• JBoss Fuse ESB -  Proxy for JMS and JDBC

    Hi, I am very new to JBoss community and have very little experience.   I wanted to create a proxy application/workflow using Fuse ESB that takes input from an Active MQ JMS queue, Persist the original message ...
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    created by sajamil
  • How to invoke a rest service from Camel routes

    Thanks Grzegorz This is what i am trying to achieve   1) REST UI http://localhost:9090/route/customerservice/customers/GOOG   2) Calls :http://www.webservicex.net/stockquote.asmx/GetQuote?symbol=RHT ...
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    created by szarekar
  • BundleActivator.start() read a file

    Hello all,   As the subject suggests, I would like to read in configuration files; xml and .properties. If I know the PID can this be done inside my custom BundleActivator.start() ?   Thanks in advance!
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    last modified by aaron.mcgrath.adp
  • Error running camel project - https://github.com/christian-posta/file-rest-blog/blob/master/README.md

    Hi I downloaded the project from gethub   https://github.com/christian-posta/file-rest-blog/blob/master/README.md serviceclass is I tried running the project using two ways - import javax.ws.rs.*; import j...
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    created by szarekar
  • How to Get mulipart-attachment in SOAP Response using CXF ?

    I am trying to get the multi-part attachment in soapui response. Using apache cxf webservices i am reading multipart content from database and sending the attachment as response for the soap request.   I tried u...
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    last modified by niteshjain132
  • CAMEL-FUSE project error

    I am running this sample camel project. however, I am getting below error on camel:run Could you pls help   [ERROR] ************************************* [ERROR] Error occurred while running main from: org.apache...
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    last modified by szarekar
  • what is Jboss FUSE - is it a container or framework ?

    What is the difference between Jboss FUSE and Jboss EAP
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    last modified by szarekar
  • Getting SOAP-Request Headers in Response

    when i invoke a camel cxf endpoint by passing Headers, i get the same headers in response, is there any way to ignore the headers only in response.   This is how i get Headers-   public void processHeade...
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    last modified by niteshjain132
  • How to get the System Environment variable inside camel context

    I have a system variable "JBOSS_FUSE_HOME" and in my camel context i tried this   <camelContext trace="false" id="Camel"  xmlns="http://camel.apache.org/schema/spring"> ..... .....   ...
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    last modified by niteshjain132
  • Please explain me the difference between Jboss FUSE and Apache camel

    when to use and not to use -   Jboss FUSE and Apache camel ?
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    last modified by szarekar
  • Invoke a Route on bundle StartUp

    Server - Jboss Fuse 6.0 Trying to invoke a route when the ApplicationContext is loaded successfully using ApplicationContextAware Interface.   package com.test; import org.apache.camel.CamelContext; import or...
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    last modified by niteshjain132
  • How and where to configure maxIdleTime in camel-websocket component?

    How and where to configure maxIdleTime for camel-websocket component? We are using  JBoss fuse  2.10.0.redhat-60024 version. I want to set the maxIdleTime to never expire like(<=0)   In the documen...
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    last modified by ravibharathii
  • Trying to get ApplicationContext on Bundle Startup

    Scenario: (Fuse 6.0) Trying to invoke a route as soon as an osgi bundle is deployed.   used Bundle Activator, but getting the CamelContext as null, because the BundleActivator class is called before CamelContex...
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    last modified by niteshjain132
  • Unable to change default maximumRedeliveries for ActiveMQ transactions

    Hi,   I've managed to introduce transactions to my camel contexts so that messages are rolled back to ActiveMQ upon exceptions. However, I'm unable to change the maximumRedeliveries from the default 6...I want ...
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    last modified by gustavsinder
  • camel flow type conversion not working for cxf

    am trying to send simple response of a different type for cxf service:   public class SubmitClaimProcessor implements Processor {         @Override     public void proce...
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    last modified by abed.tamimi
  • How can i get SOAP Header in a Processor (exchange)

    Currently trying to access SOAP Headers sent, in a camel processor, tried the this exchange.getIn().getHeaders() but its returning null. does anyone know how do i retrieve SOAP Headers ?   Jboss Fuse 6.0 cam...
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    created by niteshjain132
  • activemq broker not runing in created child containers

    i removed the "full" profile from esb and tried to add it to child container but activemq didn't work on the new child profile and i see below exception repeated on logs:   Exception on start: org.springframewor...
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    last modified by abed.tamimi
  • JBoss Fuse ESB Cluster setup

    Hello Experts,   I am new to JBoss Fuse ESB and exploring the best practices in setting up a cluster of ESB. I also could not understand the usage of Profile and container. When and why do you create a profile a...
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    last modified by dpravin74
  • oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver not found

    Hi,              I am very new to fuse, I am trying to access my Oracle DB getting this issue. I have placed ojdbc jar in the this location \jboss-fuse-6.1.0.re...
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    last modified by gopibalagala
  • org.apache.servicemix.bundles.spring-beans - 3.2.8.RELEASE_1 | Ignored XML validation warning

    Jboss fuse 6.1 is not able to parse bean definition file. I don't understand spring-beans-2.5.xsd already exist in the spring-beans.jar file then why my class file is trying to download it. Please help if anybody has...
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    created by kumrakes9