• Fabric profile: version name not used after version export/import

    Hi,   Another weird thing I just noticed (along with bugs described here https://fusesource.com/forums/thread.jspa?threadID=4591&tstart=0):   From FMC 7.1.0: 1- create a new version, say 1.0-test 2- ...
  • UnsupportedDataTypeException when sending multipart emails with camel-mail

    Hi,   I'm trying to send a multipart/alternative email using the camel-mail component. I have a blueprint with simple camel context of:               ...
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    last modified by fordm_martin.ford
  • Internal data/messaging format of Fuse ESB

    Hi, i am currently reviewing the Fuse ESB.   I was just wondering about what the internal messaging format of Fuse ESB is. According to http://www.ancud.de/Whitepapers/ESB-Vergleich.pdf (p. 14 sorry its in ger...
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    last modified by peaceman
  • karaf commands across multiple fabric containers

    Hi,   Does anybody know if there is a way of doing karaf commands across multiple or all fabric containers at once?   e.g. I tend to do things like the following a lot:   list -l | grep -i <my-com...
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    last modified by jasonnh
  • Fabric bug: profile 'abstract' attribute not saved when exporting profile

    Hi,   Using FMC 7.1.0: 1- create a new profile 2- mark it as 'abstract' 3- export profile 4- open archive: the 'abstract' attribute has not been saved (missing from org.fusesource.fabric.agent.properties fil...
  • Karaf Console - Too many open files error

    While trying to access Karaf console, I sometimes get too many open files error. After getting this error, it does not allow me type anything on the console. What can be the problem?   FuseESB:karaf@mtsha1> c...
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    last modified by pratik_patel
  • Fabric Camel - HA and Load Balancing for camel components

    Hi,   I have tested load balancing feature for jetty using fabric-camel.   I would like to know if I can achieve the load balancing and HA for all apache camel components using fabric-camel?     ...
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    last modified by pratik_patel
  • Receiving "Failed to read artifact descriptor" for a FAB deployed into ESB

    We've deployed a standard JAR as a FAB into a Fuse ESB container running within a Fabric.   We have a custom profile X extending the fuse-esb-full profile. The fabric-bundle feature in installed on X, and we've ...
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    last modified by komododave
  • How to deploy multiple versions of a same OSGi bundle

    Hi,   Can someone please let me know how to install multiple version of a same OSGi bundle?   Thanks, Pratik
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    last modified by pratik_patel
  • Problem injecting a uri option with an @ symbol in the property

    Hi,   I have a property in a blueprint context as below:-       when I check the logs I see a value of:-   uriOption=string%40string   Similarly, if I over-ride the property above wit...
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    created by blandfordj
  • How to reuse blueprint bean declarations across OSGi bundles?

    Hi,   I have a number of bundles all of which have blueprint xml files defining beans and sometimes camel contexts.  Most of them declare activemq beans to define the connection pooling to a fabric discover...
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    last modified by jasonnh
  • Fabric Zookeeper - zxid mismatch error

    Hi,   I executed 'fabric:create --clean root' twice and fuseesb log shows following lines continuously. Can you please let me know what can be the reason? Is the registry corrupted? What can I do to avoid and/of...
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    last modified by pratik_patel
  • MQ Broker group - JMSException - Could not create discovery agent

    We've created our first MQ broker group in a Fabric and are now attempting to send and receive message to/from the brokers. We're going with the default Master-Slave configuration for now.   We have a fabric def...
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    last modified by komododave
  • Fabric Container Provision Status - MultiException while downloading bundle

    Hi,   I am trying load balancing example provided in the link below.   https://github.com/fusesource/fuse/tree/bai_policies/fabric/fabric-examples/fabric-camel-cluster-loadbalancing   After executin...
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    last modified by pratik_patel
  • Error - Zookeeper bundle start

    I am getting following error while deploying one of the bundles using zookeeper service. Can you please let me know what is the problem and how can I fix it?   Error executing command: Error starting bundles: &...
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    last modified by pratik_patel
  • Fabric Container - connect error

    Hi,   After creating a fabric container, when I try to connect to the container, it fails with authentication error.   FuseESB:karaf@root> fabric:container-listr-list      ...
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    last modified by pratik_patel
  • Fabric Container Provisioning Error - SAXParseException

    Hi,   I am trying to create fabric container using Fuse 7.1 on RHEL 5.3. The container was created successfully and provisioning status shows an error.   FuseESB:karaf@root> fabric:container-list  ...
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    last modified by pratik_patel
  • Enabling fabric disables features, osgi, admin, commands

    Hi,   I am using Fuse ESB 7.0 on Windows 7. When I launch Fuse ESB, osgi:list shows around 95 plugins deployed. I can also see the 'features', 'admin', 'fab' and many other commands.   But as soon as I ini...
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    last modified by pratik_patel
  • NamespaceHandlerSupport -  [http:/camel.apache.org/schema/cxf]

    Hi everybody!   I need your help with the problem below. Interestingly container works well in Apache Camel, but when I deploy the ESB error occurs.   org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-extender-war - 1.1.9 | Cou...
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    last modified by eduardoaparecido
  • Redelivery Strategy Question

    Due to the possibility of a target system being down for several hours, I have a redelivery policy on a dead letter channel error handler that looks like this:      <bean id="dlcRedelivery...