maven build dependency issueI'm using: central (, and jboss-public-repository-group ( 1. Am I supposed to add another repo? 2. Or is the gro...
Pick message from File or JMS in BPELI have a requirment that my BPEL should pick the message from File/JMS/WS. By default BPEL kicks off via WS. How to kick off a BPEL process via file or JMS message.?
Calling java method in BPEL assign stepI need your valuable support for the below issues. Kindly provide any possible solution My queries : We have used JCAPS and developed bpel2.0 processes.Now we need to convert those into JBoss bpel usin...
Thread Managing BPEL invocation jobs in Switchyard
Managing BPEL invocation jobs in SwitchyardWhen I initially embedded a BPEL process into switchyard the current transaction/scheduling model worked fine. When I added two BPEL processes, with one invoking the other, it also appeared to work fine - until I real...
BPEL component for switchyardWanted to discuss the issues that may be involved in deploying riftsaw as a component implementation in Switchyard. Switchyard uses the SCA assembly model, and may incorporate some other aspects of SCA over time. ...
Thread Ode JOBID - Unique index or primary key violation Error
Ode JOBID - Unique index or primary key violation ErrorI have a bpel process when I invoke the process the following error come any idea? 2011-04-28 09:25:08,256 ERROR [org.apache.ode.scheduler.simple.SimpleScheduler] (ODEServer-8) Error while processing a persist...
Invoke java from within BPEL moduleWe have a JBOSS 5.1.0 server that has Riftsaw 2.1.0.CR2 with Apache ODE. I need to run a BPEL 2.0 process on that server which calls a java class instead of a web service. I have not seen anything in the B...
Simulation tool for BPEL EditorIt would be great to add a simulation capability for the BPEL Editor similar to the Savara scenario validator. Basically take the same scenarios and sample messages used in Choreography project and use these to test t...
Map ODE events to BPAF model.Hi, In the BPEL console, we've introduced a BPAF model for the information that needed by Execution History chart. But right now, it just maps the following BPEL events. ProcessInstanceStartedEvent Pr...
Thread Announcing the creation of the Dynamic Service Provider sub-project
Announcing the creation of the Dynamic Service Provider sub-projectHi One of the capabilities of RiftSaw is the ability to take a WSDL definition, deployed as part of a BPEL process deployment, and create a Web Service that represents the WSDL interface. Requests for this web...
WS-HumanTask and BPEL4People supportRiftsaw should add support for human participant in a process. Most business processes include both services as well as human tasks. Most BPEL engines include support for both. There are two complementary specificatio...
process undeployment mechanismThis undeploy mechanism is the result of fixing RiftSaw-238 issue. Before this patch, the undeployment mechanism is very simple as following. When you undeploy a process, if this process status is ...
2 questionsHi everyone! I'm a newbie to RiftSaw. And I have some questions, please help! I'm using Eclipse IDE to create a BPEL process webservice in this webservice I need to do the following: 1. Get some parameters f...
Thread deploy commands under bin folder into JBoss AS?
deploy commands under bin folder into JBoss AS?Hi all, I am thinking that from the RiftSaw community project perspective, do we need to deploy the bpelc and sendsoap command line into JBoss AS when we installing the riftsaw into jboss AS? Or do you think i...
RiftSaw SVN Reorg/CleanupHi Now that 2.1.0.CR1 has been released, Jeff and I have been discussing the 'branches' folder in svn and think that it is looking a bit overloaded. At the moment it contains temporary work streams, ei...