• Integrating FreeMarker into nightly build

    I'm working on subject so we can get the nightly build/updatesite working for the freemarker build. In doing that I've come upon some "fun" parts of the nightly build - i'll add them to this thread as I find them ;) ...
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    last modified by maxandersen
  • HQLAnalyzer ?

    I've been looking at the HQLAnalyzer in org.hibernate.netbeans.console.editor.hql.completion and it looks great and with all that code I would hate to repeat that in the eclipse editor. I've been wondering if it was ...
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    last modified by maxandersen
  • How use XDoclet with Entity Beans?

    Hi, I'm looking for some example (tutorial) how to create a CMP/BMP entity bean using JBoss IDE . I'm interested XDoclet using procedure for that. Thanks for some help Krzysztof
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    last modified by kmalinow
  • looking for CVS .....it is hiding from me:)

    :) Could someone repost the CVS connect info. Sincerely, Me
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    last modified by sirmyth
  • Seam generation needs updating

    See the forum post here: http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=3944947#3944947 I've created a JIRA task and assigned it to Max: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBIDE-313
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    created by mculpepper
  • JBoss Eclipse IDE 1.6.0.GA Released!

    The JBoss Eclipse IDE Team is happy to announce JBoss Eclipse IDE 1.6.0.GA! We had originally uploaded the release on Tuesday but had a last minute packaging error with the freemarker-ide. If you downloaded the 1.6.0...
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    created by mculpepper
  • JBossIDE Development News

    Just some news for you all.... JBossIDE is being migrated to Eclipse 3.2. It will be named JBossIDE 2.0 and JBossIDE 1.6 will most likely be the last Eclipse 3.1 version. Joe Hudson has contributed his FreeMarker pl...
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    last modified by maxandersen
  • Team Meeting 5/4 Notes

    1.6 release --- Marshall: - Find out if jBPM Build is happening before 5/5 and if it is we can roll the new designer into 1.6 Max/Koen/Rob: - Do any last minute litmus tests for the 1.6 release that will go out Fri...
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    last modified by mculpepper
  • Simple Exemple of EntityBean ??

    Hello, I'm looking for a tutorial to write a simply EntityBean CMP with eclipse 3.1, Jboss server 4.02 and JbossEclipseIDE 1.5M2 pluggin. I don't know how to write it, generate xdoclet, .... If everyone have a tutoria...
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    last modified by t.titi14
  • Debugging application with eclipse IDE

    Hi All, I am trying to learn debugging using eclipse IDE. Can any one give pointers or documents to do start with.
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    created by ayusman
  • EJB 2.1 and Integrating MYSQL database with JBoss

    Hi Guys, I need to learn EJB 2.1 with eclipse, is there any documentation for that? I also want to integrate my JBOSS with a data base. Which database i should use DB2 or MYSql? Is there any document for or a tutorial...
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    last modified by aliasdar777
  • start server on localhost as other user

    I am unable to start my jboss server from the JBoss IDE navigator. I've installed jboss-3.2.4 on my PC (Fedora Core 1, j2sdk1.4.2_04): # cd /usr/local # tar xf /downloads/jboss-3.2.4.tar # ln -s jboss-3.2.4 jboss Th...
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    last modified by davles
  • Hibernate tools Seam skeleton problem

    I'm experimenting in Eclipse with JBoss IDE, Hibernate Tools and Seam skeleton generator. I found a bug on generated code doing reverse engineering from a JDBC connection on Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere 9. In detai...
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    last modified by ivan.rosina
  • wseedoclet task support

    Hi JBossIDE Team, I've been using the JBossIDE for quite a while and really do love it. Such a great product. However I'm having some trouble getting the wseedoclet task to work through the XDoclet configuration wit...
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    last modified by reinerka
  • JBossIDE localization

    Antonio Ceccon has emailed me stating an interest in contributing by localizing JBossIDE for Brazilian Portuguese. There are a few issues at hand, namely: - Currently JBossIDE externalizes all (or at least most) of i...
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    last modified by mculpepper
  • nightly builds ?

    Is there any issue with moving the nightly builds to be targetted for 1.6 instead of the current 1.5.x builds ? I would like to get a build of ht head instead of the old beta4 tag.
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    last modified by maxandersen
  • freemarker in 1.5.2 or 1.6 ?

    I would like to have a jbosside 1.x released as soon as possible that includes the new tools with freemarker instead of velocity templating. Doing it in 1.5.x branch feels wrong because the templates will not be comp...
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    last modified by maxandersen
  • JBossCacheAop Plugin Discussion

    Ben Wang, lead of the JBossCacheAop project, has proposed a new component / extension for JBossIDE in JBossCache JIRA here: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBCACHE-239 Let's discuss..
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    last modified by mculpepper
  • The requested resource (/fibo/) is not available

    I completed the tutorial example and got a successful deploy but when I run the browser I get the message "The requested resource (/fibo/) is not available" anyone have any ideas?
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    last modified by bbbrotg
  • JBossIDE / JEE5 features for JBossSeam

    Hey everyone.. Since there's no dev forum for JBossSeam, I'm posting here in the IDE dev forums. I'm looking for a nice wishlist/feature set for what should be in a possible JBossSeam IDE. I am hoping that most of th...
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    last modified by mculpepper