• Tricky problem running Seam 2.2.2 on wildfly 8.0 Final

    I have a working seam application (WAR) based on seam 2.2.2 and i would like to get it running on Wildfly. We I try to deploy it I get a stande Exception       2014-06-19 12:56:35,669 ERROR [org.jboss.m...
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    last modified by malcomtom
  • Asynchronous method in seam

    Hi All,   I am running seam 2.1.2 with jpa (non ejb environment) and working with quartz 2.1.0 to schedule jobs in my application. In my components.xml i have:   xmlns:async="http://jboss.com/products/sea...
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    last modified by itays100
  • jboss as 5.1 and seam

    Hi   please what is seam´s  version that I should use to work with joss 5.1 ... mine is not jboss eap   also what would be the differences between seam and forge ?   thks !! Érico
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    last modified by erico.mtx
  • create excel with hyperlink in cells

    hi,   i have a application exporting data to excel using jboss excel tag library. my data consists of many rows and columns. there are e:cell tags in my page. whan i try to put e:hyperlink inside e:cell, it doe...
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    last modified by fatihpolatli
  • Captcha: customized message for incorrect response

    Hi folks, is there a better way of defining a customized message for incorrect responses than extending the superclass org.jboss.seam.captcha.Captcha and overwriting the getResponse()-Method? So far this works for...
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    last modified by accless
  • I'm getting a javax.ejb.NoSuchEJBException when the  @Destroy method is called when the  http session times out.

    Hi,   On our app we are getting javax.ejb.NoSuchEJBException on some stateful session beans  when the http session expires. I've set up out stateful session bean to use the simple NoPassivationCache cache....
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    created by dozer247
  • Configure RichFaces for rich:tree

    I have had all sorts of problems getting the RichFaces tree control to work. When I try to bind a method to the adviseNodeOpened attribute on the tree control, I get a methodnotfound exception. I have found that one w...
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    last modified by jfrankman
  • Hibernate Search into a JBoss AS7 Cluster

    Hello, I'm developing a Seam 2.3.1 application that runs on a JBoss AS7 Cluster configured following the official tutorial.   My question is 'How to configure the persistence.xml file to obtain a replicated ind...
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    last modified by petrussello
  • Interceptor called twice

    Hi, I have written a interceptor for my webservices which is exposed as a stateless EJB endpoint. All works fine , but in the logs i see that the interceptor is getting called twice ! My interceptor class - pub...
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    last modified by sanghakanwar
  • File Upload. Add path to database.

    I currently have fileupload working fine. I can select a file I store it in a local folder on my computer. I would now like to store the file in the same folder but get the file name and store that in my database. I ...
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    created by willgrrtt
  • WebService: java.lang.IllegalStateException: No application context active

    Hello There. I'm having problems getting a SeamComponent from a WebService class. Im getting the follow exception: faultString: java.lang.IllegalStateException: No application context active when this line is ex...
  • ClassCastException thrown on Component.getInstance(GateAction.class, true)

    I am new in Seam. I am using Rest services and in one of my rest service I am trying to get Instance by Component like, GateActionIntf gateAction = (GateActionIntf) Component.getInstance(GateActionImpl.class, true...
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    last modified by lokeshpaunikar
  • saving pdf before rendering it to ui

    Hi All, I am using seam-pdf.jar(i-text) for pdf generation. According to my business logic before rendering pdf to user i need to save it in some contenet management system(say alfresco) for future reference. I need...
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    last modified by pulkit.mehra
  • Commit transaction mid-method from EJB @MessageDriven

    Hi,   I have a long running process which runs inside a Seam component that takes about 60sec to complete, to allow its progress to be displayed I write to the database during its execution. When the process is i...
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    created by baddeley84
  • problems creating drop down menu using selectOneMenu

    Hello, I am new to seam. I've been trying to create a drop down menu in order to choose an entity "tipus" which is a foreign key of another entity "SLA". After consulting so many forums and tutorials I've been able ...
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    last modified by soniya
  • jackson @JsonSerialize  annotation is not working with Seam/RestEasy with JBoss EAP 6.1.0.Alpha1 (AS 7.2.0.Alpha1-redhat-4)

    Hi,   I've tried deploying  our Seam 2.3.1.Final app to JBoss EAP 6.1.0.Alpha1 (AS 7.2.0.Alpha1-redhat-4) and our RestEasy api is not working correctly anymore. In Jboss AS 7.1.1 Final our json response w...
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    last modified by dozer247
  • Seam 2.2.2 on JBoss EAP 6.2 (Hibernate Unknown Enitity)

    I'm trying to migrate application from old JBoss 4.2.3 to JBoss EAP 6.2. And I stuck with problem on deployment .   Deployment exception: 0m [31m13:03:15,847 ERROR [org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[jboss...
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    last modified by gregtk
  • howto add vaadin 7 to seam 2 application

    dear community,   I am using seam 2.2 for our library administration application running on jboss 4.2.3. Everything works well, but now i would like to add vaadin 7 as a replacement for our old JSF based Web UI...
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    last modified by malcomtom
  • Seam 2.3 and Tomcat 7

    I'm trying to migrate from Seam 2.2.2 to Seam 2.3. But I can't find any articles in docs related to Tomcat 7. Is it possible to use Tomcat 7 or JBossweb 2.x to run Seam 2.3 application?   My configuration is: S...
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    last modified by gregtk
  • core:resource-loader issue with multiple components.xml

    I have several modules(jars) in my project, each modules/jars has it's own resources bundles, so I tried to define         <core:resource-loader>     ...
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    last modified by wangliyu