• Google Protocol Buffers + Netty support

    Hi, Netty project has pretty good support for Google Protocol Buffers (protobuf). That is, if you describe a message format with a .proto file, protoc (protobuf compiler) will generate some .java files, and then you ...
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    last modified by trustin
  • Editing in visual pane

    For the html elements, you can edit the values of elements in the visual pane. I've been trying to achieve the same for some of my elements (mainly on, a label). Changing the children attribute on the template, the m...
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    last modified by kukeltje
  • Force full or partial update in vpe plugin

    Some of the elements I have, depend on values of other, not nested or parent elements. If I change one of these elements, I'd like to be able force an update of these dependend elements or a full update (like done bij...
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    last modified by kukeltje
  • executing javascript in vpe?

    Is it possible to include javascript in the generated visualdocument and have it 'run' like e.g. would happen on the 'onload' event? or any otherway? Or should I manually convert the javascript that runtime generates...
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    last modified by kukeltje
  • Class diagram MDA

    Have you evaluated Taylor MDA as a project to add to JBoss Tools? The idea is fantastic: MDA+SEAM+EJB+JPA in a class diagram, plus Use Case diagrams The problem is that it is vey buggy and lacks a lot of features. The...
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    last modified by paucarre
  • Can't compile Jbpm tool

    After configuring the build_local.properties properly ANT gives me an error: Buildfile: C:\Users\Pau\workspace\jbpm\builders\org.jboss.tools.flow.jpdl4.builder\build.xml main: -properties: -clean: [echo] Cleaning di...
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    created by paucarre
  • Incorporate Hibernate Search into Hibernate Tools idea

    Hi. I have an idea to incorporate Hibernate Search into Hibernate Tools. Of cause I'm intresting to get some feedback about it... What do you think? There are several propositions for startup: 1) Hibernate Cosole Cofi...
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    last modified by vyemialyanchyk
  • JBOSS AS Stopping

    Hi, in our Eclipse-based development environment we noticed that in the JBOSS Tools for Eclipse 3.3 there is still the problem (as is the same with the Eclipse WTP version) that when the JBOSS AS 4.2.2 is being stoppe...
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    last modified by wchico2
  • jboss IDE

    Iam using (1)jboss ide 2.0 beta version (2) jboss server 4.0 (3)Eclipse Can any one help the procedure for building a simple servlet application murali rao
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    created by bmuralirao1980
  • Re: Seam support in the JSP editor

    > From Gavin: > What do you guys think? > > http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBIDE-262 > > How hard is that to implement? Probably not insanely hard - biggest issue if we actually can scan the java...
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    last modified by maxandersen
  • Bug in the HTML editor using RIchfaces

    Hi, im developing portlets based Richfaces using JBossTools. ->facing follwoing problem: <a4j:portlet... which must wrap a xxx.xhtml file to get corrently rendered is not displayed in the JBossTools HTML editor...
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    last modified by welser
  • JBoss AS - Starting, Stopping, Polling in AS 5

    Currently, AS Tools executes run.jar and shutdown.jar respectively to start and stop the server. For polling, it loads the proper classes from the AS folder and executes a JMX call to find out if the server is up or n...
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    last modified by rob.stryker
  • Solve AWT problem using JBossTools Release 2.0 on Mac OS X 1

    Problem: After creating a seam project, open the ".xhtml" made problem: Unhandled event loop exception Can't start the AWT because Java was started on the first thread. Make sure StartOnFirstThread is not specified ...
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    last modified by sisepago
  • JBoss XDoclet Servlet 2.5 + JSP 2.1 support ?

    It seems like annotations came around and then everyone involved in every XDoclet system just stopped working on them. I've tried to rattle some cages on the xdoclet-devel list, from what I can see JBoss XDoclet Ecli...
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    last modified by dlmiles
  • palette and jbpm tags

    is there a way to add the jbpm facelet tag library to the jsf taglib palette? thanks.
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    created by koatto
  • RHDS and WebSphere

    Is there a way to have the features of RHDS for development and the WebSphere test environment like in Rational Application Developer together in the same IDE?
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    last modified by eeckmann
  • RHDS Source code build

    Hi All, I have downloaded the source code for RedHat Developer Studio from ftp://ftp.redhat.com/pub/redhat/rhdevstudio/beta/rhdevstudio-1.0-Beta2/rhdevstudio-1.0.0.beta2.source.tar.gz. Please let me know the steps fo...
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    last modified by mailtoagarg
  • Script for 3rd Party TLD import

    Hi All, Can I write a script that will automatically import a 3rd party TLD file in RedHat Developer Studio. Also since currently the TLD import doesn't iterate through all the tags, so can I automate the same by add...
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    created by mailtoagarg
  • xdoclet eclipse The currently displayed page contains invali

    Greetings, I'm using Eclipse 3.2.0 and JBOSS IDE version 1.6.0 . On windows. When I try to work with xdoclet <my project>->properties->xdoclet configurations I get an error message. "xdoclet eclipse The ...
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    last modified by wiley173
  • trouble installing JBoss Eclipse IDE

    When I tried to update Eclipse IDE with JbossEclipse IDE through Software Updates and the link http://download.jboss.org/jbosside/updates/stable I got an error message saying that I could not install ejb .I also canno...
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    created by aamirsyed