• JDBC Source for Driver class com.mysql.jdbc.Driver was not found on server mm://localhost...?

    Hello,   My environment is: Jboss EAP 6.1 Alpha (also tried on Jboss EAP 6.1) Teiid 8.4.0 Final Deisgner 8.2   I followed "Model JDBC Source" section to integrate a MySQL data source. What I've done is ...
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    last modified by biaobiaoqi
  • Unable to update, Issues in insert statement

    I am trying to update base table via model view which is join of base table and flat file. While testing VDB, I'm facing some issues   1. Select statement is working fine in VDB but during update an error -> ...
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    last modified by sanjaybhardwaj01
  • Teiid desginer can't access to https url

    Hi all:      I want to import a sopa service as a data source.  But I got a error when I input the url.      Does the teiid designer can't support https or some mistake I...
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    last modified by arbiterx
  • Using Hive2 as a data source

    Hi all,   I'm a relatively new user of teiid, and l like what I've seen so far. I've been connecting to flat files and RDBMS without many issues, but now I need to connect to a Hive data source.   I've bee...
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    last modified by bzarboni
  • REST:URI accepting null parameter?

    I've defined a virtual procedure to be exposed as a REST API, but I'd like to have a REST:URI like this one:   mypath/{id}   where {id} can be null and I can have in the procedure a IF cluse that either ge...
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    last modified by gioppoluca
  • native query in teiid designer 7.8

    Hi all, I am using Eclipse indigo 4.2.1, teiid designer 7.8,Teiid runtime 7.7.5 to create REST easy web service from tables spread across two different oracle data bases.When a query is executed the query optimizer t...
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    last modified by vivedha
  • ORA-01427 ERROR while loading IMV

    Using EDS 5.3.1, Teiid 7.7.5:    Created an Oracle view on  imported it source model. Created a virtual view using 'select * from oracle-view'. Enabled IMV for this view.   On testing the VDB v...
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    last modified by forgetarun
  • Teiid designer for teiid 8.5?

    Hi,   Is there a teiid designer version compatible with teiid 8.5?   Both 8.2 and 8.3 beta state that they are compatible with 8.4.   Kind regards Bram
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    last modified by gadeyne.bram
  • Unable to create temporary file when defining Teiid model project

    Environment: windows 7 enterprise eclipse kepler r32 teiid designer 8.2 final   I'm following the tutorial to create a flat file Teiid model project. however when I tried to create a project, I got below erro...
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    last modified by e458502
  • Cannot set different REST methods for the virtual procedure in RESTEasy WAR creation.

    Hi all, I generated a RESTEasy WAR using Eclipse indigo 4.2.1, teiid designer 7.8,Teiid runtime 7.7.5 and implementing insert,update and select operation refering the links. Chapter 11. Web Service Wizards After de...
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    last modified by vivedha
  • TEIIDDES-1811 and TEIIDDES-1859

    Hi Steven, Ramesh,   I submitted these two defect tickets, still no Assignee yet, wonder if they are being taken care of. If not, can you please look into them when your team get time?   For TEIIDDES-1811,...
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    last modified by jane_lj
  • PreparedStatement.executBatch()

    Hi,   We have the View Model VDB which created in Teiid Designer deployed into Teiid JBoss server, this VDB supports the updates feature by writing FOR EACH ROW procedure for INSERT.   When we test the INS...
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    last modified by jane_lj
  • How to connect excel as a data source using jdbc-odbc driver in Teiid designer

    Hi Friend .How are you. I need a favor i cant able to connect excel as a data source using jdbc-odbc driver .Kindly send me the Screenshots document for that or any other documents to refer it...I tried by seeing the...
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    last modified by ramc_natarajan7
  • Simple Extension Properties

    Is there any way to bring back simply adding name value pairs for extension metadata without all of the steps associated with MED?   For example see Re: calling an oracle funtion part of the package from teiid r...
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    last modified by shawkins
  • Unable to set teiid designer as default perspective in eclipse Kepler.Designer 8.2

    Hi, My previous devlopemnt env stack was eclipse indigo and  teiid_designer-7.8.0.v20120709-1701-H10-Final. To start eclipse with teiid perspective always following property was added to the eclipse.ini file: ...
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    last modified by jamit
  • HTTP Status 415 - Cannot consume content type error in RESTEasy WAR

    Hi all, I generated a RESTEasy WAR using Eclipse indigo 4.2.1, teiid designer 7.8,Teiid runtime 7.7.5 and implementing insert,update and select operation refering the links  http://docs.jboss.org/teiid/designe...
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    last modified by vivedha
  • How to reslove the problem!

    OS:win7 x64 JDK:jdk1.7.0_25 Envirment1: jboss-eap-6.1; Teiid run time 8.4 final Envirment 2 : jboss-as-7.1.1.Final; Teiid  run time 8.3 final Teiid designer:8.2 final.   start jboss: standalone.bar -c ...
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    last modified by arbiterx
  • question regaring to "The length of the Procedure parameter"

    Hi,   I wrote a procedure in my view model. The procedure takes a "blob" data type as input parameter.   I was testing my code and noticed that when the input blob contains 20000 of double precision value...
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    last modified by katherine
  • problem with overwriting the default delete procedure

    Hi,   I would like to overwrite the default delete procedure.   Here is my procedure:     FOR EACH ROW BEGIN ATOMIC DELETE FROM NativeModel.FIELD WHERE ("NEW".field_name = NativeModel.FIELD.N...
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    last modified by katherine
  • FOR EACH ROW procedure for UPDATE

    Hi,   Our view model created in Teiid Designer have to support updates, and we cant use the default UPDATE and INSERT. I have figured out how to write FOR EACH ROW procedure for INSERT.   But for UPDATE, if ...
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    last modified by jane_lj