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Thread RiftSaw SVN commit notifications
RiftSaw SVN commit notificationsIf you are interested in commit notifications for this project, then please subscribe to the following list: https://lists.jboss.org/mailman/listinfo/riftsaw-commits.
Thread A lock could not be obtained within the time requested
A lock could not be obtained within the time requestedSince we moved to ODE 1.3 I get a lot of these: 14:08:08,982 WARN [JDBCExceptionReporter] SQL Error: 30000, SQLState: 40XL1 14:08:08,982 ERROR [JDBCExceptionReporter] A lock could not be obtained within the time requ...
Thread Missing jb-bpel-store:jar:2.0-SNAPSHOT in current trunk
Missing jb-bpel-store:jar:2.0-SNAPSHOT in current trunkhi all, after I checked out the trunk code, run 'mvn clean install', I've got following:
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building RiftSaw::Runtime::Engine-Asse...
Thread Process versioning and web service endpoints
Process versioning and web service endpointsdo have one endpint per deployed process version? i.e. when a process version increments we get a new web context? how is this going to relate to each other? i.e. 'helloworl-516' -> http://localhost:8080/helloworl...
JAX-WS Migration
After several days of severe MicroContainer headache,
I've got the first web service endpoint dynamically deployed:
12:21:28,669 INFO [BPELDeployer] Deploy: Quickstart_bpel_hello_world.jar relativePath=bpel-d...
JAX-WS integration, first cutI've commited the first cut of the JAX-WS integration on trunk. Currently only the hello world sample is working. Biggest issue is the WS client code that is still missing [1] and fixing the remaining samples [2] [1]...
DocumentationCurrently we have a Getting Started Guide, which ideally just needs to provide basic information to get up and running using some of the examples - which I think it does. Although it will need to be updated in the nea...
Thread Patching the ODE codebase, notion of upstream
Patching the ODE codebase, notion of upstreamHow do we deal with patches to the ODE codebase? Currently I am following this approach: 1) create a riftsaw issue 1.1) create an ODE issue and crosslink 2) rebuild jboss ODE, test and verify 3) commit to jboss ODE...