• First Hybrid Mobile Project resulting in "Build failed... Build artifact does not exist"

    Hi all,   Really hope someone can help me out. I'm trying my hand on JBoss and Hybrid Mobile developement (on Win7) but I can't seem to get the most simple apk built. This is the error I get: " Buildfile: C:\P...
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    last modified by mrhakala
  • Arquillian/JUnit Fails to Run in JBoss Tools Generated Project in Eclipse

    Hello,   I am using Eclipse Kepler with JBoss 7.1.1 and I use JBoss Tools Central to generate the "Java EE Web Project" template project.  The project generates successfully and runs fine.  However, af...
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    last modified by alkoch
  • Not able to view onscreen keyboard in cordovasim emulator for IONIC app

    Hello,   I have download IONIC side menu app form git and import in to eclipse after removing the plugin from it. I am Not able to view onscreen keyboard in cordovasim emulator for same. Can some one guide why ...
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    last modified by jayjethava
  • Configure Eclipse Luna to start WildFly with standalone-full.xml

    I am switching from Glassfish to WildFly.  Not fun yet!   But today I'd be happy if someone could just offer pointers on how to reconfigure Eclipse Luna to start WildFly with standalone-full.xml.  Righ...
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    last modified by gberish
  • Eclipse indigo JBoss AS 7 deploy problem

    Hi,      I'm using eclipse indigo with JBoss Tools M4, and my app is running on JBoss AS 7.0.2. I'm trying to deploy with JBoss Tools from eclipse. My project is an ear project, which contains a war an...
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    last modified by zzzooo
  • Wildfly runtime libraries

    Hi,   I'm migrating from jboss as6.1 to Wildfly 8.1   I use server runtime in eclipse, and with jboss as6.1 my libraries in default\lib were automatically added to runtime libraries in eclipse.   I'v...
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    last modified by dnovo
  • Hibernate HQL editor

    Hello, Since i use Eclipse Luna with the corresponding Hibernate Tools plugin, the hql editor doesn't work anymore the exception bellow show up when executing a request : I use hibernate 3 whose jars are in the lib ...
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    last modified by bluez974
  • Hot code swap not happening for Web App Libraries before being loaded

    I have created 2 projects in Eclipse: TestIde: a web application It contains 2 classes HelloWorld: a web service endpoint with a single web service method WebAppClass: a simple Java class with a single method return...
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    last modified by ssandron
  • JavaScript debugging

    With all the hybrid application development support in JBoss Tools, I may be missing something obvious, but I wonder how to debug JavaScript in Eclipse?   I'm thinking of something like   Set a breakpoint ...
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    last modified by hwellmann.de
  • Build a signed APX for uploading to Google Play

    I have installed eclipse and the JBoss Hybrid Mobile Tools + Cordovasim and can start a project, edit it and test it on Cordovasim or on an Android emulator. I am very impressed and intend to start using this approach...
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    last modified by stevejoung
  • HibernateTools - DelegatingReverseEngineeringStrategy Error

    Hi,   I'm using the HibernateTools plugin (latest version) with Eclipse Luna and keep getting an error when trying to use my own reverse engineering implementation class. Every time I try to generate my classes ...
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    last modified by llima2
  • Cannot launch cordovaSim

    I am just installing JBoss and JBoss Hybrid Mobile Tools + CordovaSim  in my Eclipse Luna and am very impressed so far!   One problem I am having is that I cannot run a project with the CordovaSim. Whenever...
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    last modified by stevejoung
  • "Unable to locate installable unit <javax.wsdl>" while setting target platform in Luna

    Hello! I'd like to contribure to jboss-hibernate tools. I've started with setting a target platform. I use Eclipse Luna 4.4.0. So I've git-cloned the target--platform project, checkouted it to 4.40.0, and then import...
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    last modified by bdshadow
  • Datasource creation

    Hi,   JBoss creates datasource from *ds.xml files and I want to do this without such an xml file and still make JBoss provide datasources through jndi.   The code that I have written registers 4 mbeans : ...
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    last modified by dragonfly19856
  • NullPointerException when edit camel context using the "Fuse Tooling Routes Editor"

    Hi all, I Have this exception when i try to edit a camel context using the "Fuse Tooling Routes Editor" in eclipse luna. Any ideas ??   java.lang.NullPointerException     at org.fusesource.ide....
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    last modified by rns
  • Cordova Plug-in Discovery can find any plug-in

    Hello all,   This is the first time I use JBoss Tools and Cordova Hybrid to develop hybrid mobile apps. I have installed the JBoss Tools in my Eclipse (Luna) following the steps mentioned in JBoss Tools - Create...
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    created by indrapr
  • Bug? JBoss killed my Luna context menu...

    Hi, all.   I installed Jboss Studio in my Eclipse Luna workspace this morning. It instantly killed project-level context menus for all new and old projects (file-level, eg inside the project, is unaffected)....
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    last modified by kevin.ard
  • class not found errors when I use eclipse

    Environment: JBoss AS7.2 eclipse luna JBoss tools for luna   I am loading the class loader using setContextClassLoader() on Thread instance to load custom class loader. It works fine when the server started f...
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    last modified by pashamohammed
  • How can I resolve a class cast exception when opening the persistence.xml editor

    I just installed Eclipse Luna - specifically Version: Luna Service Release 2 (4.4.2) Build id: 20150219-0600   I also just installed JBoss Tolls version 4.2.2.Final form the eclipse marketplace.   When I...
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    last modified by brlombar
  • Jboss Eclipse Hibernate Plugin Reverse Engineering Doubt.

    Hi,   While using reverse engineering for some tables to generate the mapping files and domain classes, i am able to generate the Set<E>. I have some use case wherein i need to have a map. Please guide ho...
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    last modified by sectrait