• Switchyard: Invoking outbound soap webservice with NTLM authentication fails

    Hi,   I am trying to invoke an external webservice using the following NTLM configuration in switchyard.xml:       <sca:reference name="EngineSoap" multiplicity="0..1" promote="Route/Engi...
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    last modified by hariprasad.chindam
  • Problems trying to construct a clean and realistic pom.xml for Switchyard/wildfly 8.1

    Hi, I am trying to do a little demo project from scratch... I downloaded the switchyard zip with a lot of modules into the layers SOA and BPMS and copied these into a wildfly server... Now I am trying to get a clean...
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    last modified by arielcarrera
  • Configuring redelivery delay and maximumRedeliveries when working with AMQ

    Hello. My environments: WildFly 8.1. SwitchYard 2.0. Active MQ 5.11. I made an SY application which gets messages from queue in ActiveMq message broker. For this task I have added resource adapter in WildFly:  ...
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    last modified by maciavelli
  • JBDS creates switchyard.xml file invalid

    Hello,   Using JBDS 8.1.0.GA with switchyard projects, I have the following error message in the Problems tab:   The referenced Java interface for service "OrderRepositoryReference" specifies more than one...
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    last modified by simplex-software
  • camel route json unmarshal

    i have a simple sy project that tries to unmarshal a simple json string to an object in the camel route using camel's xstream library.  i tried the jackson library, but it gives a similar error:   Caused by...
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    created by mlybarger
  • how to properly create and register Camel Endpoint within SY 1 and get CamelContext

    Hallo,   I'm trying to create an bean endpoint and register it within Camel/Switchyard context (SY version 1.1). This is part of a method with @Named bean:          ...
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    last modified by dzizes713
  • SwitchYard 2.0.0.Final now available

    It took longer than expected, but the SwitchYard team has toned up their final product and is happy to hit the beach with SwitchYard 2.0.0.Final, just in time for swimsuit season.   What is SwitchYard? SwitchYard...
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    last modified by tcunning
  • Netty TCP Binding decoding with +27 bytes to a C++ Server

    Howdy! Sorry for the cross posting from... Netty TCP Binding decoding with +27 bytes to a C++ Server I'm in a bit of a .... bind... get it Sorry... lol   Have a reference service of type Netty TCP defined as ...
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    last modified by jdmarti1_rc
  • Switchyard tooling in JBDS 8.1.0 generates invalid switchyard.xml file

    Hello,   I'm using JBDS 8.1.0GA with the plugin SwitchYard 2.0.0.v20150602-2341-H560-Final. I'm creating some services using the SwitchYard Visual Editor. Here is an excerpt of the switchyard.xml file created by...
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    last modified by simplex-software
  • SY 1.1 has missing dependencies. SY2.0 has not support for Wildfly 8.2x

    Hi   Currently we are using SY 1.1 on Jboss 7.1.x.   However, when I build on a clean m2 cache I get the following: [ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project rhythm: Could not resolve dependencies for pro...
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    last modified by magick93
  • Switchyard license & usage

    Hello!      I've found that SwitchYard is on Apache License 2.0, but is there any purchases or support subscriptions we need to do to use switchyard in production? Is there any limitations on usage? &...
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    last modified by pronchakov
  • Quickstarts installation failed in SY 2.0.0.CR1

    Hi all,   I decided to install quickstarts for SY 2.0.0.CR1 + Wildfly-8.0.0.Final following the instruction in https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/SWITCHYARD/Quickstarts but something went wrong with:   ...
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    last modified by manuel.bassani
  • Hints needed regard SwitchYard Tools installation

    Hi all,   I’ve planned to install SwitchYard 2.0.0.CR1 on top of WildFly 8.1 Final (fresh installation) And of course I’ll need to install Switchyard Tools with a new Eclipse but I’m having so...
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    last modified by manuel.bassani
  • SwitchYard Remote Transaction Propagation - Simple Question

    Hi,   I'd like to know if it's possible to sinchronize in a remote SwitchYard client transaction (UserTransaction) started on JBoss EAP 6, with two distinct SCA invocations like a single transaction. The image ...
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    last modified by bsl.lacerda
  • unit testing sca binding

    i have the following setup.  i have two composites. and one references a component on the other via an sca binding.  Foo(foo.jar) ,  Foo  has sca reference to Bar.    Bar (bar.jar), Bar...
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    last modified by mlybarger
  • Enterprise Event Bus Using Switchyard

    I talked about how we can easily create Enterprise Event Bus (EEB) Using Switchyard here Hope it would be helpful for the community
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    created by nadeembtech
  • Spring CDI (beans.xml) in switchyard project

    Hello,   I am currently working on a project using the fuse service works (switchyard, ....). I have created a Spring XML configuration file (src/main/resources/META-INF/beansCDI.xml) which contains the CDI bean...
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    last modified by slayercode2
  • sca binding from ear to standalone component

    i have switchyard application foo which is deployed as a jar/ear combo.  this is done because the jar has supporting libraries that are bundled with it and such.   i also have a switchyard application, ...
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    last modified by mlybarger
  • How to get ws-security working for a soap-reference-binding (client, consumer)

    In my new SwitchYard-Application (Version: 1.1) i want to consume an extern soap-webservice with a reference and a soap-binding. But the remote soap-service is restricted for authenticated users only. The authenticat...
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    last modified by mae
  • Camel Binding - Header manipulation

    Hello,   We are using the camel exchange header and we are not being able to manipulate the header once it's set. We are setting an xml in the header and we would like to set some values to those xml nodes. ...
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    last modified by andrefrancisco