not allow request scope?

    Hi,   Does anybody know why blueprint beans do not allow the 'request' scope.   Thanks.
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    last modified by jasonnh
  • how do you put an osgi config admin property in a service filter?

    Hi,   I have a service reference declared in a blueprint xml file along the lines of:     .....   <reference id="myname" interface="com.mycompany.MyInterface" filter="(something.xyz=$)" avail...
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    last modified by jasonnh