3 Replies Latest reply on Oct 23, 2009 7:35 PM by rareddy

    Admin Port in Teiid Server

      In my previous workings with MetaMatrix, one of the aspects of configuration was assigning port numbers. Due to the idiosyncrases of my customer environment, we have specific port ranges that we are allowed to use.

      What this comes down to is: how can I re-assign the admin port number in the server from 31000 to some other value? I can't find any documentation in either the PDFs, the wiki pages, or the deploy.properties file.


        • 1. Re: Admin Port in Teiid Server

          Look for "server.portNumber" in the deploy.properties

          • 2. Re: Admin Port in Teiid Server

            Ah. There it is. My bad. Skimmed through the file like five times and still missed the line.


            In a more general topic, is there any additional documentation on the deploy.properties file than what's in the file? What's there is not very descriptive.

            • 3. Re: Admin Port in Teiid Server

              Sorry, that is it. We want this file to be self documenting so that we do not miss any configuration and we are always up to date.

              If you want to supply a patch for descriptions it will surely help us out. We felt the descriptions were good, obviously that is not the case. We do not want them to be too verbose where it makes difficult to read. If you are up to it, create JIRA and attach your patch to it.
