• How to change the JON server IP?

    The first time I installed the JON srever and registrated the Agent. It worked well. Later I instaled a new versio JON server (GA 2.3) with new IP. Then I registrated the Agent againt this new server. But as I open th...
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    last modified by thomas2008ch
  • What ports jon agent uses to communicate with jboss?

    Hello, I would like to do some hardening to JBoss eap by closing all tcp ports except 8080 by unloading/ cutting out some services and config files. I do not want to loose management via jon agent and statistics quer...
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    created by zbiggy
  • Database trouble with starting JON

    Hello, I've downloaded the jon server 2.2.0 and am trying to walk through the install process. To my dismay I found that only postgresql and oracle are supported as database options - so I downloaded postgresql 8.4....
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    last modified by kistler82
  • JON 2.2* and JBossAS 5 roadmap!

    Hi! Whats is the roadmap concerning JBoss 5 and JON 2*? Will JON 2* support JBoss 5 in the future? Realase of JBossAS 5 justa anyday now and then we are starting to implement it so i really should know if we shall b...
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    last modified by blomman
  • JON 2 not discovering servers

    Hi, we just installed JON 2 and the JON Agent on each machine, JON server is able to discover the palatforms and the RHQ agent but not JBOSS and TOMCAT. am I missing something? Thanks for any help
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    last modified by rmokrane
  • JON1.4.31: Wrong status of JBoss

    Hello, I have problem with JON1.4.31. For some JBoss servers it always shows start/stop in progress status no matter how many times I stop or start JBoss. Everything else works OK. Just this status is always in progr...
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    last modified by zbiggy
  • A question about

    Hi, I want to add connection properties and do followings: 1. Open an agent in tab "inventory" 2. Select "Jboss ServerAS" in Manuall Add and click OK. 3. I want to change the values in field "JBOSS Home Directory"...
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    last modified by thomas2008ch
  • No Metric Data Available

    As I open the resource in monitor/charts, I see no charts but "No Metric Data Available". Any help?
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    last modified by thomas2008ch
  • Why it takes so lang to registrate by running ./rhq-agent.sh

    Hi all, I am going to register an agent and run ./rhq-agent.sh -l After I entered the parameters/values I got: ... The setup has been completed for the preferences at node [/rhq-agent/default]. The agent will...
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    last modified by thomas2008ch
  • How to delete an agent in JON?

    I've added an agent to the JON server. Now I want to delete it. I do followings: 1. Login to the JON 2. Click Tab "Dashboard" 3. Click the agent (resource) under "Recently Added Resource" 4. "Uninventory" all the res...
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    last modified by thomas2008ch
  • How to overwrite an existing agent name?

    I registered an agent with name called JON-TEST. Later I want to change it. So I uninventory it in JON-Server first and shutdown and restart the agent with option -l. As I entered another name to the agent and go furt...
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    last modified by thomas2008ch
  • ERROR:  duplicate key violates unique constraint "measuremen

    Hello, I have problem with jon server-1.4.31 (it uses postgresql database) When I start it I see in hqdb.log: ERROR: duplicate key violates unique constraint "measurement_data_id_time_pk" JON is able to run and wor...
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    created by zbiggy
  • JON Server Dashboard not showing jboss instances

    I've installed a JON Server and 2 agents. The JON Server and 1 agent is on server A and the other agent is on server B. I have 4 jboss instances on server A & server B. They are clustered. The install is mostly al...
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    last modified by cathy_with_a_c
  • Is there JON tutorial?

    Hi, I am looking for JON tutorial. Where to find it?
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    last modified by thomas2008ch
  • Server is not available?

    I open the "Browser Resources" - Servers. And I see one of the servers is not available (the info button if red!). But the server is running. How can I make it availably again?
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    last modified by thomas2008ch
  • JON 2.0.0.GA support for JBoss 4.2.3.GA

    I am having trouble configuring connection properties for JBoss v4.2.3.GA from inside JON v2.0.0.GA. After entering the principal and credentials value under 'Connection Info', submit reports with the exception: ----...
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    last modified by prashanto.chatterjee
  • jopr 2.2 tomcat and multiple bases

    Hello, We are trying to set up jopr on a multiple instances bases based tomcat environment. The way we have it set up is that we define a base for each application we are running all of them share the tomcat install...
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    last modified by robertobouza
  • JON 2 Tomcat plugins

    Hi Where can I get Tomcat plugins? Thanks
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    created by rmokrane
  • Why is a running JBoss EAP 4.3CP02 instance always shown as

    I just set up a Jopr 2.2 server and added several JBoss EAP 4.3 CP instances to it. Most of them looks fine on Jopr, but there is one running JBoss EAP instance that is always shown as DOWN in Jopr. The configuration...
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    last modified by yanfengzhang816
  • Packages - Issues

    I tried to sort uploaded packages for my application (test.war). JON system doesn't sort the packages in order. Detailed steps: 1. Created an application called test.war 2. uploaded 3 versions of packages and subscri...
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    created by senthur_kumaran