10 Replies Latest reply on May 14, 2003 11:30 AM by jonlee

    JDJ Poll


      Anyone notice that BEA closed the gap in one day? Maybe they had the staff take off a few minutes from "innovating" to vote.

        • 1. Re: JDJ Poll

          how big was the gap?

          • 2. Re: JDJ Poll

            yesterday was over 320 difference. Websphere has hardly moved at all.

            • 3. Re: JDJ Poll

              it is the second time they do this.

              we were leading by 300 then they 'sent a memo' and went back to 150 in one day and then we pulled back to 300 and then they sent another memo and we were down to 1 (!!!!!)

              at the moment of this post it is back to 30 :) and in a couple of weeks we should be back to 300.

              I don't think asking your company to vote is illegal by JDJ :) so eventually BEA could get ahead by getting the cleaning lady to vote.

              So it goes, we will win it

              • 4. Re: JDJ Poll

                Darn! They're now ahead by 100. Darn those cleaners!!

                • 5. Re: JDJ Poll

                  OK. Now how did the JBoss vote drop to 390?

                  • 6. Re: JDJ Poll

                    390? now try 385. The fix is in. I guess JBoss Group doesn't spend enough money advertising in sys-con publications.

                    • 7. Re: JDJ Poll

                      It would seem they've fixed the problem with the voting. Not sure what's going on over there.

                      • 8. Re: JDJ Poll

                        BEA leads again. But I think the JBoss numbers have been higher (!) before than now. Do they have some "cleaning" process running that kills duplicates or such ?

                        Anyway I wonder who is voting for BEA. I can't find a single link from BEA's website to the voting site. Just some very old posts in their newsgroups. What is going on there ?

                        • 9. Re: JDJ Poll

                          the serverside effect I suppose.

                          • 10. Re: JDJ Poll

                            More like the randomizer effect. ;) Now they're leading by 300 at 3200. Darn they have a lot of cleaners. :P