• Error rich:extendedDataTable with sort, scroll not visible, version 4.0.0.Final

    Hi, my problem is this: I am using extendedDataTable component, with some neat columns. In the sort event the  horizontal scrollbar disappears.   Version richfaces 4.0.0.Final
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    created by turocabrera
  • R.4.Final how can i set width in autocomplete?

    How can i set width in rich:autocomplete?
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    last modified by dasago
  • Failure : Adding Richfaces 4 to a Maven Based Project.

    Hello, i have read numerous articles and blogs on this subject but i seem not to get mine working... i am using Eclipse Indigo and also utilising the jboss-javaee6-webapp Archetype. below is the full POM.xml file. ...
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    last modified by pkkamos
  • rich:popupPanel in richfaces 4.5.13 use some space at the bottom of page

    I put jars for richfaces 4.5.13 in web application, in pages which have include rich:popupPanle I see additional space on the bottom of pages. I look throug firebug and I see that rich:popupPanel render(use some space...
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    last modified by damdza
  • Richfaces 4 ui:include not load Javascript and CSS files

    Hi all,   Sorry about my poor english.   I´m using dynamic pages with   <ui:include src="#{controller.somepage}"/>   The problem is that some files like: datatable.ecss, datascrolle...
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    last modified by danilocps
  • rich:select behaviour for values not in list

    I've got a question regarding the rich:select component.   For the following print screens I've used the second example at the RichFaces showcases for rich:select: http://showcase.richfaces.org/richfaces/compone...
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    last modified by rumpelstilz
  • suggestionBox inside the datatable in not showing the list

    Environment Jsf 1.2 My faces websphere 7.0 rich faces 3.3.0 GA dummy.jsp <h:form id="form1">     <t:dataTable var="var" value="#{dummyBean.list}">   <h:column>   <h:inp...
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    last modified by sehwagviru246
  • Attribute collapseOnLoad in extendedDataTable?

    Hi everyone!   i am using a rich:extendedDataTable and i'm making use of the grouping functionality. It all works out fine. But the groups in my extendedDataTable are expanded on page load. is there any way, to ...
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    last modified by cmon
  • CDI push

    When i open this page RichFaces Showcase - Push Messages   I have error in browser: WebSocket connection to 'ws://showcase.richfaces.org/__richfaces_push?__richfacesPushAsync=1&pushSessionId=0700d786-0f7e-4...
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    last modified by valdemar1981
  • AJAX push is not working in IPV6 mode

    Hi   We are using richfaces-a4j-4.5.14.Final  with atmosphere-runtime-2.2.3.jar   And we have following entries in web.xml   <context-param>         &...
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    last modified by ajayjnv02
  • showcase problems

    Hi   Showcase was offline or link broken: showcase.richfaces.org   Searching in web, I found http://showcaselatest-richfaces.rhcloud.com but I dont know if is latest really.   You know what happened?...
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    last modified by lord_vagner
  • How to display dynamically <rich:chartXAxis label?

    Hello,   Looks like <rich:chartXAxis label="Year"/> always considered the last one.I have created it to display based on the rendered condition But it is not working as expected. There is no help from Flo...
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    last modified by sivaprasad9394
  • Richface fileupload ajax event uploadcomplete not called if rendered attribute is used

    Hi,   I'm using richface 4.5.17 final with Payara (GlassFish) 4.1.1 and facing the following problem:   If I include a rendered attribute in the fileupload component the uploadcomplete event is no longer c...
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    last modified by mweiss
  • problems with node deletion after richfaces 4 migration

    Migrating my project from richfaces  3 to 4.  i have a delete functionality of the  child node from parent. i have to  access the  parent id fro m child so that it can be passed to bean for fr...
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    last modified by mythilisanthanam
  • <h:outputText> not showing JTiday parsed data in <rich:popUpPanel>

    I am using jsf 2.2 and richfaces 4.5.1. In one of the richpopuppanel I am using h:outputText tag to show HTML data that is parsed by JTidy. Data is the response from one of the web services that we are using. JTidy ad...
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    last modified by pramanish
  • How to access data values from root  to child node (whole selected path) of rich:tree

    hello,   I am working with richfaces 4.2.1 final. I am using rich:tree with nested <rich:treeModelAdaptor>. As, var attribute is common for all nested levels, Can you please suggest me how to access the ...
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    last modified by vjavadev
  • Icons of  Richfaces  doesn’t appears

    I have an application in Seam of Jboss with Richfaces, it is working fine in Centos 5 and 6 but I installed Centos 7 and the icons of  Richfaces  doesn’t appears, do you see the same error? thanks
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    created by tania.
  • Componentes de Richfaces sin iconos en Centos 7?

    Hola, tengo una aplicación en Seam de Jboss con Richfaces que funciona bien en Centos 5 y 6 pero recientemente la instale en Centos 7 y no salen los iconos de los componentes de Richfaces, a alguien le ha suce...
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    last modified by tania.
  • value is not displayed using h:inputText for data table row

    We are migrating from richfaces 3.3.3 to 4.5.13 and jsf 1.2 to 2.0   We have a datatable on which we have to perform row click. On rowclick a grid appears after the datatable with all the information of clicked ...
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    last modified by sahithiy
  • Richfaces 4.5 popupPanel problem with "Compatibility View"

    Hello,   I have following problem:   We're migrating from Richfaces3 to Richfaces4 (4.5.13). One of our requirements is, that the application must run with an activated "Compatibility View" of IE11. Per de...
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    last modified by asche298