5 Replies Latest reply on Aug 2, 2004 9:59 AM by briforge

    ClassNotFoundException : org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFac


      Trying to get EJBs working with JBoss for the first time. Yes, I've read the Getting Started docs. I've also been googling and scouring forums for a couple days on this. Going crazy, any help would be much appreciated.

      I'm using Eclipse 3.0 and JBoss 3.0.8 (why? because it's a project requirement; I dunno beyond that)
      I've deployed the EJB jar to JBoss and am trying to run JUnit test via and ant script. All of this was packaged and given to me so it's supposed to work already, I just have to configure my environment correctly. So it's an external client trying to use the EJBs on JBoss.

      My jndi.properties file, which is located in /jboss/server/myserver/conf/, is:


      is it supposed to be


      And my client code snippet :

      Hashtable environment=new Hashtable();
      environment.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "localhost:1099");
      namingContext = new InitialContext(environment);

      I've added the jbossall-client.jar and jnp-client.jars to my Ant runtime classpath via the Window->Preferences->Ant->Runtime in Eclipse. I think I've added them to the appropriate compile classpaths, but this looks like a runtime classpath issue, doesn't it?
