• WebSocket EndPoint CDI scopes

    I want to use SessionScoped on WebSocketEndpoit and an observer method that should access the session. Please share if anybody used custom SessionScope on WebSocketEnd point and how it is done? Came across this projec...
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    last modified by sekhart
  • Weld SE application lifecycle detecting stop

    I have created an app using weld se. The application provides some service and therefor it runs until stopped (ctrl-c).     The documentation says much about starting and bootstrapping but nothing about shu...
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    last modified by dermoritz
  • Wildfly and CDI Bean Manager Injection and lookup

    I see that I cannot do a lookup of cdi BeanManager in wildfly 9.0.2. Here how I do the lookup and the injection in a simple servlet sample:   import javax.enterprise.inject.spi.BeanManager; ....   @Inject...
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    last modified by sviluppatorefico
  • WELD and HibernateValidator - ConstraintViolations always reported as "text/plain".

    Hi,   I am running WELD 2.3.1.Final inside Tomcat 8, along with RESTeasy 3.0.13.Final and Hibernate Validator 5.1.3.Final, and I have discovered that constraint violations from Hibernate Validator are always bei...
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    last modified by chrisjr
  • CDI Tutorial: "Cloud Tutorial - CDI in a Day"

    Hi everyone,   we just finished our CDI tutorial called "Cloud Tutorial - CDI in a Day". You can find it for free at: http://www.turngeek.press/cdiinaday/ In our Cloud Tutorials, we make use of modern technolog...
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    last modified by marcus.schiesser
  • Exceptions during @PostConstruct are quietly ignored, but lead to failures later

    I am seeing a problem with Weld 3.0.0 Alpha10 where if a runtime exception is thrown from within an @PostConstruct method on an @ApplicationScope bean, the exception is never reported and the bean instance fails to be...
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    last modified by lstreepy
  • How can i get ServletContext before Container fire BeforeBeanDiscovery or AfterTypeDiscovery or AfterBeanDiscovery

    I want to  initialize something using ServletContext before AfterBeanDiscovery. For example i want start spring container before cdi start up and voted some spring bean in Extension.   I changed some code...
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    last modified by heyoulin
  • NPE in JandexFileSystemBeanArchiveHandler using Weld 2.2.14 on vmware tcserver

    Hi all,   We have got an application that is running ok on a Tomcat 7 instance. When we try to deploy that application on a vmware tcserver instance, the application throws an exception:   15-Sep-2015 15:0...
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    last modified by leo.mekenkamp
  • Weld 2.2.10 efficiency vs webbeans

    I have recently switched from using webbeans to the weld version 2.2.10. I have an application that repeatedly pings a servlet. I have found that the overhead on the application when running weld is 24% higher than wh...
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    last modified by katheris
  • WARN [localhost-startStop-2] (Validator.java:443) - WELD-001440: Scope type @javax.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped() used on injection point

    Hi   I've looked through the source code and the docs and it's unclear what the WARN message:   WARN [localhost-startStop-2] (Validator.java:443) - WELD-001440: Scope type @javax.enterprise.context.Applica...
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    last modified by coaic
  • Application built with weld-core and weld-servlet controlling WELD logging level

    I have an application deployed to a standalone Tomcat 7.0.62 server the application is built with weld-core and weld-servlet. I'm unable to change the logging level from DEBUG. I have the following on application clas...
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    last modified by coaic
  • Disabling WELD 2.3.0.Final for a particular servlet inside an embedded Tomcat.

    Hi,   I have an Arquillian test that wants to run 3 WARs inside an embedded Tomcat container. Only one of the WARs uses WELD (2.3.0.Final), and yet org.jboss.weld.environment.servlet.EnhancedListener executes fo...
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    last modified by chrisjr
  • Has rawType handling changed between CDI 1.0/1.2?

    So I'm reviving an old CDI 1.0 based application that I was running using weld and javase, and I'm seeing differences with how producer method are being matched up. The one case that no longer works involves a produce...
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    last modified by starksm64
  • Instance.destroy() actually destroys the underlying bean for @ApplicationScoped instead of the proxy

    To dynamically inject instances of an interface, we are using code similar to the following:   @ApplicationScoped public class SomeCDIBean {     @Inject @Any     private Instance<...
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    last modified by joshuak
  • Interceptor in filter and servlet not working in weld-2.2.16.SP1 and apache-tomcat-8.0.26

    Hello!   I am trying to use interceptors and not Filter.doFilter nor HttpServlet.doGet is intercepted. The interception is fairly simple, just as in examples everythere (@Logged).   @Inherited @Intercepto...
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    last modified by huksley
  • @WithAnnotations does not check interfaces for ProcessAnnotatedType

    In Hibernate Validator we have created an extension to validate the parameter of a method called.   The extension looks like this:   public class ValidationExtension implements Extension {     ...
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    last modified by davided80
  • Weld 2.3.0.Final

    Announcement: http://weld.cdi-spec.org/news/2015/09/18/weld-230Final/ Download: http://weld.cdi-spec.org/download/
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    created by mkouba
  • Do I need to explicitly release a contextual JDialog created with CDI?

    - Weld 3.0.0.Alpha13   Suppose that MyDialog extends javax.swing.JDialog. Consider this code:   MyDialog dialog = CDI.current().select(MyDialog.class).get(); dialog.setVisible(true); dialog.dispose(); &#...
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    last modified by marcos_aps
  • Registering a Bean dynamiclly

    Hi, i came across this issue , i have a system that loads jars dynamically (on run-time), once a jar appears on a specified folder i load a class which implements a pre-defined interface using classLoader, i want t...
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    last modified by asafbennatan
  • Weld 2.3.0.CR2

    Download: http://weld.cdi-spec.org/download/ Release notes: https://issues.jboss.org/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=12310891&version=12327253
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    created by jharting