• Security in Stored Procedures

    Hello together, I have a question regarding security in stored procedures. I have written a stored procedure which should update some configuration values of a user. Let"s assume the following example. I have a table...
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    last modified by cjohn001
  • Teiid Domain mode VDB deployment

    We are running Teiid 10.2.1 in domain mode on 2 servers. We are using admin API to deploy a VDB. VDB status is returning Active when it is ready on the master server while sometimes it is not yet Active on the worke...
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    last modified by mtawk
  • Hana as Datasource

    Hi, some time ago we deployed a VDB reading in SAP ECC system (Teiid 9.3.3) . Now we're going to upgrade SAP ECC to Hana and are looking for changing the Teiid Datasources in order to point to Hana instead of Microso...
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    last modified by mirco73
  • Problem consuming Odata4 webservice

    Currently I consume a Mendix odata webservice using the WS translator. This is in most cases not the most efficient way. Thats why I'm in the process of rebuilding this. However, after importing the tables and trying ...
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    last modified by marc.kusters
  • Translator License

    Hello,   I wanted to know that the jdbc-translator currently are under LGPL licenses, but the version 10.0.-aplha is Apache licensed. So two came up:   1. Firstly, Can I use my the current jdbc-translators...
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    last modified by lalitverma131
  • Teiid Designer Question regarding Index Import

    Hello together, I have a question regarding the usage of Teiid Designer. When I import a source model from my database  I do this via Import / Teiid Connection >> Source Model The dialog which opens has a...
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    last modified by cjohn001
  • Teiid Release Procedure

    Once the release criteria have been met, which will minimally include no test failures and no unresolved issues, the following can be used from your current working copy to create the target release.   Documenta...
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    last modified by shawkins
  • Timeout - Generating Source Model from Denodo OData

    Hi There, I'm a Teiid newbie and I'm currently trying to generate a source model from a Denodo OData service.   I am using the OData profile type when creating the connection profile.     Unfortuna...
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    last modified by ians-ihsmarkit-dev
  • Teiid Embedded

    Hi Teiid Team,   Is following features are possible through Teiid embedded.   1. Consume JDBC sources like MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle and Hive. 2. LDAP based authentication. 3. Provides interfaces like JD...
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    last modified by mahavird
  • Where to set allowEnvFunction

    I was wondering where to set the allowEnvFunction? This is quite unclear in the documentation and the best I could find was in jira tracker: [TEIID-1746] Documentation for ENV & COMMANDPAYLOAD is missing some det...
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    last modified by marc.kusters
  • JDV TEIID Service Health Check

    1. How to do the Health Check for the services? (any example) 2. Any tool avaiable?
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    last modified by pmthirumaran
  • Custom Translator

    Hi Team, In Custom Translator, Is it possible to change metadata content ? For example by extending the BaseDelegatingExecutionFactory ? Are through any other custom translator method exist to modify metadata ? By de...
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    last modified by mahavird
  • Availability of Teiid community version

    We heard that Teiid community version will be available until 2020 only.  Beyond that there are options to extend until 2023 as a subscription.  After 2023, Teiid open source will not be available anymore. &...
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    last modified by skethire
  • Dynamic VDB

    Hi Teiid Team,   We are developing Dynamic VDB and we have following use case which needs solution.   I have following scenario...      1. We are having a Oracle Database.   ...
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    last modified by mahavird
  • Need suggestions to upgrade Teiid version

    I am new to teiid , We are using 9.1.3 version of Teiid and wanted to upgrade to latest version 10.2.1     1. Could you please help me with what new enhancements has been done in new version..   2. We...
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    last modified by rujutas
  • Teiid is returning null for query which has concatenation expression if one of the field used in concatenation operation is null

    Hi team , We observed Teiid is returning null result for query which has concatenation expression if one of the field used in concatenation operation is null. I am using teiid-9.1.3 version.   My Query: It sho...
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    last modified by rujutas
  • JDBC to Teiid with Keycloak

    Hello,   I used Teiid 10.2.1+Wildfly and dbeaver with teiid jdbc driver to access vdbs using teiid-securirty. Odata was working fine too.   Now i configured teiid to use keycloak 4.8.3 for odata oauth2 au...
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    last modified by mbank
  • loadMatView EXECUTE IMMEDIATE is truncating Insert SQL statement

    I am using Teiid embedded 10.2.1 with SQL server translator I had a view that was not materializing without any raised exception or log error. After investigating, we find out that the issue is coming from the store...
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    last modified by mtawk
  • Teiid Spring boot and java persistence types

    Hi,   I am using Teiid Spring boot with postgres view as datasource. I have a column in postgres view defined as (sql) integer, I created virtual view (in java class) using Teiid's @SelectQuery and defined thi...
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    last modified by tamarm
  • org.json.JSONException: Misshaped element

    Hi All, I need some help with JSON error on Wildfly.   I am using RESTEASY with JAX-RS.  The preview of the JSON data outputs as expected but when I run from Teiid Swagger or the url directly from the brows...
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    last modified by lhoskins