• Install Oracle XE on Fedora

    This document describes how to install Oracle Database 10g Express Edition on Fedora Linux 12. It may be useful for later versions as well. Download installation packages Install RPM Configure database ...
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    last modified by aguizar
  • JGroupsVIEW_SYNC

    Definition  The VIEW_SYNC protocol (which is useful only in JGroups versions 2.8 and earlier and should not be used in versions 2.9 and later) causes group members to periodically exchange their view of group me...
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    last modified by ekuns
  • MTU

    Message bundling accumulates messages in the transport until m bytes have been accumulated, or n milliseconds have elapsed, whichever comes first. In UDP, message bundling can be enabled with the following properties...
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    last modified by ekuns
  • GoogleSummerofCode2011GettingStarted

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    last modified by manik
  • TestsuiteTroubleShooting

    Testsuite errors and possible resolutions  Where in the TS is the test XY run? See TestCaseTargetAndServerMapping Problem: Most of my tests are failing  Possible cause & solution: You are having port co...
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    last modified by ozizka
  • Create JAXWS  Endpoint With POJO Class

    JAX-WS APIs support for creating a jaxws service endpint starting from an annotated POJO class. POJO classes in a legacy system or in the current application can be annotated with web service annotations to be publish...
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    last modified by asoldano
  • Create JAXWS Endpoint From A WSDL File

    This tutorial shows you how to create a webservice starting with a WSDL file. This web service developing approach is also known as top-down method and implies using the JBossWS implementation of the JAXWS command lin...
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    last modified by asoldano
  • TestingJBoss

    Testing Cluster Formation with JGroups  When JBoss nodes cannot find each other, it is best to start at the bottom of the stack, and test this with a simple JGroups program first. We will use the org.jgroups.dem...
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    last modified by wdfink
  • How can I access a datasource from a client

    How can I access a DataSource from Outside of JBoss (from a client)?  In JBoss-3.2.x you cannot, DataSources are not exposed remotely. There is an implementation of this in JBoss4. I would not recommend this ant...
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    last modified by jaikiran
  • EmbeddedJBoss

    Note: This implementation is retired. For an Embedded API to JBossAS 6.0.0.M1+, please see: JBoss Embedded AS     Embedded JBoss  The focus of Embedded JBoss is to be able to run the JBoss 5 Kernel an...
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    last modified by sflanigan
  • JBossHAJNDIImpl

    HA-JNDI Implementation  Overview   The JBoss AS Clustering Guide contains an HA-JNDI chapter,  describing how to configure and use HA-JNDI.  This document supplements the material presented there...
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    last modified by smarlow
  • JBossMessagingPerformanceResultsPre1_0_1_RC4

    Here are some more results. A full set including persistence and transactions should follow shortly.     This is really just to give a basic idea of performance and is not meant to be conclusive or rigorous...
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    last modified by jbertram
  • Install Sybase ASE on Fedora

    This article documents how to install ASE 15.0.3 on Fedora Linux 10. It may be useful for later versions as well.   See also jBPM3 on Sybase   Preinstallation tasks Install required packages Incre...
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    last modified by aguizar
  • WS-CDL to Scribble translation

    This article will be exploring the relationship between the WS-CDL choreography description language, defined by W3C and implemented by the pi4soa open source project, and the Scribble protocol notation.   The v...
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    last modified by objectiser
  • JavaWebStart - Client jars

    List of JARs need to deploy whithin your Java WebStart(JWS) client, using EJB. Those JARs will be found at $JBOSS_HOME/client   JBoss AS 5.0.1.GA: http://diego-pacheco.blogspot.com/2009/05/jboss-501ga-ejb3-mave...
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    last modified by acdesouza
  • UseJDK5JConsole

    Using the JDK5 JConsole JMX Console The jconsole utility that ships with the Sun JDK5 provides a new level of VM information. The configuration of jconsole is discussed here: http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/guide...
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    last modified by pomcompot
  • HudsonUpgradeProcess

    Upgrade in Test lab for Hudson Production Hudson Upgrade Mime-type mappings (move to a separate page along with the backup, copy, mod and del information) Secure login and authenticated user sessions ...
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    last modified by akostadinov
  • JBossWS - Native User Guide

    This page covers features available in JBossWS Native stack only. Please refer to the common user guide for a basic introduction to JAX-WS programming as well as documentation on all features, tools, etc. the JBossWS ...
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    last modified by asoldano
  • JBossWS - Release procedure

    We have commited ourselves to a release cycle of eight weeks per minor release in jbossws. To improve the predictability of releases we follow the following rules: The Release Cycle The Release in JIRA The...
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    last modified by asoldano
  • JBossWS - Articles and specs

    J2EE-5.0 Web Services Specifications J2EE-5.0 - Java2 Enterprise Edition Specification (JSR244) WS4EE-1.1 - Enterprise Web Services (JSR921) EJB-3.0 - Enterprise Java Beans (JSR220) JAXWS-2.0 - Java API for ...
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    last modified by asoldano