• Chrome 44 version tabindex is not working.

    Hi,   I know this is a browser specific issue but I just thought this is the best forum i know to bring the issue up.   Only in Chrome 44 version when I click on text box field and then press tab key , ins...
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    last modified by gopalh
  • ExtendedDataModel getRowKey() always returns null

    Currently working on an upgrade from richfaces 3.3 to 4.5. I am trying to migrate a class that was previously a SerializableDataModel and working to an ExtendedDataModel. The it seems to display correctly but when I d...
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    last modified by jland10
  • a4j:push does not recreate listener thread for JMS messages after connection is lost

    Hello, I have encountered strange behaviour when using a4j:push component in application. I am using Websphere, JSF 2.0, and richfaces 4.5.11. There is a Jms server and a applications server. Jms server hol...
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    last modified by naidmer
  • Help with custom tag attribute

    I have a custom tag that is composed by a <h:outputLabel /> + <h:inputText />. I need the maxlength to be optional. The problem is that when I use <f:attribute /> I get a class cast exception. Tag: ...
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    last modified by fkj
  • a4j:commandButton is  not firing the event in the Single Click.Only on Second Click event fired ???

    Hi,   a4j:commandButton is not firing the event properly.only on second click event is fired properly.Why this behaviour is observed in Richfaces. After migrating my application this is the final and last bug?H...
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    last modified by sivaprasad9394
  • How to use showpopupPanel in RF4x?

    Hi,   How to use showModalPanel in Richfaces4x?Can i use like below?How to use showpopup in the javascript file.??   RF 3X: Richfaces.showModalPanel('wait-dialog');   RF4X: Richfaces.showpopupPanel(...
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    last modified by sivaprasad9394
  • Issue with Richfaces 4.5.12.final and atmosphere dependency

    Hello, I am currently upgrading from richfaces 4.3 to Richfaces 4.5.12.final I am running it on Tomcat 7.0.54 I've included the new Richfaces dependency as follows:   <dependency> <groupId>org.richf...
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    last modified by brett.williamson
  • commandLink inside h:panelGroup with rendered condition is not working

    Hi,   I have a simple commandLink inside a HTML table which is rendered based on a condition. Below is the code. On click of command button "Search", "ajaxDataListing" output panel would rendered. However, after...
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    last modified by kkn
  • Components on included page are not re-rendered

    Hi, I have a main xhtml page main.xhtml which has two includes search.xhtml and add.xhtml. On hit of search button, action method is invoked and oncomplete function is executed as well. However, the outputpanel "listR...
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    last modified by kkn
  • In RF 4.2.2 rendered attribute is not working for jsf tag panelGroup in .xhtml page

    Hi,   Currently I am migrating my old application RF 3.3.3 version to RF 4.2.2 Version. The below code works fine in previous version and 4.2.2 Version not working.   Here rendered="#{shortIdReport.rowCou...
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    last modified by sivaprasad9394
  • rich:fileUpload not uploading file in production while in local works fine

    Hi All, I am using richfaces to upload a file to a database by beans,while in local, I am able to upload a file, in production (using domain name), the progress bar does not move and file does not get uploaded.  ...
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    last modified by vaibhav.s1011
  • NullPointerException after updating JSF to 2.1, Richfaces to 4.3.7

    When updating   - jsf from 1.2 to 2.1 - richfaces from 3.3.3 to 4.3.7.Final   following  this link   I got stuck with some strange exception       java.lang.NullPointerE...
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    last modified by nikita_kh
  • Picklist question

    Hey out there. Using 3.3 Got my pick list all working with exception of one thing. I cant seem to get the selected items on the screen to the backing bean. I can debug it aList getters/setters and get to this code in...
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    last modified by vsek
  • extendedDataTable: avoid selectionChange event on double click

    Hi all,   I have an extendedDataTable with a selectionchange event and selectionMode="single". Furthermore I work with the attribute "onrowdblclick" wich invokes a JavaScript function.   <rich:extendedD...
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    last modified by dako_t
  • rich:select with autocompleteList has validation error

    environment: richfaces 4.5.5 final, jsf2.2.7, netbeans 8.0.2   I'm trying to have users select from a autocomplete list to limit values a user may select. In the simplist test case,   <rich:select  ...
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    last modified by cm.tcomp
  • Moved to RichFaces 4.5.5 Final (deployed on WildFly 8.2 Final) tabPanel & tab won't display

    Haven't used RichFaces since v.3.x with Seam 2.x a couple of years ago. Now have the requirement for an Application with a web front end, using Java 7, CDI /JBoss Weld and RichFaces 4.5 all deployed on WildFly 8.2. fi...
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    last modified by notify
  • Is there a list of renamed style classes from RichFaces 3 to 4 ?

    Hi,   I'm currently migrating a legacy project from RichFaces 3.1.6 to 4. Most things work technically now, so it's time to care for the optical stuff. Unfortunately, there are lots and lots of style cutomizati...
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    last modified by markus_n
  • How to make a4j poll work in a popupPanel

    Hi All,   I have problems on updating a count dynamically in a popupPanel. I was making use of a4j:poll. But it doesn't seems to work. I am sharing the code snippets, let me know if something is wrong in the co...
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    last modified by sarocks
  • rich:tabPanel rendered as (non-clickable) plaintext

    Hi,   I'm currently migrating a legacy project from RichFaces 3.1.6 to 4. My current problem is a rich:tabPanel that does not work. "Not work" means: The headers appear, but have no decoration and are not clicka...
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    last modified by markus_n
  • Bean value not being set when JSF's 'rendered' attribute in play

    Hi,   I'm not sure why this is happening but whenever I use the 'rendered' attribute on a JSF component any A4J elements inside that component no longer function as expected.   Scenario: I want to set a bea...
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    last modified by marcferguson