• JBoss IDE doesn't show JBoss server in debugging options

    Hi. I've been following the instructions on http://docs.jboss.com/jbosside/tutorial/build/en/html/, but when i get to debugging, there is no option called JBoss 2.4.x nor JBoss 3.0.x nor JBoss3.2.x nor JBoss 4.0. How ...
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    created by schoren
  • Server configuration not working ?

    hi i m developping on ** JBossIDE for Eclipse Version: 2.0.0 Build id: 2.0.0.Beta2 ** and it seems the server launch configuration doesnt work. I try to enable in the "JRE" tab the option "Workspace default JRE" bu...
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    created by attonnnn
  • Related to JBossIDE 2.0.0 EJB 3.0 Plugin

    Hi, I have written a Web Service (stateless session bean) using EJB 3.0 (using JBoss 4.0.5) using JBoss IDE release 2.0.0. I want to view the SOAP messages using TCP/IP Monitor which are sent/received by client. Ple...
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    created by anudeep20
  • Problem with JBOSS IDE

    Hi! I try the Tutorial of JBOSS IDE but it doesn't work like the example. 11:31:28,578 INFO [Server] Starting JBoss (MX MicroKernel)... 11:31:28,578 INFO [Server] Release ID: JBoss [WonderLand] 3.2.5 (build: CVSTag=J...
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    created by regisba
  • JBoss 4.0 Server Adapter Runtime not working

    Hello, I have severe problems with the JBoss 4.0 Server Adapter Runtime in JBoss Eclipse IDE 2.0.0Beta2. a) it is about 4 times slower during startup than the Eclipse WTP JBoss Runtime configuration b) it eats up my...
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    last modified by tknerr
  • Better support for portlets

    Hello, can we expect better support for Portlet development in the next releases? Currently I am missing Portlet creation wizards and the inclusion of the portlet-doclet. I have tried the Eclipse Portlet Plugin, but...
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    last modified by tknerr
  • how do i change the fonts in the design of netbeans mobile a

    ??? thanks
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    created by mihaia2002
  • how do i change the fonts in the design of netbeans mobile a

    ??? thanks
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    created by mihaia2002
  • ERROR [MainDeployer] could not create deployment

    there's anybody can help me , why this error come out and give some explanation on it here the error : 11:50:08,531 DEBUG [SARDeployer] Unregistering service UCL=jmx.loading:UCL=4aa0ce 11:50:08,531 DEBUG [UnifiedLoa...
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    created by walkaline
  • Invalid byte 2 of 3-byte UTF-8 sequence in GPD / Eclipse

    Hi, I try to use GPD to create a workflow definition. Some of the node names are expressed in Greek. When I edit the processdefinition.xml (manually or through the GUI), saving this file tries to update gpd.xml and he...
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    created by tmanolat
  • Failed to create new jboss debug configuration in Eclipse

    Hi, I have latest Eclipse (3.2.1) and installed jboss eclipse IDE 2.0 Beta 2. Now I tried to createa new jboss debug configuration in Eclipse by going to "debug...", selecting "jboss 4.x" and clicking "new", nothing ...
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    last modified by ah6511
  • bug?! I can't run a webservice client, netbeans works...

    Hi, I get this error message: Exception in thread "main" java.rmi.RemoteException: Call invocation failed: Could not transmit message; nested exception is: javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: Could not transmit message ...
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    last modified by smilidon
  • JBoss5 integration

    A thread to discuss integration between the ide and jboss5. The main 3 levels which with the ide will need to integrate are: - vfs - a simple read-only virtual file abstraction. It does have a simple link notion that...
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    last modified by starksm64
  • JUnit testing in Ant scripts - using container services WebS

    How can JUnit be used in an ANT script (inside the IDE AND from a standalone OS prompt) to run tests against code that needs container services such as WS deployment and / or persistence ejb's. ie: perhaps all that is...
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    created by fbadt
  • PostgreSQL 8.1 JBoss-IDE HQL-Editor does not work

    Hi, i use postgresql version 8.1.3 with jdbc-Driver postgresql-8.1-407jdbc3.jar, JBoss IDE 2.0.0 for the Hibernate Tools with the jdk1.4. This jdk i have to use! In my hibernate.cfg.xml i set the driverclass, passwor...
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    last modified by jdepping
  • Tutorial 1.2.2 Deployment problem

    I know this has been discussed but I am not sure I have seen an answer. Here is my configuration. Fedora Core 1, Eclipse 2.1.3, JBoss 3.2.3, Jboss-IDE 1.2.4. Below is the portion of the log that shows the deployment e...
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    last modified by brad0258
  • Build failed

    I am new with JBoss Eclipse IDE and try to learn it by making the tutorial example. When starting XDoclet in tutorial phase 5.8 I always get same error message: BUILD FAILED java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: x...
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    last modified by vmnokso1
  • WAS: Hibernate Tools not forward compatible with WTP (@hiber

    WAS: Hibernate Tools not forward compatible with WTP (@hibernate tools forum) Everything is better said from the original forum article: http://forum.hibernate.org/viewtopic.php?t=962374 http://opensource.atlassian....
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    last modified by dlmiles
  • JBossSeam IDE proposal

    Thomas Heute has forwarded us a proposal for JBossSeam IDE.. I've posted the proposal as an attachment to a JIRA task here: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBIDE-337 Opening this thread for discussion..
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    last modified by mculpepper
  • Class not found on 'tutorial.ejb.FiboBean' error

    Hi, working through the tutorial I am getting this error. Can someone please help. thanks. Warning: The Bean Provider must specify the fully-qualified name of the Java class that implements the enterprise bean's b...
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    last modified by sysuser1