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Thread Problem with rich:chart
Problem with rich:chartHello my friends. I'm from GT. I've a problem with jboss-6.0.0.Final with jboss-seam-2.2.2.Final and jboss-5.1.0.GA with jboss-seam-2.2.0.GA. I've tried to make a graphic but I can't. I'm using <rich:chart id= "pie...
Thread rich:chart chnage the plot information color?
rich:chart chnage the plot information color?Hi, How to change the plot information color for chats?Looks like this is default one.Is it possible to change it? I am working with RF Version latest one. <rich:chart id="cghartId" title="Simple Report...
Thread How to get external JSESSIONID from JSF or servlet
How to get external JSESSIONID from JSF or servletI have 2 application on 2 different servers , I use an Iframe to view a page from [2nd application], and from [1st application] I try to get the JSESSIONID for the opened page, please advice.
Dynamic tooltip extended data tableGOAL: Dynamically show 1 of 3 tooltip messages on an inputText element when the user hovers if an invalid value is entered into the field. Problem: When I type an invalid value into the inputText field ...
Thread Richfaces 4.5 - wrong reference to spacer.gif
Richfaces 4.5 - wrong reference to spacer.gifRichfaces 4.5.17.Final (after upgrading from 4.3.6.Final) This error also shows up with 4.5.9.Final After upgrading from 4.3.6.Final to Richfaces 4.5.17.Final I see the following Exception when I open I page ...
executer project richfacesBonjour à tous Je viens de cloner le project richfaces(GitHub - richfaces/richfaces: RichFaces 5 - The next-generation JSF component framework by JBoss, Red Hat ) mais lorsque je lance la commande maven : mvn ...
Input text loses focus ExtendedDataTable I have an ExtenedDataTable with some outputText fields and and inputText field. I am trying to change the color of the row when I enter a valid number into the inputText field and turns ...
a4j support not recognized in Netbeans 8.2Hi. I'm trying to add ajax behaviour throught the use of <a4j:support> but Netbeans keeps saying a4j componente library does not have a component "support". I'm using tomcat 7.0.73 It is a maven...
Thread rich:fileUpload gets to 100%, does not re-render
rich:fileUpload gets to 100%, does not re-renderTo allow a user to upload a file, plus add some other information, I'm trying to place a rich:fileUpload tool next to some other inputs and allow the user to submit with a button that is enabled when everything is in ...
Thread Display Event Information on Date in rich:calendar
Display Event Information on Date in rich:calendarHello everyone, previously also I have posted this issue. I just want to display a event column with date. <rich:calendar mode="ajax" boundaryDatesMode="scroll" styleClass="#{eventMaster.eventMasterList!=...
Thread Rich faces File Upload not working on using custom FileUploadEvent
Rich faces File Upload not working on using custom FileUploadEvent0dowvotefavorite We want to customise org.richfaces.event.FileUploadEvent to cater to one of our application needs. I have extended above class as CustomFileUploadEvent and checking to see if the corre...
Thread RichFaces 4.3 on WebSphere 8.5 Issue (Incompatible webbeans?)
RichFaces 4.3 on WebSphere 8.5 Issue (Incompatible webbeans?)I used the solution proposed in the following link (put javax.faces-2.2.6.jar in shared library and associate to EAR, class loader PARENT_LAST). It works fine on local WAS 8.5 and IRAD 9.0. richfaces - How to make we...
Thread <rich:chart>how to align xaxis labels center to bar chart?
<rich:chart>how to align xaxis labels center to bar chart?How set label x in center of bar in chart component, I need three bar charts with diferents color but when apply the colors properties the labels lost its align and get misaligned. This I got: This is ...
RichFaces and Content Security PolicyHello everyone, i've been trying to add a Content Security Policy(CSP) header to my webapp which heavily relys on RichFaces components. As far as my researches have gone, for CSP to be effective, one has to r...
Change Text Color depending upon textHello Everyone. Could anyone told me how could I apply multiple conditions to h:outputText. example. if Text is AAA then Color="red" , if Text is BBB then Color="green" if Text is CCC then Color="blue" ...
Display h:selectOneListbox horizontallyHello everyone, I have menu which displays year and another which displays month (both display vertically). 2000 January 2001 February 2002 &...