• Camel Binding - Aggregation Strategy

    We are developing a project with Service Works and we are having some troubles using Aggregation Strategies.   In Switchyard, using the component with the Camel binding, when we try to use the strategyRef within...
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    last modified by andrefrancisco
  • Smooks XML mappings

    Hello,   How can one map between schemas in smooks? Let’s say two xml in a SwitchYard project with Camel route and Smooks. We’re trying to do it with Smooks, but we are not able to do this since the ...
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    created by andrefrancisco
  • Administration console error after installing SwitchYard

    Hello everybody, I write here, cause I really tried everything I could, with no success. I'm having some troubles deploying SY 2.0 Beta1 into a fresh installation of Wildly 8.1 Final. What I need is just a workin...
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    last modified by manuel.bassani
  • Multiple authentication policies depending on client

    Hi,   I want to be able to implement a service which can be exposed to both internal systems, where the users have already authenticated, and also as an external web service, but i want to minimize the security ...
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    last modified by richardhands
  • Problems with camel and milyn-smooks on Switchyard 2.0.0.Beta1

    I want to use smooks-transformation within a camel-route. So my simplified camel-route.xml looks like this: <routes xmlns="http://camel.apache.org/schema/spring">      <route>  ...
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    last modified by mae
  • SQL binding subquery

    Hello and thanks in advance,   is there any possibility to pass a subquery as a parameter to a query defined in SQL binding?   Thanks.
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    last modified by san_ebro
  • Remote EJB Invocation from Switchyard

    Hi everyone! I spent a lot of time trying to find any information about whether it is possible to call remote EJB from Switchyard.  What I need to do is to expose a web service on switchyard that will call a remo...
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    last modified by egor.erofeev
  • Develop Java EE6 application and expose via SwitchYard's bindings

    I found that we can develop Java EE6 using EJB 3.1 works in conjunction with JPA 2.0 and use SwitchYard's binding to expose as services. CDI will be used to do Dependencies Injection or even EJB's annotations. The pro...
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    last modified by tungtd
  • Dependency project added to pom.xml file result in ClassNotFound

    I builded a new Switchyard project from jdevstudio (wizard), this project need a dependency reference to another maven project.  This new project compile without errors, but when I try to deploy it from IDE over ...
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    last modified by fpaz
  • SwitchYard 2.0.0.Alpha3 Now Available

    The SwitchYard team has been making steady progress on the 2.0 release and I'm pleased to announce the latest preview of SwitchYard 2.0, Alpha3.  We're rapidly approaching beta quality and the only think keeping ...
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    created by rcernich
  • How to make Camel filter in SwitchYard component

    Hi everybody, There are some ways to filter a Bean component in Camel. One of the most simple way is using method name. <route> <from uri="direct:start"/> <filter> <method ref="myPredicate"metho...
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    last modified by tungtd
  • File Transfer

    Hi guys, Would you recommend to use switchyard on creating a file transfer service? I want to create a simple switchyard project that can transfer a file from my local directory and pass it on a FTP server? Any bes...
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    last modified by ptjcarlo
  • Message collation

    Hi   Im trying to collate certain messages during a Switchyard flow, but can't find any information on the subject. I've looked at the Message trace for my flow and found that there is genrated a new org.switchy...
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    last modified by mimer
  • Are SwitchYard Rest Service end points Single threaded?

    Hi, We are using 1.1.1-p5-redhat-1 switchyard Here is the sample service endpoint defined in our application: @Path("/operations/in-operation") public interface InOperationResource {   @GET   @Path("/s...
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    last modified by satyajit_ijt
  • Exception handling in IN-ONLY bean services

    Hi   I have been playing with exception handling of In-Only bean components.   I have In-Out bean component which invokes other In-Only bean component. The In-Only component throw new RuntimeException or ...
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    last modified by vchalupa
  • Accessing Switchyard context from onCompletion when an exception occurs

    Hello,   I'm trying to do some audit work in which I have to store on database if certain action with certain data have been successfully carried out or not. I get this audit data from several earlier services ...
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    last modified by san_ebro
  • SwitchYard Bean Setup/Teardown

    Is there a way to do initialization/teardown for SwitchYard bean (class decorated with @org.switchyard.component.bean.Service) ?   An analogy I guess would be OSGi Declarative Service activate/deactivate methods...
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    last modified by arnstene
  • Add headers/properties (used as selector in Hornetq topic) to JMS message in Switchyard Camel route

    Hi there, I made a service to deliver a file by  using JMS binding and Switchyard camel. The camel route takes JMS message from a queue, add a selector  based on the file description (the selector value is ...
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    last modified by hoahieusuong
  • Trying to invoke swithyard webservice from external client.Null java object is returned from the webservice port type.

    From two days i have been trying to invoke a swithyard webservice and getting a null onject as a response in external application. To make it simple i created a swithyard wsdl using a simple class   @Service(Hel...
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    last modified by pavanisuggula
  • What is the difference between CamelExchange and ExchangeImpl?

    Hello folks,   Can I ask you what's the difference between CamelExchange and ExchangeImpl?  Those are the only two implementations of the SwitchYard's Exchange interface in the SY codebase, and my understan...
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    last modified by tadayosi