• Can I insert the output of UDF in to a view table

    Hello,   I am writing a UDF to do some customization on data before they are inserted in to the Database.   I can call the odata post URL by java url connection from UDF and insert the data.   But is...
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    last modified by prashanthi1
  • can odata url return timestamp value in human readable format

    Hello,   I have few fields in Oracle DB which are of timestamp datatype. I have imported these tables and created views for these tables. When I preview data the Date fields are getting displayed in a human read...
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    last modified by prashanthi1
  • Error faced during creation of Internal Materialized views

    Hi,   I faced the following error while creating a cache using Int Mat views. I am using Teiid embedded 8.11, with the view ttl of 120mins. I ran a select * query over a view which was simply mapped to a source ...
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    last modified by pranavk
  • How the select statement return the data when the statement has where condition in teiid VDB

    Hi,         Teiid VDB does not have any data, it contain only schema of the real DB, so when we query against VDB it fetch data from the real DB       If we run se...
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    last modified by govindarajs
  • Resultset caching not working as expected with cache store

    Hi,   I took a copy of the infinispan config file that is supplied in teiid-runtime jar, and modified it to add a file cache store using the configuration mentioned below. I had then set the config file in the e...
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    last modified by pranavk
  • How does max-processing-kb and max-reserve-buffer impacts cache/buffer manager and how does they play role in data replication is cluster

    Hi ,   I am trying teiid on a cluster and trying to load millions of data and also using cache functionality , curious with some of the questions regarding the behavior , so please bear with series of questions:...
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    last modified by capoorhimanshu
  • Parsing errors in Designer "Error in parsing of sql - Encountered " "new" "new "" at line 4, column 75"

    Usecase: simple view with insert/updates, where insert is going to insert values into multiple tables. For example view table is joining A, B on id column.   While working on a case what we observed if select tr...
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    last modified by rareddy
  • Unable to deploy Postgres based VDB

    Hi,   I am unable to deploy a VDB having Postgres based source model. I am noticing this issue since the 8.11 upgrade, it used to work fine with 8.10. Could you please confirm whether this issue is coming up wit...
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    last modified by pranavk
  • Access Path for Odata

    http://localhost:8080/odata/MIVDB/MIViewModel.EVI_JRNL_ART_MAP(13M) gives me <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?><entry xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:m="http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/...
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    last modified by iginsk
  • Further Integration of Teiid and Hadoop

    Quick Introduction. I'm a long time listener first time caller. I worked for JBoss pre-acquistion, founded a project called POI which ported Microsoft's file formats to Java which I donated to Apache (poi.apache.org) ...
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    last modified by acoliver
  • Data not getting parsed in Odata SAP for the collections having large data

    While getting the data from BookingCollection from SAP demo system we are getting below exception. If we are trying to fetch data for any other collections its working fine.   The query which is getting fired fr...
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    last modified by singhall
  • Error while accessing VDB

    SELECT * FROM SubmissionVDB.SubmissionViewModel.DEV_NEES.EVI_SUBMISSION     org.teiid.runtime.client.TeiidClientException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Remote org.teiid.core.TeiidProcessingException: TEIID30...
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    last modified by iginsk
  • creating a VDB for which another CDB is source

    Hi,   I am trying to create a VDB for which another VDB is a source. I have used import-vdb for reusing another VDB.   is there any other way where I can create an existing VDB as source model and use it ...
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    created by subbarao_nulu
  • Duplicate records being for formed for Internal Materialized View cluster

    Hi,   I am testing internal materialized views over a cluster. When I run a query over one of the nodes of a cluster (say node A) to fetch 25000 records (with internal materialization switched on), the cache get...
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    last modified by pranavk
  • error while running VDB

    Hi,   I get this error while running the VDB in DV 6.1.0/ EAP 6.3   There was a problem deploying VDB "SalesVDB.vdb" to server "JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6.0." JDBC Source for Driver class ora...
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    last modified by iginsk
  • We have a web service that returns JSON where each JSON structure will have URI:"some URL". I want instead of "some URL", the whole response of that URL in the JSON output itself. How do I do that with ODATA? Using $expand can it help? if yes, any sample?

    We have a web service that returns JSON where each JSON structure will have URI:"some URL". I want instead of "some URL", the whole response of that URL in the JSON output itself. How do I do that with ODATA? Using $e...
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    last modified by iginsk
  • Connect ODBC data source from Teiid designer

    Hi,   We are having a requirement to connect to data source using ODBC to pull data. So I need to connect to the data source using ODBC connection from teiid designer. When I opened New Connection Profile, I do ...
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    last modified by nachi123
  • composite insert using Teiid

    Hi Ramesh,   I have a requirement to insert data into related multiple tables in the database through a single VDB that virtualizes multiple tables. Any link to follow, I am asking this because there are not ma...
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    last modified by iginsk
  • VDB deployment issue

    Hi,   If I mark my VDBs deployable and then start the server, it throws 05:30:22,749 INFO  [org.jboss.modules] (main) JBoss Modules version 1.3.5.Final-redhat-1 05:30:23,139 INFO  [org.jboss.msc] (ma...
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    last modified by iginsk
  • Can I indexing the materialized view columns

    Hi,        I am quite new to Teiid VDB as well as Database Development, So I don't know this question is right or wrong          Often I am facing perform...
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    last modified by govindarajs