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    Identity/Access Management/SSO UseCases


      ---------2009 Update--------------
      http://www.jboss.org/index.html?module=bb&op=viewforum&f=305 is the location for "JBoss Identity User Forum"

      Currently, JBoss has support for SSO as:
      a) SSO across all webapps in a particular Host (Apache Tomcat behavior)
      b) SSO across all webapps in a cluster (JBossWeb/JBossCache offering)

      Apart from this there is support for Ldap integration via the LdapxxxLoginModules from the JBossSX framework

      I want to hear from users what usecases they have in the arena of Identity Management including WebSSO, User Provisioning, Federation etc.

      Please do share some of the usecases you have in your environment. Refrain from providing any company specific details, which will be boring and may sound legal alarms for you.

      Here is a rough outline of what you can post here:
      1) How do you handle SSO in your environment?

      2) How do you do User Provisioning - Password Maintenance, Account Maintenance etc?
      - Is the user information stored in a central ldap or across distributed data stores (ldap/db etc).
      - Do you use any kind of homegrown gui -webapp/ vendor tool to do user management?

      3) Do you use federation with other websites outside your company, with your customers/partners etc?

      Please feel free to add as much detail as you wish.

      The objective behind this exercise is to see if we can enhance our security layer in the JBossAS to provide support for some of the usecases, you guys have.


      My Blog: http://anil-identity.blogspot.com

        • 1. Re: Identity/Access Management/SSO UseCases

          I have an external authentication through Apache using the spnego protocol (automatic authentication with Kerberos of a user that uses Internet Explorer inside an Active Directory Domain). I need to create the user principal using the REMOTE_USER http request header supplied by apache.

          • 2. Re: Identity/Access Management/SSO UseCases

            Our team's main need is really an enhancement to jBoss's existing SSO, that is to handle SSO across multiple hosts on the same domain. A simple example would be abc.sample.com and xyz.sample.com. I understand that JOSSO is capable of this, but it does not appear that it works with 4.0.3 as of yet. Plus, a built in solution would be preferrable to configuring a third party.

            Aside from that, you existing modules handle all our needs.

            • 3. Re: Identity/Access Management/SSO UseCases

              To allow your use case of abc.sample.com and xyz.sample.com requires a simple change to Tomcat's AuthenticatorBase class -- the addition of an "ssoCookieDomain" property that if set would override the current "/" domain with "sample.com". This property would best be set in the SingleSignOn valve class, but it's AuthenticatorBase that issues the cookie, so that class would have to be changed as well to access it.

              Submitting a patch for that to Tomcat is on my to-do list; if anyone in the community wants to do it that would be most appreciated :).

              • 4. Re: Identity/Access Management/SSO UseCases

                Brian, if there is a way I can help, I'd be more than happy to do so.

                • 5. Re: Identity/Access Management/SSO UseCases

                  General Question for everyone:

                  What Identity Management solutions do you currently use? Siteminder?

                  • 6. Re: Identity/Access Management/SSO UseCases


                    "david.l.small" wrote:
                    Brian, if there is a way I can help, I'd be more than happy to do so.

                    Thanks much for the offer!

                    Just checked the Tomcat code and it looks like the needed patch was implemented in 5.5.13. (See http://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=34724). 5.5.12 is the last stable TC release, so it's what's integrated in JBoss. Typically a JBoss release includes the latest stable release from TC, so the next JBoss version after TC issues another stable release should have this functionality.

                    If you want to discuss any more about the details of this, let's open another thread so we don't hijack Anil's :-)

                    • 7. Re: Identity/Access Management/SSO UseCases

                      Brian, this is great news. I'll keep a lookout for the next jBoss release.

                      Anil, sorry for hijacking your thread. I have used SiteMinder and I can safely say that I MUCH prefer jBoss's authenitcation/authorization mechanism. It is simple to configure (without all the SiteMinder policy files) and simple to setup authorization with built-in J2EE configuration.

                      • 8. Re: Identity/Access Management/SSO UseCases

                        David, no question of hijacking the thread.

                        True ubiquitous comprehensive authorization framework is difficult to achieve. Policy based architecture is just one way towards that goal. Most probably we will go the XACML way.

                        Given this, I am interested in seeing what 3rd party software JBoss users used for IDM. Siteminder was just an example.

                        • 9. Re: Identity/Access Management/SSO UseCases


                          We had come across multipe times for the need for session sharing among multiple web apps (usually modules of the same app in separeate wars in same ear). If this feature is present as a configurable item, then it will be very useful.

                          thanks and regards,

                          -- Kannan.

                          • 10. Re: Identity/Access Management/SSO UseCases

                            Dear gang,

                            I have recently completed some work in this area that may be of interest. In my environment, users can be authenticated (in the web domain) by the presence of a specific cookie generated by an centralized authentication web application (i.e. the IDP). I had no involvement in development of this IDP. My only concern was to develop a way to allow us to use it to authenticate users so our applications do not have the security risks associated with authentication. Once user has authenticated and cookie has been validated, we have an internal authorization realm that can authorize user.

                            In order to use this service, I ...

                            a.) created a custom Tomcat Authenticator
                            b) extended the JBossSecurityMgrRealm
                            c.) developed custom LoginModules that either authenticated to cookie, or authorized the user.

                            If anyone is interested in more detail let me know. Also, I would like to be considered for any help needed in this area. In the mean time I will start looking into what has already been done.

                            thanks, cgriffith

                            • 11. Re: Identity/Access Management/SSO UseCases

                              There's an open JIRA task for adding a sharable session type: see http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBAS-1909

                              • 12. Re: Identity/Access Management/SSO UseCases

                                Re: the feature request to add a sharable session type, Chris informed me the JIRA issue I referenced wasn't public (thanks, Chris!). I've created a new public JIRA issue for the same thing: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBAS-2861 .

                                • 13. Re: Identity/Access Management/SSO UseCases


                                  What we need at our site is an interceptor intercepts requests to multiple web applications. This in combination with the SSO feature of tomcat so that we don't have to build a login screen for every application we deploy.

                                  I have the assignment to build this component for our department because as far as I know this is not possible right now. Any idea on how to do this or anyone who is working on the same issue?

                                  Joris Wijlens

                                  • 14. Re: Identity/Access Management/SSO UseCases

                                    Did you consider using https://opensso.dev.java.net. It is a full fledged WebSSO project. It does have JBOSS agent for SSO and policy.

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