• WS-Security client: dynamic UsernameToken

    I am trying to integrate RiftSaw with a WS-Security service that uses a UsernameToken. The challenge is that I need to specify the username and password based on received messages, rather than a static configuration. ...
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    last modified by wdarby
  • dynamic endpoint

    Hi everyone!   Please help! I managed to make a BPEL process that starts with receiving a parameter, then invoking a webservice that returns a wsdl url according to this parameter. Next I need to invoke the web...
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    last modified by alex.rs
  • RiftSaw - how to invoke an external web service

    Hello!   I exposed a web service through RiftSaw. I made a test in SoapUI and it worked.. Then I tried to invoke a external web service with the same data. I added a assign that copies the bpel web service's i...
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    last modified by izgur
  • Сopy values containing german umlauts in BPELs

    Hello, I`ve problem to copy in BPEL processes variable values containing german umlauts. Did someone already tried it? If yes, what I have to do in my JBoss with Riftsaw?   Regards Alexej
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    last modified by xakac
  • RiftSaw 2.2.0.CR1 released

    The main highlights of this release include additional functionality in the BPEL console, including visual display of the execution path of an active process instance, and extending clustering support to management fe...
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    last modified by objectiser
  • bpel version

    Hi, how can I change the bpel version? I check in the DB (BPEL_PROCESS table) and I saw that the my bpel version is "0". Can I change the version in the .bpel file?
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    last modified by cesarwbr
  • RiftSaw 2.2.0.M1 released

    The main feature added to this release is clustering support.   Information about the release can be found here: http://riftsaw.blogspot.com/2010/10/riftsaw-release-220m1.html
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    created by objectiser
  • specifying deployment dependencies of BPEL jars on an EAR?

    Hi!   Is there a way (using a XML file in JAR's META-INF/, perhaps) to specify that a given BPEL jar deployment depends on some other deployment unit (an EAR, in my case)?   Similarly to the jboss-dependen...
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    last modified by the_olo
  • REST support

    Hi, I read that ODE does support wsdl 1.1 http binding, so makes possible to invoque the services in a REST way.   Does Riftsaw support the http binding? wsdl2.0? there is a way to use REST invocations to the...
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    last modified by glaucus
  • Riftsaw on websphere application server 6.1?

    Hi,   Can we deploy riftsaw on websphere application server 6.x.   Has it been tested.   Cheers!! Puneet
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    last modified by pkk4jbpm
  • Process Management API & Web Service

    I would like to know if the Services ProcessManagement and InstanceManagement from Ode are available as Web Service in Riftsaw. Thanks you Paul.
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    last modified by plem
  • RiftSaw-2.1.0.Final released

    The RiftSaw team are pleased to announce the release of 2.1.0.Final.   The details of the release can be found at: http://riftsaw.blogspot.com/2010/07/riftsaw-release-210final.html   The release can be dow...
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    created by objectiser
  • Jax-ws bpel process client problem

    Hi! I'm trying to invoke my bpel process wich returns the complex type as output. I  use stubs that were generated with wsconsume.bat. Everything works but the result object  is not null, but all the fields...
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    last modified by christy
  • WS invocation failed java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot obtain wsdl service error

    Hi to everyone! I faced with a problem when tried to return complex type in bpel process. The error is:   ERROR [org.jboss.soa.bpel.runtime.ws.WebServiceClient] (ODEServer-2) WS invocation failed java.lang.Ille...
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    last modified by christy
  • Failed to build METRO runtime model

    Hello my environment includes:   jboss-soa-platform 5.0.0 riftsaw 2.0.0 final   At first I was just using the jbossWS which came with jboss soa platform and was able to deploy some of the quickstarts. ...
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    last modified by jcunanan
  • BPM console problem. Loaded 0 process instance(s)

    Hi! I tried to deploy HelloWord example from quickstart. Everything deployed and works fine. When I came to the bpel console I found the process instance in the left pannel. But when I select a process instance ...
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    last modified by christy
  • RiftSaw-2.1.0.CR2 released

    The RiftSaw team are pleased to announce the release of 2.1.0.CR2.   The details of the release can be found at: http://riftsaw.blogspot.com/2010/06/riftsaw-release-210cr2.html   The release can be downloa...
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    created by objectiser
  • RiftSaw-2.1.0.CR1 released

    The RiftSaw team are pleased to announce the release of 2.1.0.CR1.   The details of the release can be found at: http://riftsaw.blogspot.com/2010/06/riftsaw-release-210cr1.html   The release can be downloa...
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    created by objectiser
  • How could I use XPath at this situation?

    Hi,      Follow a part of my wsdl:   <types>     <xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" targetNamespace="http://www.coreo.com.br/CoreoControlInterceptor" ...
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    last modified by normandesjr
  • RiftSaw in a cluster

         This is a follow-up to a comment on the blog:   currently we made sure Riftsaw has no issues being deployed to a JBoss cluster, we are now working to also take advantage of clustering. Fo...
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    last modified by the_olo