• Generate taglib.tld using JBOSS Eclipse IDE 1.4.1.e30

    I have spent a lot of time trying to get the .tld file generated from my tag lib Java source. 1) in project properties, XDoclet Configuration, I have a config for my generation. A webdoclet is defined and contains a ...
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    last modified by maxfgh
  • JBoss IDE Development Update Url

    When I attempt to install the JBoss IDE M2 build using the update url from the above stickie, I only see the M1 build. Is it on a different URL, or not updated yet?
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    last modified by bpoweski
  • Plugin cookbook

    I spent some time going over the plugin cookbook over vacation. Under eclipse 3.1 I had the following issues in the indicated sections: 3.2 Create the Plugin - Without using a template there is no project.xml creat...
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    last modified by starksm64
  • Nightly builds

    The current nightly builds (url hopefully soon to be released) has issues with the hibernatetools build - mainly because it doesn't seem to fully build the dependent hibernate jars etc. to remedy that I have simply j...
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    last modified by maxandersen
  • JAAS fails with centain min/max memory setting in Jboss 3.2.

    Hi I am using Jboss 3.2.5 as a application server and run into the following issue and need help. The JBoss bootstrap that is used to launch the server app can be modified to specify the minimum and maximum size of ...
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    created by sunshine_2005
  • Integation issues of JBoss 4.0.1s1 and Eclipse 3.0

    Hi, I have installed JBoss and Eclispe in my "C:\Program Files" for some business needs. While configuring the Home directory for JBoss in Eclipse (as C:\Program Files\jboss-4.0.1sp1) and debugging, i am getting this...
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    created by ksudhir.sethi
  • CVS repository

    Where can I access the CVS repository? I couldn't find any reference to it in the forums, documentation, or anywhere else. -Dan
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    last modified by dwatling
  • Out of Memory error with "Run XDoclet"

    Does anyone know how to change the (heap) memory settings for Ant processes that Eclipse launches? I've got a rather huge XDoclet/EJB project and suddenly it's gotten to the point where "Run XDoclet" gives an error su...
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    last modified by willimur
  • JBoss Eclipse Download

    In the download of JbossSite < http://www.jboss.org/products/jbosside/downloads > I got the following Extracts. MY Question is:: What could i choose in following SIX options(All are 3.1M5a)? I have both JDK1.4...
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    created by smaniv
  • Problem integrating JBossIDE 1.4.0 with Eclipse 3.0

    Hi, I am trying to integrate Eclipse3.0 with Jboss4.0.1-sp1 I have installed Eclipse 3.0 allready and according to the site that is specified http://docs.jboss.org/jbosside/install/build/en/html/installation.html I a...
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    created by raviupasi
  • FIBO tutorial

    Hi; Can someone please explain why Eclipse is reporting a fatal error for the first line in the index.html file per page 24 on the tutorial: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> And ...
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    last modified by natgross
  • XDoclet can't generate home and remote Interface

    I am trying the Fibo example on JBoss-IDE Tutorial Guide, after I configured the XDoclet follow the instruction, it didn't generate any home or remote interface, I checked all my configuration, they match the instruct...
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    created by w18666
  • WTP 0.7M5 api broken

    so, WTP M5 seem to have change stuff so now xml editors doesnt work (at least not by default ;) See https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=102688 for details (p.s. its stuff like this that makes it hard for u...
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    created by maxandersen
  • JSP Compilation does not follow Java compilation preferences

    I love the work done so far on the JBoss IDE for Eclipse, however I noticed a drawback to the current JSP compilation option. It does NOT appear to use the error/warning/ignore preferences for the Java builder. For ex...
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    last modified by arvoreen
  • suport for eclipse 3.1M7+

    Jboss plugin does not work with eclipse 3.1M7. According to Eclipse team problem is with statusDialog that is no longer part of the eclipse build. The error is: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/eclipse/jdt/intern...
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    last modified by sirmyth
  • unzip jbossIDE 1.5 for installing

    Hiiii i'am gabry my question how i can installate jbossIDE 1.5 in zip bundle? i have exctracted it in the directory whereis eclipse but nothing :( (from the software updates i received an error during installatio...
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    last modified by civillini
  • Cannot enter closing brackets with German keyboard

    After installing the JBoss Eclipse IDE (1.4.1e30), Eclipse (3.0.2 on Windows XP) stopped accepting closing brackets (square and curly). I.e. I cannot enter them from the keyboard, but using auto-completion when I ent...
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    last modified by drhok
  • xdoclet can't create  servlet mapping in web.xml

    i useJBossIDE-1.4.1-e30,and i use a servlet call ejb as tutorial,but xdoclet didn't creat servlet mapping in web.xml ,i find error in eclipse log as this:: !ENTRY org.jboss.ide.eclipse.xdoclet.assist 4 0 ??? 10, 2005 ...
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    last modified by jzp1974
  • jsp compile in jboss eclipse ide

    Hi i have to cmpile jsd in jbosseclipse ide .how to do that and what r the things need to be configured.already added tools.jar .thanxs in advance
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    created by somsahi
  • Reporting tool

    Hi, Long time viewer, First time poster, ;) I am currently looking for a web based report designing tool that is easy enough to pick up. I would like to be able to embed the tool into my current application which is a...
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    created by delboy