• Cannot obtain service: io.fabric8.api.FabricComplete

    When I execute this command in fabric me there appears this that can be shell:source mvn:org.jboss.fuse/deployment/1.0/script/install Error executing command: Cannot obtain service: io.fabric8.api.FabricComplete
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  • Custom Exchange property across routes?

    Hi All,   Apologies if this has come up before, but I am not having much luck finding an answer.   I have a need to carry some metadata along with an exchange (across multiple routes and WARs via JMS). I ...
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  • Vaga Parar Trabalhar com JBOSS Fuse

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    created by acacio.cintra
  • Connect Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio to remote host

    Hello all.. I am sure I am missing something simple.. But I am trying to deploy my camel project to a remote host.. I tried to follow instructions found at Red Hat JBoss Fuse - Fuse IDE Tutorials - Deploying a camel...
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    last modified by lobach-1
  • wrong osgi feature version format

    Not sure if this is a fabric problem or a karaf problem. I'm testing with JBoss Fuse 6.3.0 on Windows 10. The video is about 1.5 minutes long. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a2h5AfU71yE In the profile on the containe...
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    last modified by ben.w.friedman
  • Fabric container: Logging to Database

    Hi, i'm trying to set up a Database backend to store logs.   I'm currently using JBoss Fuse 6.2.1.redhat-084 on Fabric Mode. I've created and uploaded a profile with maven. Then, i've imported the org.ops4j.pax...
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    last modified by nicolas.cisco
  • Error executing command: Could not start bundle mvn:org.apache.aries.jpa/org.apache.aries.jpa.container.context/1.0.4 in feature(s) jpa-1.0.2: Activator start error in bundle org.apache.aries.jpa.container.context

    Hi,   I am not able to install below bundles as I am getting this error "Error executing command: Could not start bundle mvn:org.apache.aries.jpa/org.apache.aries.jpa.container.context/1.0.4 in feature(s) jpa-1....
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    created by ashitoshw

    Hello All,   Would anyone be able to give a nice describe on this topic. I used to prefer CAMEL CXF-RS component for ReST implementations. Now familiar with REST component in camel core and it is quite easy to ...
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  • How to access Teiid VDB from a camel route in JBoss Fuse

    Do any one have a suggestion as to how to access the teiid VDB using jdbc driver from a karaf based container.   In my case, I try to access it as a below from a blueprint file. While I install the bundle, an ex...
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  • Apache Karaf container 3.0.x+ integration with Jboss Fuse 6.2 runtime server

    HI..   JBoss fuse server 6.2 comes with Apache Karaf container 2.4.0 component. I want to upgrade karaf to 3.0 version for Jboss fuse 6.2 server. Why I am trying to do this :- Karaf container should provide Ent...
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  • Custom Type Converter isn't loaded

    Hello   I'm following the Get Started page[1] to create a Fuse application based on the Camel Content Based Router example.   So, I started working on the pipeline and the need for a custom type converte...
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  • blueprint test suit

    Hi,   Thanks for taking time to reply me.   Presently I want to develop a test suit for my project. using camelBlueprint test. scenario: I have multiple bundles which have blueprint.xml files and they are...
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    last modified by singireddy
  • How to use A-MQ bean that is defined in a camel route in switchyard

    I created a Java camel route and I defined an ActiveMQConnectionFactory object and added it as a bean like the below, then I created a reference in my switchyard and used a JMS binding and in the JMS binding details, ...
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  • Change default admin password

    Hi. I created fabric with default data in users.properties and I would like to change password. Is it possible to do it in console? I could not find appropriate jaas command..
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    created by afilippov
  • help !!!!2

    in jboss fuse i am create fabric  and in the console view it error help     shell:source mvn:org.jboss.fuse/deployment/1.0/script/install Current container root is already in the current fabric ensemb...
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    last modified by wenikore
  • Broken link in quickstarts/beginner/camel-log Readme

    There is a broken link of an image is specified in quickstarts/beginner/camel-log Readme. It gives page not found when visiting https://github.com/fabric8io/quickstarts/blob/master/quickstarts/karaf/beginner/images/ca...
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    last modified by saravanakumar.1987
  • query issues with SalesForce connector

    I'm tring to use the Salesforce connector in order to integrate it with a legacy application, but I'm experiencing issues with "query" and "upsert" topics. When I execute a query with a route like this :   ...
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  • activemq fileserver

    Is there in JBoss Fuse activemq fileserver, same as in Apache ActiveMQ distribution?
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  • How to make SAML work in fuse 9.2.1?

    I'm trying to implement a cxf web service that requires a SAML2 token to run. The scenario is identical to the "sts" example in the apache CXF distribution, and to the fuse docs in the "STS Demonstration" chapter. W...
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  • Camel-xmljson unmarshalling issue Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError

    Hi,     Camel-xmljson is not working only fabric env and throwing error run-time when enable camel tracing.   Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class net.sf.json.JsonCo...
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    created by bharadwaj