• External access to event manager

    Hi   I would like to experiment with using the EventManager for managing the events used by runtime governance.   Is there a suggested/preferred way to access the event manager from outside switchyard? &...
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    last modified by objectiser
  • Properties Dialog for SwitchYard Editor

    Hey all,   I've taken my first whack at creating a property dialog for objects in the SwitchYard editor.  This would be in addition to the existing properties view.  There are still some kinks to work ...
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    last modified by rcernich
  • How to configure transaction manager with JPA Binding

    I have an issue with the JPA Binding in SwitchYard. Even though my configuration similar to the quickstart:      <sca:reference name="PolicyQuoteEntityService" multiplicity="0..1" promote="PolicyQuo...
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    last modified by jeffdelong
  • What is the purpose of the create parameter on MessageComposer.compose() ?

    I think it's only there to support using MessageComposer for camel implementations (mapping between SY exchange and Camel exchange).  If so, we should remove this extra parameter as part of removing the message c...
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    last modified by kcbabo
  • exception buried in JAXBUnmarshalTransformer

    Hi.    i came across a mistake in a SY 0.8.0.FINAL based app that contains a bean component exposed by a SOAP gateway.    In particular,  a mis-match was introduced between target namespace ...
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    last modified by jbride
  • SwitchYard + OpenShift For The Win...

    (work in progress)   So I've been looking into SWITCHYARD-1293, which addresses integrating SwitchYard and OpenShift to simplify the process for the user who wants to develop a SwitchYard application on OpenShif...
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    last modified by bfitzpat
  • Sanity Check 0.7.0 Final - Visual Editor BPM Implementation

    Would be nice if Process ID could be determined by browsing to a bpmn file SessionId is unknown at design time, I have no idea how to configure this. It is also not clear how to specify the ProcessInstance to Session...
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    last modified by jeffdelong
  • Hiding ExchangeImpl from ServiceReference

    Dear all, During F2F we started talking about clearing camel exchange bus internals and way how SwitchYard exchange is routed internally to Exchange Handler instances. The main problem I see currently is that Service...
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    last modified by splatch
  • 0.8 Release Overview posted

    I just posted the 0.8 Release Overview here: https://community.jboss.org/wiki/SwitchYardReleaseOverview-08   If you notice that something is missing or incorrect, please feel free to update the document directl...
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    created by kcbabo
  • status on modularization of test mixins

    I have this pretty close now, but running into some issues with the optional/required dependencies between a few MixIns.  Before I get to that, my changes can be found here:   https://github.com/kcbabo/pare...
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    last modified by kcbabo
  • Doc Butchering

    You may have noticed that I have reorganized some of the existing docs, but that was kid gloves stuff.  Starting tomorrow morning, I'm getting out the big clippers and going to work on the User Guide.  Just ...
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    created by kcbabo
  • Where are the SY downloads?

    Hi guys I am looking for the official downloads? There is nothing here: http://www.jboss.org/switchyard/downloads I see the eclipse Indigo SR2 download has switchyard tools. Is this the right route to go for now? Wh...
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    last modified by edejongh
  • Tooling review posted to F2F notes article

    I have posted an incomplete draft of my F2F summary here: https://community.jboss.org/wiki/SwitchYardF2FNotes   I started with all the feedback on the tooling, since some of that needs to land in 0.8.  I h...
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    last modified by kcbabo
  • Filtering Context Properties

    An issue was raised on a user forum thread "Load Balancing Question", which in turn, prompted the creation of this jira: SWITCHYARD-1325.   Boiled down, a Camel object finds it's way into a Context Property, and...
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    last modified by dward
  • SWITCHYARD-1313 Add property support on tooling

    Hi Brian, Rob,   Finally I have raised a JIRA for the property support on tooling. https://issues.jboss.org/browse/SWITCHYARD-1313   Other discussions [basic design] https://community.jboss.org/thread/22...
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    last modified by igarashitm
  • Config for SCA binding extension

    I'm looking to implement binding.sca this release and also replace our use of binding.remote with extensions to binding.sca.  In a nutshell, binding.sca allows communication between services and references within...
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    last modified by kcbabo
  • Doc Structure Update

    Quick heads up that the arrangement of our documentation in Confluence has changed a bit.  There is now a top-level docs page here:   https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/SWITCHYARDDOC/Home   The top...
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    created by kcbabo
  • Access ODE's User-defined process properties via RiftSaw

    Hi RiftSaw guys,   I'm implementing SwitchYard implementation property and now looking at BPEL component part.   [doc] - https://community.jboss.org/wiki/SwitchYardPropertiesSupport [discussion] - https:/...
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    last modified by igarashitm
  • BPEL (Riftsaw) Integration

    Hey all,   I'm currently working on adding support for BPEL components to the SwitchYard tools, which means I've also been learning about BPEL and how it is used within SwitchYard.   To summarize what I've...
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    last modified by rcernich
  • External modules

    Curently switchyard builds the AS7 modules that it requires for external libs. For the Overlord BAM project, I would ideally like to install drools, mvel, etc in situations where switchyard is not present.   The...
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    last modified by objectiser