• New on-demand exports available from http://docs.jboss.org/author

    Hi, The JBoss Community Team are proud to announce new on-demand export features for the Project Documentation Editor: http://docs.jboss.org/author   We've introduced new export plugins with customized JBoss C...
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    last modified by velias
  • JBoss Community announces http://search.jboss.org/

    As of Thursday 10th May 2012 the JBoss Community Team are proud to announce our new search engine:   http://search.jboss.org/   This allows you to easily search across mailing lists at http://lists.jboss.o...
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    last modified by lvlcek
  • JBoss Community Search FAQ

    General Questions What is search.jboss.org? Why are we developing it? What can we expect in future releases? Can you index my content? Using  search.jboss.org Which content is searchable vi...
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    last modified by lvlcek
  • JBoss Community Search Help

    Searching... Query language Named fields Using the Web  Interface Filtering Result sorting and Instant search Document preview Conversation thread (experimental) Supported Browsers ...
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    last modified by lvlcek
  • JBoss Community announces enhancements for the "Content approval" feature in http://docs.jboss.org/author

    Hi,   The JBoss Community Team are proud to announce an upgrade of the Project Documentation Editor's "Content approval" feature based on users' requests: http://docs.jboss.org/author   We've introduced c...
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    last modified by velias
  • JBoss Community announces FishEye upgrade to the latest version 2.7

    Hi,   The JBoss Community Team are proud to announce the upgrade of FishEye (http://source.jboss.org) to the latest version 2.7. This brings a lot of new features and improvements compared to version 2.5 that we...
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    last modified by velias
  • JBoss Community announces SSO for jboss.org

    Hi,   The JBoss Community Team are proud to announce the rollout of SSO for jboss.org.   Applications/domains involved in the SSO login are: community.jboss.org (SBS) issues.jboss.org (JIRA) docs.jboss....
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    last modified by velias
  • Download Module v2 - Requirements

    Overview  Our objective is to automatically display downloadable files to users browsing http://downloads.jboss.org/<project> while providing a way for Project Teams to place custom content on the download...
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    last modified by newtonm
  • JBoss Community announces changes in jboss.org Maven repository

    Hi,   following this Sonatype press release and Sonatype recommendation from our comminication, we removed artifacts hosted  in java.net Maven repository from public group of jboss.org Maven repository, bec...
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    last modified by velias
  • Limited discussion visibility when replying

    I just now replied to a poster's question and realized that only the message I was replying to was showing, and not the entire discussion as in the old forums. This is a major inconvenience because usually earlier pos...
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    last modified by peterj
  • Better ordering on index of community page?

    Hi,   Currently the index page of the JBoss Community (http://community.jboss.org/index.jspa) lists a great deal of projects. Some are listed beneath JBoss AS, some are grouped within their own heading like serv...
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    last modified by henk53
  • JBoss Community announces Magnolia upgrade - New templating kit

    Hi,   The JBoss Community Team are proud to announce the upgrade of Magnolia CMS templates engine to the new Standard Templating Kit module.   With this upgrade we introduce a much requested fluid design t...
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    last modified by unibrew
  • JBoss Community announces enhancements for Project Documentation Editor

    Hi,   The JBoss Community Team are proud to announce the upgrade of the Project Documentation Editor to Confluence 3.5, which brings a lot of improvements.   http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/DOC/Con...
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    last modified by velias
  • JBoss Community announces JIRA upgrade to the latest 4.4.1 version

    Hi,   The JBoss Community Team are proud to announce the upgrade of our JIRA instance (http://issues.jboss.org) to the latest version 4.4.1.   This new version brings lots of improvements, see http://confl...
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    last modified by velias
  • How can I delete my user account?

    I would like to delete my account on JBoss.org (trying to rationalize things!), can you tell me how to do this?   thanks Geoff
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    last modified by anon-816571
  • Deleting user account

    Is there a way to delete a user account, in the absence of not being able to renaming the username?
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    last modified by trungie
  • JBoss Community announces enhancements for Project Documentation Editor

    Hi,   Following user feedback on the Project Documentation Editor (https://docs.jboss.org/author) the JBoss Community Team are proud to announce the availability of the following enhancements:   1) DocBook...
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    last modified by velias
  • New Forums-Tested Browser OS

    Please record in the table below the browser/OS combination you're using to test the Clearspace 2.5.14 forums at http://community.jboss.org along with links to any JIRA issues you create:   Browser Browser Versio...
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    last modified by cheyenneweaver
  • JBoss Community announces new Magnolia paragraphs and SBS RTE bugfix

    Hi,   Following a couple of releases last week the JBoss Community Team are proud to announce a couple of new paragraphs for Magnolia:   Project Team - http://www.jboss.org/help/projectpageguide/paragraphg...
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    last modified by lkrzyzanek
  • JBoss Community announces SBS-JIRA integration and new Twitter/JIRA paragraphs for Magnolia

    Hi,   Over the past week the JBoss Community Team have improved the integration of SBS and JIRA by importing over 7,000 links from the JIRA 'Forum Reference' field into the SBS 'Related Issues' widget in corresp...
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    last modified by lkrzyzanek