• ShrinkWrap Resolvers | Release Planning and Roadmap

    Introduction This document will detail the criteria and intent of the ShrinkWrap Resolvers versioning scheme, as well as lay out the general roadmap for upcoming releases.   1.0.0-beta-X APIs Frozen Backwards-Com...
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    last modified by alrubinger
  • ShrinkWrap Resolvers Community Meeting | 28 February 2012

    ALR: Hello, all. ALR: And welcome to another edition of "ShrinkWrap Resolvers Community Meeting." - galderz has disconnected (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) ALR: We'll be awaiting Karel, who might be tied up a little ...
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    last modified by alrubinger
  • ShrinkWrap | Release Process

    Here describe the steps taken to create a release of ShrinkWrap.   Prerequisites Proper Maven Configuration using JBoss' Nexus instance: Maven Getting Started - Developers JBoss Employee (Some resources for uplo...
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    last modified by alrubinger
  • ShrinkWrap Resolver 2.0.0 modifications

    I'd like you to comment following modification I'm planning to do for upcoming SWR 2.0.0 release:   Resolver Maven Plugin POC hosted at https://github.com/kpiwko/resolver-maven-plugin This plugin must be configu...
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    last modified by kpiwko
  • shrinkwrap maven resolver doesn not support password prottected maven reposistory

      We have our internally setup password protected nexus maven respositry with basic authentication. I am trying to setup arquillian in our one of the project. I am using MavenDependencyResolver in my test case...
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    created by sachin6870
  • Resolving Maven artifacts

    Hi to all,   I'm ready to start working on the following issues: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/SHRINKWRAP-261 https://issues.jboss.org/browse/SHRINKWRAP-265   Do you have any thoughts about what you wo...
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    last modified by silenius
  • ShrinkWrap Dependency Resolver updated formatting

    Hello ShrinkWrap Resolver developers!   ShrinkWrap Dependency Resolver is now using JBoss Community formatter for all the code (SHRINKWRAP-324). Please update your IDE configurations, maven-checkstyle plugin wo...
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    created by kpiwko
  • shrinkwrap maven resolver api review

    hey guys, I gathered the api in two gists to feed the api review.   "main" api: https://gist.github.com/1146103 maven filters: https://gist.github.com/1146122
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    last modified by spinner
  • Development Plan: 1.1.0-X (master) and 1.2.0-X

    ShrinkWrap Descriptors is undergoing development in two active branches now:   master 1.2.0-X   1.2.0-X represents the next series of Java EE Spec and JBoss Vendor Descriptors that have arisen out of SHRI...
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    created by alrubinger
  • ShrinkWrap | Release Planning

    Introduction Releases may either be time-boxed or feature-boxed, depending upon the requirements that make the most sense.   Ship Criteria for 1.0.0-beta-X APIs Frozen Backwards-Compatible   Ship Criteria fo...
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    last modified by alrubinger
  • WebAppDescriptor API proposal

    Hi Andrew and all others   I created a new discussion about the WebAppDescriptor API. The titel is more accurated.   I am stepping into this task of creating an API for the webAppDescriptor. I first analyz...
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    last modified by rbattenfeld
  • ApplicationDescriptor - Missing javaee namespace?

    Hi   I was pointet by another discussion to the shrinkwrap descriptor project. This is something I can definitely reuse   I tried the ApplicationDescriptor for definining the application.xml. The file look...
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    last modified by rbattenfeld
  • Great presentation at JBoss World!

    Hi Andrew, Aslak and Dan   You showed a really fantastic presentation at the JBoss World Summit. I think, the audience was very delighted about Arquillian and Shrinkwrap.   We had a little chat about contr...
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    last modified by rbattenfeld
  • the ShrinkWrap and the NoClassDefFoundError

    hi guys,   i am a ShrinkWrap novice and just want to try the simplest example for novice ShrinkWrap (not with Arquillian), so the method:       public static void main(String[] args) { ...
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    last modified by chaiyilin
  • ShrinkWrap resolvers?

    After spending some time reviewing and working with the two new ShrinkWrap APIs, it got me thinking: if descriptors is a separate repository, then why isn't resolvers? In fact, I sort of see the ShrinkWrap project hav...
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    last modified by dan.j.allen
  • ShrinkWrap | Target Locations per Archive Type

    The idea is that a "container" maps a path within an archive. The following table shows how each container is mapped inside each spec archive:   Container Type JavaArchive WebArchive EnterpriseArchive ResourceArc...
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    last modified by alrubinger

    I've begun work and am seeking review on:   https://issues.jboss.org/browse/SHRINKDESC-21 https://issues.jboss.org/browse/SHRINKDESC-33   https://github.com/lincolnthree/shrinkwrap-descriptors/commit/4e14...
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    created by lincolnthree
  • More read methods

    While using the ShrinkWrap API to manipulate archives in the Arquillian deployment packager, I felt a real lack of read method options on the archive types. A prime example is when I want to read the WebArchives that ...
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    last modified by dan.j.allen
  • UberJar archive type

    I thought of another useful container type for ShrinkWrap. So far the only nested Java archives we've created have been Java EE standard archives. Another common archive packaging is the UberJar (or as Maven calls it,...
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    last modified by dan.j.allen
  • DSL for XML descriptors

    I'd like to rekindle the discussion about the descriptors DSL (Re: ShrinkWrap - Descriptors). The descriptors DSL is a fluent API for producing standard XML-based configuration files such as:   web.xml beans.xm...
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    last modified by dan.j.allen