• Did teiid7.7 supports procedures with OUT parameter? If it supports means what are the procedures to call sp through callable statement with teiid

    I am trying to call a oracle stored procedure with 3 OUT parameter. For that i imported that procedure in teiid designer and converted to VDB file and deployed to JBoss and created a data source for this vdb also. ...
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    last modified by raghu85
  • import update does not work

    I'm trying to update an existing model but even checking the Update )(if exixting model selected) the designer refuses to comply. Is it correct? I'm on 8.1.0.Beta2-v20130222-2027-B2190   Thanks Luca
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    last modified by gioppoluca
  • Oracle db with different user credential issue

    I am having two user credentials for Oracle db. One for accessing tables and schemas and the other one is for accessing pl/sql.   I was able to import table and schema with one connection profile which having ac...
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    last modified by raghu85
  • Is it possible to import sequence, triggers from Oracle db using teiid designer?

    I am using teiid 7.7 and Oracle as database. i want to import some specific tables, procedures, sequence and triggers from db. I was able to import tables and procedures but want some information on how to get seque...
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    last modified by raghu85
  • Cannot find "Enable REST for procedures" option.

    Hello,   I'm trying to generate a RESTEasy WAR following the user's guide. I created a get procedure that returns a result as a XMLLiteral, it very simple, a select * from a table in fact, but when I go to the c...
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    last modified by dsusin
  • View model level custom extnsion property doesn't show up on view model

    Hi,   We created a simple MXD (test.mdx) to have a custom property on view model level using Teiid designer 8.0 final. We registered the test.mdx and applied it to the view.  But  this custom extension...
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    last modified by haifen_bi
  • Simplest web service generation problems

    Hi   first of all forgive my battery of questions these last days   I'm using Designer 8 with Teiid 8.2 and I'm trying to create a web service from relational data sources and I'm not capable of it... I c...
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    last modified by dsusin
  • Incorrect parameter types in invokeHttp

    Hello,   In Designer 8, when you try to import a remote XML file as data source, and create the corresponding view and table, the parameters of invokeHttp in the transformation created automatically are incorre...
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    last modified by dsusin
  • How does the Web Service Model Work

    I'm new to teiid in general as well as the Teiid Designer (7.4.2), and have gotten web service generation to work, but I don't understand how it is working. Specifically, I am generation a web service from an existin...
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    last modified by michaeljconner
  • Performance Issue With Large Staging Table

    Hi Ramesh, I am also building my model from XML schemas. The model was built and also mapped to the relational database using a staging table. Following is the diagram (also attached) of the model which has three le...
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    last modified by tanmoypalit
  • Strange failure from large {Oracle} JDBC

    A large JDBC {Oracle} import fails with no useful messages. I'm including a few screen-shots throughout the process.... Any suggestions would be appreciated..
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    last modified by virtualdatabase
  • updating a clob colum fails in teiid designer

    Hi ! I have column "notes " as clob in a teiid model table "tubing notes", i can read the data from this table in teiid designer, however update is failing. What is the reason for this , i think i am not specifiyg th...
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    last modified by muhammad.kamran
  • Strange error on JBDS startup

    Hi all,   I've been investigating a JBDS startup problem, which happens to occur only if the workbench was closed with a BPEL Designer window still open. The problem was originally reported here:   https:...
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    last modified by bbrodt
  • Pre-Registered custom extension properties (myProperties.mxd) bundled with teiid-designer.

    Hi,   My application has a custom mxd file,custom translator and the set works fine with teiid designer 7.8 version.   Now ,I have a requirement to bundle teiid designer 8.0 beta with pre-registered (into ...
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    last modified by jamit
  • View Model properties and column level properties in MED

    Hi, I m trying to add extension properties on view model and its column. In teiid designer I select View model  and it column for mxd generation. Added few properties at both level. Issue: Although I m able t...
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    last modified by jamit
  • How to add Extension properties to VDB using Teiid Designer.

    I have been through the documentation for MED (Model Extension Development) using teiid designer and also created a sample.mxd file for my project.With this I am able to add the properties from sample.mxd to my curren...
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    last modified by jamit
  • SQL Query Interface to Combined View of Relational and Non-Relational Sources

    I have a customer requirement to combine a relational data source , web service source and an Open DTP connector source into a relational view. The requirement is also to provide the application access using standard ...
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    last modified by darnowsi
  • From relational to XML (conforming to xschema)

    Is it possible to transform a relational table from a physical model to a (complex) XMl conforming to a xschema? I've created two physical models one from the xschema and the other from the relationa DB (using import...
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    last modified by gioppoluca
  • Teiid install

    I'm a newbie.   I need help getting Teiid up and going.  Thanks.   0) Downloaded: eclipse-java-indigo-SR2-win32.zip jboss-as-7.1.1.Final.zip teiid_designer-7.8.0.v20120709-1701-H10-Final.zip teiid...
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    last modified by esuey
  • XML document to web service

    The option to create a web service is enabled just for normal relational xmi and not for xmi that already represent xmldocuments. It could be usefull since all is already present and available in the editor. Luca
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    last modified by gioppoluca