9 Replies Latest reply on Feb 22, 2007 10:29 PM by starksm64

    Build System Meeting Agenda for Feb 15


      Progress Since Previous Meeting

      Created generic parent pom called jboss-parent. This name was chosen based on what other maven based projects are using.
      Updated the jboss-common pom.xml files to use the new parent, and inherit from their project parent (build/pom.xml).
      Updated jboss-microcontainer pom files to use the new inheritance structure.
      Created pom.xml for jbossretro - checked in to cvs.
      Created pom.xml for jboss-test - checked in to svn. Created pom.xml for javaassist - This was sent to chiba for review
      Created a basic jbossretro maven plugin - still needs more testing.
      Talked to IT about creating a snapshot repository - Eric said it will take some time before we can deploy to the snapshot repository via scp or sftp For now, we can check into svn similar to the way that we are doing now.
      Researched maven antlib for using a shared repository - An easier option might be to add configuration to the maven build scripts that can deploy to both repositories.

      Topics to discuss

      Snapshot repository - Is the snapshot repository a good idea, and how should it be
      1. Use scp or sftp to transfer the files to snapshot repository
      2. Copy the files to a local folder and commit via cvs/svn

      Do we want nightly builds copied to a snapshot repository?
      1. We could let developers create snapshots on an as needed basis.
      2. Create nightly updates and allow as needed updates.

      How do we make the switch to maven?
      Set up nightly maven builds.
      Deploy these builds to the maven and non-maven repo.
      Find out if there are problems with other projects that are dependent on these projects.

      Release process with Maven
      The current jboss common wiki has a manual step of committing the tag.
      The maven release plugin can be used to tag the release and update the pom.xml files.
      Can we use the maven release plugin with jboss common?

      To Do List By Next Meeting

      Set up nightly cruise control builds for common, jboss-test, and micrcontainer.
      Finish jboss retro maven plugin and create a profile for building retro jars
      Create a roadmap for mavenization of jboss app server
      Create a maven plugin to generate the non-maven repository distribution (component-info.xml, etc).