• Cannot run on Andriod emulator or device

    I can create and run Cordova projects in Eclispse but not using JBoss. When I create a Hybrid Mobile project with JBoss I can work on the project and and run it on CordovaSim, but whenever I try to run a JBoss project...
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    created by stevejoung
  • install kie-wb-webapp-6.3.0.Final.war

    Hi , I am tring to install kie workbench in Jboss application server 7.1 but when I try to enable but it's showing below error, Due to network restrictions i do not have GIThub access. can some one help me   ...
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    last modified by chirag.soni
  • Cannot run project on Android emulator or device

    I can create, work on and import projects in JBoss Developer Tools Hybrid Mobile and run them on CordovaSim. However whenever I try to run a project on the Android emulator or device the build stops with the warning "...
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    last modified by stevejoung
  • Android Manifest

    When I start a project using the JBoss Hybrid Mobile Project Tool where is the Android Manifest file?
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    created by stevejoung
  • Hybrid Mobile Project Question

    After starting a project with the Hybrid Mobile Project, right clicking on the "Plugins" folder is supposed to give the option of installing cordova plugins but on my machine this option simply isn't there. Anyone kno...
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    last modified by stevejoung
  • spring bean setter is not working in jboss. Injected bean is getting null while invoking

    I am getting one class instance while not for other in same class and defined in same config.xml file. This is working fine when deployed on webSphere & Tomcat but creating issue on Jboss EAP 6.3. 1. I have one au...
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    last modified by pavsharm
  • No code completion with resource-bundle content

    Hi,   I moved from Eclipse Kelper to Mars today, installing the latest JBoss Tools 4.3.0 Beta 2. When I open a JSF page with the VisualPage Editor I perfectly get code completion for all my cdi beans - as in Kep...
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    last modified by coldarion
  • JBossResourceException-Connection is broken

    Hi , it's the first time I am using Jboss and I have some issues that drives me crazy . I am using an old jdk 1.4 (don´t ask why, I just have to) , also  I am using eclipse 3.1.2 and Jboss ide 3.2.2. I am t...
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    last modified by albatrozdv
  • jsf-impl-2.2.8.jar is not inside WildFly 8.x RunTime (libraries)

    I created a Dynamic Web Project in Eclipse Luna with WildFly 8.2, with the configuration CDI, JavaServer Faces, and JPA. After finished, I check the project Libraries-->WildFly 8.x Runtime. I can see jboss-jsf-api...
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    last modified by zhangxunan
  • Error opening xhtml with JBoss Tools with eclipse Mars

    I have not managed to open any XHTML since I installed eclipse Mars with JBoss Tools (4.3.0.Beta2). Eclipse stops immediately when I try.   With JBoss studio 9.0.0.beta2, I have the same problem. I send you the ...
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    last modified by yan.langlois
  • Hibernate Configurations/HQL Editor Not Detecting JPA Configurations

    Hi,   When I attempt to add a new hibernate configuration for my project that uses JPA 2.1 -- I get the error message: Project 'myproject' must be a JPA project   The persistence.xml file contains the db c...
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    last modified by abrand
  • How to change font size in Camel Route Integration Editor?

    I'd like to decrease the font size, so that I can better see the URIs / IDs of my integration components. At the moment, the editor puts an ellipsis (...) when these are longer than about 17 characters, and there's no...
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    last modified by jan.zankowski
  • Problem with installing JBoss Tools on Eclipse Luna version 4.4.2

    Hi Experts. I try to install JBoss Tools on Eclipse luna from eclipse marketplace in order to use freemarker ide support. but i get error: No repository found at http://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/updates/stable/...
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    last modified by seyedmajid
  • rotate access_log and delete access_log

    Hi,   We have enabled access_log:                   <access-log pattern="%h %l %u %D %T %t &quot;%r&quot; %s %b %{User-...
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    created by arjan.goos
  • Please help me solve this problem i have with hibernate tools.Thanks

    Hello i'm trying to generate pojos and mapping files from my database but I get the following error(s) on eclipse rcp indigo 3.7.2 with hibernate tools 3.4.0.v20120611-2017-H93-Final plugin installed and hibernate 3.6...
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    last modified by geogeorge
  • Error installing jboss tools to Eclipse Mars

    I have downloaded Eclipse Mars and need to install JBoss Tools ( 4.3.0.Beta1) and it keeps failing with the following error.   An error occurred while collecting items to be installed session context was:(profi...
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    last modified by graham.stewart
  • BrowserSim and Selenium WebDriver

    Hello,   this is Alex, I am a user and developer of Arquillian framework. Actually I am developing a product that will need some kind of check of how a web page looks in a mobile device. An exact representation ...
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    last modified by asotobu
  • Reverse engineering MySQL database

    I am looking for a current tutorial that will show me step by step how to reverse engineer a MySQL database with the CRUD functions.  I've found one that uses the command line which doesn't match up with my new i...
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    last modified by jseanjensen
  • How to reduce a tooltip font size in JBossTools

      How to reduce a tooltip font size in JBossTools because it's too big while I prefer a smaller? Where are those options in settings?
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    last modified by andrey.savchuk
  • JBoss eclipse bundle installation problem

    Hi, I am new to JBoss and I have some experience with Java so I wanted to use JBoss with Eclipse (Indigo). I am following the instructions from here: http://vandorp.biz/2012/03/installing-jboss-application-server-...
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    last modified by mzg351