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Thread Forum Going Read-Only
Forum Going Read-OnlyThis forum will shortly be read-only. Please create new topics on StackOverflow. For now we'll just use the teiid tag for all topics.
SQL query failingHi, Wanted to point out a scenario where I faced an issue. The following query is fired on a VDB which made atop a JDBC (SQL-Server) based source model. It gives the error as shown below, whereas it works fine...
Teiid Developer forum is now read onlyHello all, In an effort to consolidate community activity we are combining the Teiid and Teiid Developer forums. Since most of the actual development chatter happens through JIRA there isn't a specific ne...
Thread Resource adapter based on Java Native Interface
Resource adapter based on Java Native InterfaceMy custom resource adapter is using JNI to comunicate with the EIS. The JNI wraps a plain C-function to send and receive data (usually commands like open, find, read, etc.). E.g. a SQL-Select has to be translated to a...
Implement featuresHi, I'm currently planning to implement some framework whose architecture and features seem similar / complimentary of those of this project: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OqsVn6uo0cr6qruzWj9yRAS...
exception while processing vdb requestHi, When i try to process request to vdb i get exception: Caused by: org.teiid.translator.TranslatorException: TEIID30481 Failed to find the Connection Factory with JNDI name orient/ConnectionFactory....
designer doesn't show table namesHi everyone, I've created new execution factory for OrientDB, and now I'm trying to test it. But designer doesn't show any table names, although they exist. What I'm doing wrong? I use orientdb jdbc driver.
Usage of array typeIn my translator I use the 'array type' feature. Here an example: Table table = metadataFactory.addTable("FILE_0004"); Column column = metadataFactory.addColumn("ISN", "string", table); Column column = metad...
literal formattingHi guys, In PostgreSQLExecutionFactory i see 'DATE' appendix in translateLiteralDate method. Could you please explain? I tried sql request in postgres, I got following output: 2017-07-10. I st...
Thread Getting exception querying using EmbeddedConnection
Getting exception querying using EmbeddedConnectionHi, While connecting to my application (running on a jetty server), I am able to properly connect and and run queries over Teiid when I use the SocketConnection (using URL format: jdbc:teiid:Portfolio@mm://loc...
confusion with joinsMy connector does not support joins. Thus my translator does overwrite the following support methods only: supportsCompareCriteriaEquals() supportsCompareCriteriaOrdered() supportsOrCriteria() supportsInCriteria()...
Thread Empty WHERE clause for unsupported translator capability
Empty WHERE clause for unsupported translator capabilityI am writting my own adapter and translater. It works very well so far. However I have a question to not supported translator capabilities: It seems that the query (QueryExpression) has no WHERE clause if the stateme...
where the ddl-file's locationwhen i deploy the vdb ,throw exception"No vdb resource exists with name /1.ddl",I want know ,where the ddl file i will be place in
how to set the vdb.xmli want deploy a vdb by some tables or procedures of database ,how can confige the xml file,not by DDL,caurse the count of tables greater than 100
Thread Proxy options don't work with Salesforce connector
Proxy options don't work with Salesforce connectorHi, Just wanted to point out that using proxy options in the Salesforce connector does not work (most surely an underlying library issue though). Following is the way I am setting the options in question. ...
Exposing WKBGeometry via TeiidHello! Does anyone know how to expose a WKBGeometry object from PostGRES/PostGIS through Teiid VDB inorder to expose spatial data? Cheers!
Materialized Views on Teiid 9.2.3Before Teiid 9.2, it was not necessary to have any PRIMARY KEY in View nor on their Materialized Views counterpart. When trying to run the following VDB in Teiid Server 9.2 the folowing problem arises: ...