• Using a secure REST endpoint (Cookie based auth) for restservice-as-a-datasource from Teiid-embedded (9.0.0CR2)

    Based on your very informative example: https://github.com/teiid/teiid-embedded-examples/tree/master/restservice-as-a-datasource I wanted to know if you have an example of accessing a secure REST endpoint where you c...
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    last modified by jrod2016
  • How to define datepart Input variable in DATEADD (datepart , number , date ) method, so that it can be used as Source Supported Functions

    Hi All,   I am trying to define a Source supported function (DATEADD) for SQL server data source in VDB (Created using Teiid Designer).  I am following below url for same.   How to define TIMESTAMPADD...
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    last modified by ragava28
  • Teiid-embedded (9.0.0CR2) export a VDB to XML

    Is there a way to export a VDB to xml using the teiid-api?   I'd like to do something like this:   VDB vdb = admin.getVDB(VDB_NAME, VDB_VERSION); String vdbAsXml = vdb.getVDBAsXML(); //  Is this poss...
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    last modified by jrod2016
  • Teiid JDBC driver

    Hi, I am a learner on Jboss Data Virtualization concepts, I able to build vdb, but i am unable to test it. Figured i need Teiid JDBC driver to connect vdb for testing. Could you please anyone help on to deploy te...
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    last modified by gajendran21
  • Teiid-embedded v9.0.0.CR2 - Getting an error in EmbeddedServer start/stop

    I noticed that stopping the embedded server using the EmbeddedServer#stop method and then calling EmbeddedServer#start throws an IllegalStateException, because of:   public synchronized void start(@SuppressWarni...
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    last modified by jrod2016
  • Salesforce connector : Bulk API for Select statements

    Hi,   As I am currently using Teiid to connect to salesforce datasource, I know that Teiid supports Bulk API for INSERT and Update as per  [TEIID-2248] and they already have the support for Salesforce API ...
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    last modified by sameerp
  • Chain /*+MAKEDEP*/ hints or controlling what gets pushed when

    I'm currently trying out the /*+MAKEDEP*/ query hint as described here: teiid: Tech Tip: Teiid SQL Language MAKEDEP Hint Explained and Federated Optimizations - Teiid 9.0 (draft) - Project Documentation Editor. I see ...
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    last modified by bpiepers
  • Explore Teiid integration/collabaration with OSDQ

    Open Source Data Quality and Profiling (OSDQ) is one of the data quality, data profiling tools available with Apache 2 license. This project has been around for few years, and seems to have very decent feature set. Th...
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    last modified by rareddy
  • Stored Procedure With Parameters Teiid 8.7.1

    Folks, I'm trying to create a stored procedure that uses a boolean as a parameter. I would like to use this parameter in an IF, something like:   BEGIN IF (AllCustomer.getCustomersByParam.value = TRUE) THEN ...
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    last modified by mauriciomag
  • Add a new ModelMetaData to a deployed VDB in teiid-embedded without undeploy/redeploy of the VDB

    Hi,   I want to know if it is possible to add a new ModelMetaData to a deployed VDB in teiid-embedded, without having to undeploy/redeploy the VDB.   So, currently my code does this:   public void de...
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    last modified by jrod2016
  • checking a string whthere it is a valid number

    In Teiid, I need a function similar to isNumeric in sql
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    last modified by dineshnasa
  • Problems during accessing double with OData v4

    Hi all, I've found out an issue during the utilization of OData command to inquire the entities. In particular I find that for some character such as / or decimal number, I can see data only by using Odata old versio...
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    last modified by sbalconi
  • Odata call to JBOSS DV Teiid VDB giving empty response intermittently

    Here comes the odata url which I am trying to hit from RestClient/Postman: http://localhost:8181/odata/TestVDB/Tracking.TEST_TRACKER?$format=json&$filter=REQUEST_ID eq '349cb1d7-09d0'   It should ideally re...
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    last modified by rohit.wadhwa
  • how to change the time zone of logs in Jboss Data virtulization server

    Hi,   we are using Red Hat JBoss Data Virtualization - Version 6.2.2. I want to set the logs to UTC timezone. How do i do that?   Thanks in advance, Prashanthi.
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    last modified by prashanthi1
  • How to define TIMESTAMPADD(Source supporting functions) method input parameters, so that it can be pushed Source

    Hi All,   How do I define TIMESTAMPADD method input parameters in VDB so that , it gets pushed to source db. In my case source db is GE Proficy Historian ,and TIMESTAMPADD function is supported in Teiid & Pr...
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    last modified by ragava28
  • Execute DDL, DML, DCL and TCL Sqls statement on Teiid connection.

    Can I execute DDL, DML, DCL and TCL  sql statements on teiid?   For detaile about DDL,DML,DCL,TCL as below - What are the difference between DDL, DML and DCL commands? | Oracle FAQ   Please guide me
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    last modified by praksah
  • Teiid returning back all the Rows from Amazon Simple DB even when RowLimit is set

    Hi Teiid Team,   I am using Teiid version 8.13.0.Final for connecting with Amazon Simple DB. In org.teiid.client.RequestMessage I am setting rowLimit as 50 which is inturn passed on while calling the executeRequ...
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    last modified by menvi.usa
  • How to keep teiid process alive in standalone mode.

    Currently, we are using teiid-8.13.3 and we start starting teiid server using the following command   > nohup ./standalone.sh -c=standalone-teiid.xml &   But I got the problem when Linux machines ar...
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    last modified by sanjay762k
  • AdminFactory in 8.13.4?

    I am migrating an application from 8.8.1 to 8.13.4.  Have solved every problem but one:   I have a class making a call:   Admin admin = AdminFactory.getInstance().createAdmin(...);   so that it ...
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    last modified by mmeusey
  • Connect to Teiid through SQOOP

    Hi,   Need direction on using Teiid with SQOOP   Below is the command i have used.   sqoop import -libjars  /development/sr3/teiid-8.13.4-jdbc.jar --verbose --connect jdbc:teiid:Impu@mm://cdtsso...
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    last modified by ravindra_singh