• server-connect command in VDB Builder throws an error - The controller is not available

    @Hello,   I have setup VDB Builder using vdbbuilder-console-0.0.4-20160405.zip version in both Mac and RHEL 6.6 VM server and it works okay with all commands but i am not able to connect to remote server using s...
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    last modified by masilamani
  • CLOB data type

    Hi ,   If i  create a VDB on top of Oracle DB having geometry data type. Would it be possible to fetch the data of this column by connecting to this VDB through teiid JDBC driver ? If yes what will be type ...
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    last modified by capoorhimanshu
  • Issue using salesforce-34 api

    Hi, I am currently evaluating teiid and I am really excited. But now I have a strange issue. Maybe realted to https://developer.jboss.org/thread/263098 and [TEIID-3981] Salesforce-34 connector dependency on "com.forc...
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    last modified by tomesc
  • Group By and FORMATTIMESTAMP not translated

    Hi all,   I am now trying to translate the below SQL to DB2 SQL. But seems the Group By clause and FORMATTIMESTAMP function was not translated successfully.   Could you please help to check and guide what...
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    last modified by chandler.cao
  • Teiid XML functions performance

    I have a Teiid view definition where I use XML table to produce tabular output. My view definition is listed below:          <metadata type="DDL">      ...
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    last modified by jrod2016
  • Slow down when fetching large result sets

    This issue was observed using an embedded Teiid server in version 8.13.2. It was triggered by bad sqoop performance, but can be reproduced directly with JDBC.   An HSQL table is defined in the VDB. The tableR...
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    last modified by ehudreches
  • Unable to import data services using Data Services Builder - Web UI

    Hello,   I have setup Data Services Builder - Web UI to take a look at it but when i invoke http://localhost:8080/vdb-bench URL,  getting an error "The host “http://localhost:8080/vdb-builder/v1' is no...
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    last modified by masilamani
  • Materialized view - Expected long, but was bigdecimal

    I'm using Teiid 9.0.0 Final i'm materializing a view on Oracle that contains a column using TIMESTAMPDIFF and the corresponding column in the materialized view is of type NUMBER(10) The materialization is done succe...
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    last modified by mtawk
  • Criteria on columns of different data types

    Since we migrated to Teiid 9.0.0, we started to get errors whenever we have criterias comparing fields of different data types, varchar and integer for example.   Those cases use to pass in teiid earlier version...
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    last modified by mtawk
  • Failure to find org.jboss.as:jboss-as-parent:pom:7.5.0.Final-redhat-15

    Hi All:   When I import the sources for Teiid 8.12.4 into Eclipse, I get this error (among many others):   Description Resource Path Location Type Project build error: Non-resolvable import POM: Failure to ...
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    last modified by gary.gregory
  • How to access data from Teiid virtual table from SQL BI / SQL Server Management Studio

    We have few Oracle clinical data repository - once I virtualize the data from these three different application data system to the Data Virtualization  platform.   Is it possible that I can consume the virt...
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    last modified by gvarghese1993
  • Validate VDB before calling EmbeddedServer.deploy

    Is there a way to validate a VDB before calling server.deploy on it?   Thanks, John
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    last modified by jrod2016
  • Projected release date for 9.0.3 ?

    is there a projected release date for 9.0.3 ? 9.1 ?   Thanks, Dave
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    last modified by dnicodemus
  • Function in ORDER BY clause not being passed through to datamanager

    Good day,   We are using the Teiid embedded server with a VDB XML file. I have a HSQL DB with two custom functions defined. My VDB file defines the functions as follows:   CREATE FOREIGN FUNCTION XSCORE()&...
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    last modified by dnicodemus
  • does teiid support connecting to kerberos enabled hive via jdbc?

    I have a kerberos secured cloudera cluster. I am trying to connect to hive via jdbc using these jars   commons-configuration-1.10.jar commons-logging-1.1.3.jar     hadoop-common-2.2.0.jar&...
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    last modified by parth_anand
  • How to debug teiid web console

    configure   Modify gui/src/main/resources/org/jboss/as/console/TeiidExtension.gwt.xml for Super Dev Mode.     <module rename-to="app">   <inherits name="org.jboss.as.console.composite.Wi...
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    last modified by jren
  • Need to setup XA datasource

    Hi ,   I need to set-up XA-datasource using  teiid adminapi. Currently we are creating non-xa datasource. Can we create using admin api ? What all properties specifically we need to set for creating XA-Dat...
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    last modified by kulbhushanc
  • In teiid, Can we refresh the materialized view at specific time of the day say at midnight everyday

    In teiid, Can we refresh the materialized view at specific time of the day say at midnight everyday instead of specifying the interval
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    last modified by dineshnasa
  • Facing issues while executing queries through teiid

    Hi ,   There are two issues I am facing. 1) Created one table on SQLServer though JDBC with ID column set as IDENTITY.   CREATE TABLE Persons (ID int IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY,  LastName varchar(255)...
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    last modified by nish18
  • parsing json response having jsonarr

    I am having a json structure like { response:{ docs:[{ test1:"SOME_VALUE1", test2:"SOME_VALUE2" }, { test1:"SOME_VALUE3", test2:"SOME_VALUE4" }   }   I am using the following Create VIEW TestView (...
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    last modified by dineshnasa